2018-01-28 03:38:14
>> #230541
Pretty solid here. Shame that we don’t even know the artist yet for a whole year :(
2016-12-20 22:40:51
>> #145360
Found this in my computer. If anyone knows the artist it would be appreciated if they could tag it.
Date Dec 20, 2016User KhreissyRating QuestionableScore 77(vote up)
2017-03-04 06:30:43
>> #159478
Khreissy said:
She should know better, but she doesn't. Or maybe doesn't mind? 3/?

If this keeps up, she may not even have enough of a mind left to mind
2016-12-21 01:16:34
>> #145388
hypnofan100 said:
195 pics of experience and still falls for that? Either she is impossibly naive or this is the origin of how our good 'ol gal Hypno-tan got into this fetish.
(I prefer my headcanon personally)

I like to think she knows exactly what the trick is as soon as she saw the pendelum, but played along anyways.
2016-12-21 00:49:07
>> #145381
this is cute
2016-12-21 00:46:50
>> #145380
Keep going!
2016-12-20 23:26:33
>> #145365
Khreissy said:
She should know better, but she doesn't. Or maybe doesn't mind? 3/?

195 pics of experience and still falls for that? Either she is impossibly naive or this is the origin of how our good 'ol gal Hypno-tan got into this fetish.
(I prefer my headcanon personally)
Date Dec 20, 2016User KhreissyRating QuestionableScore 49(vote up)
2016-12-21 00:45:32
>> #145379
I want to see this fully coloured/detailed/etc.
2016-12-20 21:51:44
>> #145353
She should know better. part 2/?
Date Dec 20, 2016User KhreissyRating QuestionableScore 62(vote up)
2017-04-03 08:21:38
>> #165883
late to the party, but its pooled now
2016-12-29 06:30:27
>> #146887
Any possible pooling?
2016-12-20 22:30:31
>> #145357
Make the colors a bit darker maybe? I can barely see her.
2016-12-20 21:50:41
>> #145352
Doodled my own version of Hypno-Tan. Decided to mess with her.
2016-12-21 21:59:17
>> #145560 No film yet but the OST is out and it's really good.
2016-12-21 03:00:18
>> #145420
Sleepyhead97 said:
Seeing as the kizumonogatari part 2 BD is releasing tomorrow this past couple of days I've been drawing this kiss-shot sub pic to help pass the time. Hope you guys enjoy it! :D

oh shit it's coming out tomorrow? well it looks like i have something to do tomorrow.
2016-12-20 22:34:16
>> #145358
I get Homer Simpson vibes from this.
2016-12-20 21:30:59
>> #145349
Seeing as the kizumonogatari part 2 BD is releasing tomorrow this past couple of days I've been drawing this kiss-shot sub pic to help pass the time. Hope you guys enjoy it! :D
Date Dec 20, 2016User kwyjiboRating QuestionableScore 64(vote up)
2016-12-22 06:28:42
>> #145690
mez said:

2016-12-21 07:08:24
>> #145448
petkitsune said:
there's a story here... and I want it :D

I would hope so *giggles*
2016-12-21 02:57:41
>> #145419
Psi said:
can confirm u.u

Can also confirm. Taking the food of an Italian is a grave mistake.
2016-12-21 01:36:03
>> #145394
LordVrane said:
*Breaks the Hypnosis as soon he touch the bag of Pop-Corns*
You took food out of an Italian's hand?


can confirm u.u
2016-12-21 01:33:37
>> #145393
Coltsguy said:
*hypnotizes LordVrane and takes their popcorn*

*Breaks the Hypnosis as soon he touch the bag of Pop-Corns*
You took food out of an Italian's hand?

2016-12-28 12:57:57
>> #146734
ZeldaIsHot said:
Even if furries have been, Pokemon hasn't.

And even then, I assume most furries wouldn't have sex with an actual animal.

Porn is porn. It exists for its own sake, LOGIC BE DAMNED!

So just stop worrying, and fap/jill away.
2016-12-28 09:31:12
>> #146699
Cowsinner said:
Im more concerned with giant spike growing out of her jobs require way too much sacrifice now...

I never considered that....Man I don't think it'd e worth it.
2016-12-28 09:29:07
>> #146698
Cowsinner said:
Im more concerned with giant spike growing out of her jobs require way too much sacrifice now...

I'd much rather not think about that, thank you very much... *shudders in horror*

Though, in all honesty, if that were the case, many Pokemon would look kinda weird...
2016-12-21 02:49:57
>> #145415
Im more concerned with giant spike growing out of her jobs require way too much sacrifice now...
2016-12-20 20:23:39
>> #145344
ZeldaIsHot said:
Real talk, can we imagine for a second that Pokemon did have genitalia (or at least, visible genitalia) especially in the case of the more humanoid Pokemon, wouldn't that raise some concern? For a few reasons, namely the fact that having a nude Lucario, like the one presented above, walking around a city behind a trainer may be a bit of an issue. Perhaps they'd fashion clothes for Pokemon for that reason? Not sure. Just seems a bit off when Pokemon are depicted like this.

Furry porn is not realistic or logical by any stretch. Pokemon has a lot of humanoids with simple, easily replicated, and memorable designs. They're widely known, and can be extremely off-model and still instantly recognisable.

Fetish porn generally exists in its own compartmentalised bubble.
2016-12-29 11:07:17
>> #146925
In Russia Pony clips to you
2016-12-20 17:58:55
>> #145330
MeloMan said:
Erm... Do you need a translate for that? Can provide.

This is already a translation IIRC
2016-12-20 17:08:21
>> #145326
Erm... Do you need a translate for that? Can provide.
2018-08-30 05:38:26
>> #278303
JoeTheBo said:

Nah sorry, we dont sell those here.

Oh yeah and once again Kurata was a sucky villain.
2017-09-16 01:03:35
>> #198848
HypnoHammer said:
Kurata from Data Squad.

UGH, Kurata was an utter joke of an excuse for a villain. Annoying, stupid, and forgettable.
2017-05-15 03:14:23
>> #175333
hypnofan100 said:
Etemon shouldn't have appeared once -_-
But you know is worst villain? Cherubimon......challange me on this I dare you

Kurata from Data Squad.
2016-12-20 17:56:06
>> #145329
Imasuky said:
Could be worse....Could be Etemon

Etemon shouldn't have appeared once -_-
But you know is worst villain? Cherubimon......challange me on this I dare you
2016-12-20 16:52:53
>> #145323
hypnofan100 said:
Jesus, they can't bring down this fucker, can they?
Heck, canonically this guy already returned twice. Just stay dead already. Take a hint.

Could be worse....Could be Etemon
2016-12-25 06:35:22
>> #146222
HAHA! F#&% you Takumi!
2016-12-21 12:19:16
>> #145483
I'll let this one pass based on the explanation Apple gave.
2016-12-21 08:49:03
>> #145471
AngelGrace said:
Could be a hypnotic song, but it's hard to tell.

In the game her song is occasionally used to control others to a degree (spoilers for all three routes and some of the DLC below):

She is shown to be able to sing an audience full of soldiers into a relaxed, even trance-like state. In another route, her song is shown to be able to sap the energy from a listener, which she uses to stop the leaders of two armies from fighting long enough for the main character to try and talk them down.

Additionally, she serves the role of the game's dancer—albeit as a Songstress. Her singing can inspire a character on the battlefield, allowing them to move twice in a turn. Although previous iterations of the role, like Olivia from Awakening, haven't really had any implications of magic around their signature ability, it's a bit murkier with Azura, especially given that:

She confirms in the game that the song only has power when someone with her family's power Siings it while wearing the necklace her mother passed down to her, and although her son can sing the song (Matt Mercer voices him and does a great job singing!) he cannot Sing to give his allies an extra turn as his mother can without the pendant, or use the song for any other purpose other than just as something nice-sounding to sing.

The Song is so powerful that the fourth verse is likely to kill the one who Sings it... heck, in two out of three of the paths in Fire Emblem Fates, Azura uses the Song to weaken the final boss, but disappears quickly afterwards (in one route, you just assume she wandered off, in the other, you watch her literally disappear bit-by-bit before your eyes. And she didn't even sing the fourth verse in that one!). So, yeah, there's definitely some power in that song.

Then there's the fact that the song was written by a dragon who was slowly losing his mind and soul, who wrote it addressed to his future child and designed the song and the pendant specifically to ensure that his close friend, a Singer of immense power, could calm him down at his worst and most mindless.

I don't know if she could keep any of those properties if she changed the wording of the Song as she did here, though, or if the melody is enough for dealing with Takumi, which wouldn't surprise me as:

The story of this manip is implied to be set during an alternative version of the Conquest path, wherein Corrin sides with xir adopted family in Nohr against xir 'real' family in Hoshido, including Takumi, it might not have taken much. Takumi ends up corrupted and eventually fully possessed in that route.

He spends an inordinate time shouting in that route, as well..

tldr; It's very, very plausible, and Takumi's a grump.

(*somewhere, off in the distance, a sound almost like a faint bellow of "NOHRIAN SCUM!" can be heard...or perhaps merely imagined*)

Also, here:

<<|Here's the full, original English version of the song as sung by Azura/Rena Strober.>>
<<|Here's the Matt Mercer (voicing Shigure, Azura's son) version for good measure.>>
<<|Dancing cutscenes, both the English and Japanese versions.>>
2016-12-20 19:17:27
>> #145334
If Takumi is the one saying the song bit he could be mantra hypnotized. The "my pillar will crack beneath your weight" especially make it seem like him, but its hard to tell since the text is the same.
2016-12-20 17:12:54
>> #145327
just need to redo the script a little, that's all. especially the backstory in those first two paragraphs

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