2017-01-04 00:51:16
>> #148168
YouAreARobotNow said:
As I suspected, it's a copy from danbooru.
Knowing that, my best guess is that there was some kind of glitch due to the filename they uploaded having the hash already in it ( to 404'd

That shouldn't be an issue. The software converts the image name to its MD5 hash. The hash already being part of the filename shouldn't get in the way of that. But who really knows, I guess.

It's not the first time a post was uploaded where the actual image file was never actually uploaded despite the thumbnail being successfully made. I'll have to keep an eye on the original filenames if I know the sources to see if it really is a naming issue.

I'll fix this manually.

Edit: Done.

Now, more importantly, I'm not very familiar with the source. so... Can anyone explain how this is MC?
2017-01-03 00:40:21
>> #147890
I was worried my computer fucked up or something
2017-01-02 21:02:12
>> #147845
As I suspected, it's a copy from danbooru.
Knowing that, my best guess is that there was some kind of glitch due to the filename they uploaded having the hash already in it ( to 404'd
2017-01-02 20:43:06
>> #147841
I would normally say that perhaps the image file isn't valid, but given how the thumbnail is still up, I have...little clue how that works.

Honestly, extremely puzzling
2017-01-02 20:35:15
>> #147838
Congratulations Zementblock, you broke the site.

What I'm confused about is "how". I mean that's a ridiculous amount of tags, most of which are unofficial and should be removed (done now), but that shouldn't be causing this to happen...

Also the thumbnail is still showing up so the flag shouldn't result in removal quite yet.
2017-10-03 10:14:20
>> #202205
I like it. Its cute. And ill favorite it, since you did the same for me
2017-01-06 02:41:38
>> #148607
Banjooie said:
having seen a lot of korean television there frankly isn't always a difference

wait really?
2017-01-03 07:36:12
>> #148039
skullman2033 said:
oh i know, i was just making a joke about how blizzard seems to confuse E-sport celebrities with Pop idols
having seen a lot of korean television there frankly isn't always a difference

2017-01-02 22:14:29
>> #147863

Heart eyes are an accepted form of indication for mind control, and D.Va doesn't canonically have heart eyes so it's probably okay.

oh i know, i was just making a joke about how blizzard seems to confuse E-sport celebrities with Pop idols
2017-01-02 21:34:42
>> #147852
Blitz said:
someone here mind tagging this up for me couldnt find source since friend just simply sent it to me lol

You can use google reverse image search and/or <<|SauceNAO>> if you wish to look for sources in the future.

skullman2033 said:
knowing D.Va this isnt mind control. she probably just has heart eyed contact lenses

Heart eyes are an accepted form of indication for mind control, and D.Va doesn't canonically have heart eyes so it's probably okay.
2017-01-02 21:51:59
>> #147860
Awh so cute *giggles*
2017-01-02 18:49:46
>> #147828
Well according to the story that came with the picture this is the father from Yotsuba. Safe to say it caught me off guard a bit when I discovered that.

Story here - “So, explain to me how he ended up hanging from the ceiling fan again.”

Fuuka took a deep breath. Ever since a bizarre accident had left Yotsuba’s father Yosuke as a diaper dependent young girl, the Ayase household had gotten more than a little strange. Even now, as the middle sister of the Ayase household carefully urged the dad-turned-preschooler off of the ‘fun-spinny-swingy-thing’ and carefully grabbed her by her middle to haul the dazed little daredevil over to the couch, Fuuka had to admit this wasn’t even the strangest thing all week. “Well? One of you must have an explanation.”

The three remaining girls looked at each other. The eldest, Asagi, piped up. “So, you know how we’ve been playing fun and educational games with little Yosuke there, to guess her new clothing size-”

“You mean the bribes, barely disguised threats of blackmail and tricking of Yotsuba, all to get Yosuke in as many baby outfits and dresses as possible?” Fuuka rolled her eyes. Of course it had started this way. “Yes, I can recall, funny enough. Honestly, I’d say I don’t know how you get away with it so often if I didn’t know Mr. Koiwai was such a doofus even before the transformation.”

“Hey! Ms. Ayase had all those baby clothes, we had to use them up or they’d end up haunted!” The littlest of the trio, Yosuke’s adoptive daughter Yotsuba, piped up. “Asagi said so! If you don’t dress a cute baby in old clothes, the clothes wake up and look for one! And daddy’s a cute baby now!”

Wincing, but managing a grin, Asagi nodded. “Ahahaha. Right. Isn’t that right, Fuuka? Everyone knows that!” Fuuka sighed. Of course they’d roped Koiwai’s impressionable daughter into this. Even now, Yosuke had slipped out of Fuuka’s grasp, toddling around in a pink baby dress and lifting it up to reveal a clean, white disposable diaper. Normally Yosuke would insist she didn’t need them, and was a perfectly responsible adult, even in ⅓ scale. Seeing her parade around and show off while doing the Hokey Pokey was more than a little weird. “You put your right foot in~ you put your right foot out~ you put your right foot in, and you shake it all about~”

The girls stared at this in amazed silence. Fuuka cleared her throat, and pointed. Her expression basically said ‘Mystery Still Unsolved. Interrogation Continues.’ This time it was Ame, the youngest Ayase sister, who spoke.

“Well, Asagi’s cajoling had stopped working, and we were going to leave Mr, uh, MISS Koiwai alone after that, until Yotsuba showed up with a mail-order magic set. It came with a little hypnotic pendant, and of course Yotsuba wanted to show her Daddy what a great magician she was.” Ame coughed, as Fuuka stared in disbelief.

“You mean it actually WORKED on her!?”
“We were as surprised as you are! She seemed totally disaffected by it at first, and we figured she was just playing around to please Yotsuba, but then we started to realize that we couldn’t quite stop her from ..well, this.”

“I’m the princess of padding and poultry! BAWK BAWK BRAAWK!”

The girls had to stare at Yosuke again, marveling at how off the deep end she’d gone.

“Well, is there a way to wake her up?” Fuuka asked, unable to stop starting at the diapered little girl doing the chicken dance.

“Oh, sure! We tested it out, and it brought her back no problem.” Asagi smiled, then looked away, her grin a little awkward. “..So since we knew we could bring her back, we, uh, hypnotized her again. And told her she was different things every time.”

“A chicken.” “A magical shoujo heroine!” “A fashion model.”

Fuuka blinked. “Wait. HOW many times did you re-hypnotize her?”

Asagi started counting on her fingers. Then she got a calculator. The three went into a huddle.

“Um. Enough times that she grabbed the jump rope over there, used it as a grappling hook and swung from the fan, proclaiming herself Magical Fashion Chicken Crinklepanties. And that’s where you came in.”

They watched as Yosuke spread her arms out, did a little startup march, and zoomed across the room, skirt flapping up to show a flash of white as she toddled across the room. “Super Diaper Plane awaaaaayy!” With a happy squeal, Yotsuba ran alongside Yosuke, copying the pose-the two of them bonking headfirst into a wall.

As they both fell, one made a squishing noise. Two sisters yelled “NOT IT,” as a strong, unmistakable and sadly familiar scent filled the air.

Fuuka groaned and rolled her eyes, picking the prone, swirly eyed Yosuke up. “Come on, Airplane Princess or whatever. Time to unload your cargo hold.”

Yosuke giggled, squirming as a little dollop of drool formed on her lips. “I’m a preeeeetty airplaaaane.”

“...Of course you are, sweetie. Of course you are.”
2017-03-18 19:33:39
>> #162412
hinata's foot under his @//////@ <3 <3 <3 mmhhhpp!!
2017-01-02 18:36:16
>> #147827
now that's what I call couples therepy, boyfriend/girlfriend couple therapy and couple sisters therapy
2017-01-04 05:08:29
>> #148220
Poketizer said:
I want to thank you for your Support and I'm already excited to see some fanart :) . And I have some ideas how the "Showdown" will end.

I'm happy to be here. After all, you're one of the few people that was able to strike my strings for Sylveon straight on.

Came for the Sylveon, stayed for the series.

Anyway, happy really fuckin late new year and I hope your 2017 is just really awesome.

[spoiler] Fair warning though, I am absolute shit with drawing Sylveon. -w- So, I have a lot of references to look up.
2017-01-03 11:27:05
>> #148072
XavierBro-13 said:
Welp. When you like something, draw fanart. Because this series is actually pretty damn good and I'm kind of excited to see what happens between Furret and Sylveon. Still rooting for Sylveon though. :3 If I'd give my mind to anything, it'd be her, which alone shows how much I like this series since I'm[always wanting to be the dom. So good job on that front. ;)

And guess what? Again, your series is most likely going to be my first fanart of another user's series for 2017. So just give yourself a pat on the back for creating something this frickin amazing.

I want to thank you for your Support and I'm already excited to see some fanart :) . And I have some ideas how the "Showdown" will end.

2017-01-03 03:31:07
>> #147952
Welp. When you like something, draw fanart. Because this series is actually pretty damn good and I'm kind of excited to see what happens between Furret and Sylveon. Still rooting for Sylveon though. :3 If I'd give my mind to anything, it'd be her, which alone shows how much I like this series since I'm[always wanting to be the dom. So good job on that front. ;)

And guess what? Again, your series is most likely going to be my first fanart of another user's series for 2017. So just give yourself a pat on the back for creating something this frickin amazing.
2017-01-02 21:34:42
>> #147851
AngelGrace said:
Are we going to see a rivalry between two doms?
Followup question: Can I do a spinoff?

1.I'm a bit unsure
2.Of Course! Do it please :O
2017-01-02 21:13:41
>> #147848
Are we going to see a rivalry between two doms?
Followup question: Can I do a spinoff?
2020-05-09 10:37:57
>> #368306
Hey thanks for making this it's very fun my fav ship darling-kun and tio get along as well. hmm i hipe i can read more and more. thank u very much.i really enjoy it. : )
2019-07-13 12:55:43
>> #326671
Oh god I want to be in his place
2017-01-02 21:49:43
>> #147857
*giggles* very lovely @.@
2017-01-02 19:37:18
>> #147835
Voidgolem said:
This is GREAT. Fantastic piece of manip goodness.

If you don't mind me asking, do you think you will continue this by Tio hypnotizing the other girl for "Darling-kun" to impregnate? That could be awesome!

A funny potential twist could be Centorea also having hypno-boobs, but were too knightly to use them, however, with Tio stealing her Master she goes on the war path and "Darling-kun" is reduced to the rope in a hypno tug-of-war, along with the girls. And then conclude it all in a hypno battle for the right to be the rightful wife and nr. 1 girl in the harem.

Just an idea, but again, this is VERY good.

I actually thought of that idea. That's why I made it like that to hint that it can go on. But there are alot of factors I need to take into consideration.
1) I need to see if making this a series will generate enough love. If I make some sort of battle or simply making darling mate with everyone would take quite some time and lots of pics for the series. After the initial burst as we move from one girl to another people might just loose interest. But if I get positive feedback and there are a handful of you guys who wanna see it, I might make it happen. Can't say if it will be a long series or short one which brings us to nr. 2
2) Good source. I normally don't like to be... sloppy. In order to make this I need to find material. of darling and the other girls. If there is no art out there that comes close or let's me combine 2 or 3 pics to get what I need I won't be able to make it happen.
3) Patience from you guys. Real life becoming a bit more busy starting this year till around february so for a few months stuff will go slow.

But let's focus on nr. 1 right now and see how you guys feel about it. After a day or 2 I'll check the number of votes up and my PM's and see if worth making this a series or not
2017-01-02 19:08:21
>> #147830
This is GREAT. Fantastic piece of manip goodness.

If you don't mind me asking, do you think you will continue this by Tio hypnotizing the other girl for "Darling-kun" to impregnate? That could be awesome!

A funny potential twist could be Centorea also having hypno-boobs, but were too knightly to use them, however, with Tio stealing her Master she goes on the war path and "Darling-kun" is reduced to the rope in a hypno tug-of-war, along with the girls. And then conclude it all in a hypno battle for the right to be the rightful wife and nr. 1 girl in the harem.

Just an idea, but again, this is VERY good.
2017-01-04 00:48:42
>> #148167
Regarding the flag reason: Eh, the text is fine. If it were meant to be a part of the image, that would be one thing, but the text is basically a watermark. Many watermarks tend to be obtrusive. Except in extreme cases, they don't really work their way into quality control concerns.
2017-01-02 15:42:01
>> #147809
I working on a Jungle Background soon But I hope you like it so far.
2017-01-06 19:43:00
>> #148675
Nice to see some stuff of you again! Love the flat boot design, the futa not so much sadly.
2017-01-02 17:42:34
>> #147821
lasci_me said:
Yeah, Real Life™ has been overtaking me for a bit

Well, it's good to see you're still around. :)
2017-01-02 16:04:37
>> #147814
AuburnHamster said:
Lasci_me is back! :D and with futa!

Yeah, Real Life™ has been overtaking me for a bit
2017-01-02 13:04:26
>> #147802
Lasci_me is back! :D and with futa!
2018-02-09 21:50:43
>> #233314
Still a favourite
2017-07-15 04:59:13
>> #187842
who is "sir psyche"?
2017-01-02 16:29:08
>> #147816
2017-01-02 12:55:56
>> #147801
2017-01-02 12:47:06
>> #147800
I kind of dig this art style.
2018-12-08 00:14:34
>> #293569
So I get how a person could be used as a stool, but a lamp? That one really, just...
2017-01-02 10:41:04
>> #147775
The plot thickens!

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