2017-01-03 20:43:21
>> #148121
MasterCore35 said:
Don't doubt yourself, you are great at what you do. ^^

Wouldn't mind seeing that reaction~ ;3

would be nice :3
2017-01-03 20:38:21
>> #148120
Mixx54 said:
did this really quick so i know its not that good

Don't doubt yourself, you are great at what you do. ^^

pokemongirl said:
Mind Gone...Boobs Out... *giggles*

Wouldn't mind seeing that reaction~ ;3
2017-01-03 08:00:57
>> #148042
Mixx54 said:
did this really quick so i know its not that good

It's okay, still fuckable
pokemongirl said:
Mind Gone...Boobs Out... *giggles*

I'm begining to wonder what's your preference...
2017-01-03 05:29:14
>> #147993
Mind Gone...Boobs Out... *giggles*
2017-01-03 02:32:49
>> #147931
also if you guys are interested we are having a party in the stream doing some xmas raffles even if theyre late
2017-01-27 07:24:44
>> #152876
where can I find more comics (not out anymore) on other websites?
I remember there was one on 8ch but got deleted. Any other websites???
2017-01-03 02:01:54
>> #147910
DouDile said:
Where did your find this?

Ah sorry I have a bad habit of forgetting to put the source in it's there now.
2017-01-03 01:59:03
>> #147908
Sleepyhead97 said:
A sequel to a really old post on here. I'm surprised no one else has uploaded this.

Where did your find this?
2017-01-03 01:49:37
>> #147906
Woooo...1002 Jimryu pics? Congratulations?
2017-01-03 01:30:02
>> #147899
A sequel to a really old post on here. I'm surprised no one else has uploaded this.
2018-01-09 11:10:36
>> #226356
Hawkeye said:
It's weird how despite having actual sexual mind control powers, Kurumu is the mind control VICTIM in most of the pics of her on this site.

Sometimes a sex demon has to learn her place~
2018-01-09 06:28:37
>> #226304
It's weird how despite having actual sexual mind control powers, Kurumu is the mind control VICTIM in most of the pics of her on this site.
2017-01-04 11:52:32
>> #148278

The option to delete the post is gone...
2017-01-03 12:38:39
>> #148083
abithig said:

Dunno what happened, but it seems that one sentence slipped through the cracks. I'd love to recommend a spell checker, but after writing so much, I've generally found that I know when I've misspelt something, and usually just search Google for the correct spelling. Doesn't help when looking for typos, but Google is pretty good at figuring out what you mean when you paste a typo in. All that said, if you're planning to continue making manips, it may be more beneficial for both you as well as everyone reading them if you ran them by a proofreader in the future. I'm sure one of the regular, fluent English speaking members here would be more than happy to help.

That's actually what I did in this version, as I typed it directly in to Photoshop. A manual/Google spell check. I used to be able to see when I misspelled something, guess I lost my spelling-spidey-sense.

Ah well, back to typing things in to MS Word first, then moving it to Photoshop.

And once again, for any who missed it, I uploaded a spelling-corrected version ( ), and will be deleting this one some time tomorrow at some point.
2017-01-03 10:49:12
>> #148069
abithig said:
I'm sure one of the regular, fluent English speaking members here would be more than happy to help.

I'd be willing. I used to offer free assistance on an old, no-longer-existent forum as a proofreader and (human) spellchecker. Been 8 years since that forum was around, so if you ask me what it's name was, I'd have a lot of difficulty answering.
2017-04-17 00:00:59
>> #168758
Pinkanator said:
Well it's everything tagged as Seb's art, so yeah.

Sweet. Added character tags for all the ones I know immediately. Forgot Hypno-tan though as she appears in the site's banner
2017-04-16 23:59:45
>> #168756
Riley said:
I just noticed in the background, the two newest images - those are the sebastian sequence I commissioned aren't they

Well it's everything tagged as Seb's art, so yeah.
2017-04-16 23:50:15
>> #168753
I just noticed in the background, the two newest images - those are the sebastian sequence I commissioned aren't they
2017-01-03 22:31:59
>> #148150
DaisyHypnoCharm said:
When I read that, I've re-watched all the pics you posted, and indeed, except Kaa and Ulrich, there is no male.
You are almost 100% yuri ^^.
Men always find a way in...

Well... *looks at own body* Technically, there's no way I can be 100% yuri. But yeah, you say men always find a way, I just don't really like watching other guys get the babes I want. ^^'
2017-01-03 21:43:53
>> #148139
Anon_3.141 said:
I presume that's why there's so little of Ulrich that's visible?

Pretty much, though I did originally imagine Emily being raised up a lil, but when Seb drew this pose, I liked it how it really implied that Emily was slowing down to toy with Ulrich.

PaperCrease said:
thank you for not commissioning the male form, i have a similar dislike for it. also thank you for commissioning this series in general, it's amazing and i love it.

Everyone has their tastes, and strangely, this series really explores the limit of what I can enjoy on that front. My tastes don't stretch to futa, but sex-crazed, leather clad, bondage dominatrix women with huge strap-on dildos are apparently right up my ally... wait... ^^'

In any case, I'm glad you're enjoy XANA's conquest.
2017-01-03 00:41:06
>> #147891
About time this comic continued~ Can't wait to see more~

And a good way to start off the new year, good job Sol~
2017-01-03 00:00:48
>> #147883
I don't even like Saw and yet I'm making a reference somehow. Oi vei.

Please let me know your thoughts.
2017-01-02 23:53:34
>> #147878
It's baaaack... Happy 2017 from X.A.N.A.

The 'Corrupter' font is my doing, wanted to give a little distinction for the speech of a slave. Everything else is Seb and dang did he do a great job once again.
2017-01-19 00:22:48
>> #151252
Honestly did she really think her plan would work? Not only is her plan waaaay too....impossible...she also tried messing with Hypno-Tan.
2017-01-03 05:36:46
>> #148000
Mr.H said:
I wouldn't trust anything served at a Hypno-Tan party to be honest.

Neither do I but it would be too much fun not to try everything *giggles*
Mister Vi
2017-01-03 05:23:10
>> #147990
DrgnmastrAlex said:
Hypno maids, yeeeh~

^ this
much cute
2017-01-03 01:31:02
>> #147900
RedCollarBlackCollar said:
Very cute.
Oh, and thanks for the nice stuff you've been putting out. Look forward to seeing more of whatcha got in store :3

I second that idea, new art for the hub is always apreciated, especially when it has a touch like yours~

If you need help with text feek free to hit me up~

2017-01-03 01:18:33
>> #147896
Maid outfit... I was expecting the bunny girl-type route. Still very cute.
2019-01-31 04:39:14
>> #301911
2017-01-03 05:33:13
>> #147996
Even with basic simple sketches AVSD is wonderful *giggles*
2017-01-02 23:29:02
>> #147871
2017-01-02 22:46:22
>> #147866
Don't taunt us like that!
2017-01-03 01:33:51
>> #147901
Apple said:
What was this even flagged for? This is great!

Basically, the person who keeps flagging this believes that an artist shouldn't be allowed to post a new pic if it doesn't have more time and effort put into it than the last pic they posted. It's the most entitled thing I've ever seen on this site.
2017-01-02 23:59:43
>> #147882
AuburnHamster said:
The fucking moderation flag though. Jesus christ some of this site are entitled little shitheads.

What was this even flagged for? This is great!
2017-01-02 23:48:06
>> #147874
AuburnHamster said:
The fucking moderation flag though. Jesus christ some of this site are entitled little shitheads.

2017-01-02 23:47:15
>> #147873
The fucking moderation flag though. Jesus christ some of this site are entitled little shitheads.
2017-01-02 23:28:29
>> #147869
Awesome work from Dolphin again!
2017-01-07 03:36:38
>> #148733
Mister Vi said:
nice eye change, always nice to see more best girl on the hub too.

Thank you
2017-01-07 03:36:36
>> #148732
Mister Vi said:
nice eye change, always nice to see more best girl on the hub too.

Thank you
Mister Vi
2017-01-05 06:37:15
>> #148459
nice eye change, always nice to see more best girl on the hub too.
2017-01-04 23:01:15
>> #148359
Vanndril said:
While this may be resized, it's not the first time we've allowed resized manips on account of there not being a full sized version of the manip.

So it's fine and can stay up?

2017-01-04 22:59:11
>> #148358
Well crap I didn't expect a stupid post that I made to spark this

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