2017-02-01 06:08:12
>> #153775
supersmasher2020 said:
*Accidentally damages necklace* ...shit. Uhhh...I DIDN'T DO IT!

supersmasher2020 said:
*Accidentally damages necklace* ...shit. Uhhh...I DIDN'T DO IT!

Uhh yes, you did!!! You
2016-12-23 01:20:56
>> #145814
*Accidentally damages necklace* ...shit. Uhhh...I DIDN'T DO IT!
2016-12-22 00:40:48
>> #145604
Very nice pic! I hope you have a great and happy Christmas yourself. ^^
2016-12-21 21:23:16
>> #145548
2016-12-21 20:47:50
>> #145542
StepfordCrimson said:
Floating disembodied penises and a hypno necklace are fantastic gifts to get on the holidays~

I would think just the hypno necklace would be fine. :o
2022-02-24 10:42:43
>> #459733
Awww, well, thank you for the present! I didn't have the money to get you anything, honestly, so I came up with a foolproof gift! I'm sure you will love it!

Okay, just stand right here and...Mwah! One big holiday smooch, just for you. Hehe, did you like that? I can tell by the look on your face. Would you like another one?

Okie Dokie, Here you go, since you were so sweet about it. Mwah! Oops, hehe, I might've left a big lipstick mark with that one. Not that you seem to care much anyways, look at you, all frazzled from my kisses. How about a third kiss?

Well, if you insist. Mwah- There we are, it's perfect! I bet if you could think straight, you'd be a little scared, huh? Don't worry though, I just decided to get myself a little something for the holidays too. You're lucky I picked you, now you get to enjoy my kisses~

Speaking of which, MWAH- There's a big one for you. Awwww, you look all tuckered out, are my kisses really that exhausting? Well, I'll tell you what. One more kiss, and you won't have to worry anymore. You can come home with me and take a nice, long nap in my bed. Seems like you're ready for it, alright then. Here you are. MWAH~ Now then. Follow me, my cute little present~
2017-12-08 00:15:56
>> #217800
this is Suzuya from Kantai Collection.
2017-12-08 00:10:52
>> #217799
hypnoslave1095 said:
All I want for Christmas is for this to happen to me

2016-12-29 07:22:50
>> #146903 something I would like......... just cuz
2016-12-25 06:17:30
>> #146219
mmmmmm I got a kiss trigger, and it is basiclly to get pleasure, I cummed by the fifth kiss already ;o
2016-12-22 00:32:53
>> #145603
vahn_yourdoom said:
her official(japanese) name is vampy :3

But we use western naming convention here though
2016-12-21 21:52:17
>> #145558
vahn_yourdoom said:
her official(japanese) name is vampy :3

Ah, wasn't aware :0
2016-12-21 21:51:54
>> #145557
RedCollarBlackCollar said:
1. Shouldn't we change her character name tag to Vania instead of Vampy...?
2. I feel like I should post the pics here of Celia as officer vs her as the newly corrupted avatar at one point in the game...

her official(japanese) name is vampy :3
2016-12-21 21:36:11
>> #145552
1. Shouldn't we change her character name tag to Vania instead of Vampy...?
2. I feel like I should post the pics here of Celia as officer vs her as the newly corrupted avatar at one point in the game...
2016-12-21 20:24:02
>> #145540
That's a very good pose @.@
2017-01-06 07:52:23
>> #148636
So tell me, was there anyway we could have left with all of our party members?

I thought the writing was pretty good. Good luck with making your game!
2017-01-04 18:02:16
>> #148318
Really like the writing style. I look forward to that game :-)

Although I have to agree with Sirveaux. Running away is not what I envisioned when I chose to fight.
2017-01-04 03:44:15
>> #148205
This isn't quite what I had in mind when I voted to "fight" - I was envisioning a direct, violent battle against the obviously malicious monster, rather than trying to run away. In the end, I guess that just handing over Mylani would have worked better for us, but on moral grounds I stand by our decision not to do that intentionally.

(So I guess my feedback regarding Sothe and/or the final game development is that it should have been clearer that the option we chose was to push past, rather than to stand and engage.)
2017-01-03 23:24:19
>> #148158
So, we lost team member because we picked obvious trap. Sometimes submitting to then succeed is good idea, people >.< Mermaid encounter shown it well.
2017-01-03 07:17:26
>> #148035
Story's up. Give Sothe your thoughts on his writing. He's going to be one of the people helping me with making the actual game.
2016-12-21 18:32:08
>> #145523
Maybe Hazama was right...
2016-12-21 13:22:18
>> #145487
Decided to check out the source of the thing I posted just now.

Ah~ Platinum-chan is <3
2016-12-21 17:07:13
>> #145507
Could someone give me a crash course in the nightmare?
2016-12-21 08:16:19
>> #145469
Ouch, yeah, that'd definitely touch a nerve considering Luna's history with the Nightmare (even more so if slypon is keeping the Nightmare Rarity incident from the comics in mind).
2017-01-02 00:02:05
>> #147669
GrandDad said:
I wish there were more stuff like this with Rachel. Reducing godly beings into love slaves give me feelings.

Nah, not for me. I've been all for her being a dom on the Hub (especially in the case of Erika), so this is something I just can't get behind. Especially Bayonetta sub pics, those just feel so wrong... :/
2016-12-22 01:55:33
>> #145624
GrandDad said:
I wish there were more stuff like this with Rachel. Reducing godly beings into love slaves give me feelings.

Gosh, do I know this feeling well. I absolutely love that sort of thing. Taking strong - otherworldly so, or otherwise - characters and making them submissive and horny is one of my biggest hypnotic fantasies of recent years.
2016-12-21 16:10:42
>> #145502
Shmecha said:
Valkenhayn is going to have a conniption when he sees this.

Ooo someone is using my minap as an avatar. Nice.
2016-12-21 09:33:17
>> #145473
Valkenhayn is going to have a conniption when he sees this.
2016-12-21 08:06:53
>> #145466
Found this treasure in my folders.

I wish there were more stuff like this with Rachel. Reducing godly beings into love slaves give me feelings.
Date Dec 21, 2016User KhreissyRating QuestionableScore 48(vote up)
2016-12-21 07:22:15
>> #145454
Now I want to see Hypno-Tan cosplay Alakazam @.@

Also would work for mustache hub with female alakazam having tiny mustaches *giggles*
2016-12-21 06:56:02
>> #145446
Awh thought was Trishbot for a moment XD
2016-12-21 07:52:48
>> #145462
while I love Shizune, this doesn't appeal to me very much
2016-12-21 06:48:20
>> #145444
another late night expecting shizune again.
2016-12-21 06:05:03
>> #145438
Umm...well, that's not bad for me.

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