2017-01-02 04:23:52
>> #147714
A little something that I drew a while ago, but only just finished coloring in.

Sorry for the cheesy as hell text.
2017-03-12 11:53:35
>> #161027

Oh, wow. Certainly a beautiful picture, but...I must complain! I'm whiny. You'll get used to it~!

Where did those elf ears come from? An elf I am not! And my four sizes larger than it should be! Cmon, I'm not that small!..:c But! I do enjoy the holidays; very much! Snow is the prettiest! :) Even if I hate the cold...

Who's that hottie on the left though...? You should give her my regards...maybe send her my way! I do like a little chub... ;)
2017-01-02 08:40:04
>> #147758
It's a beautiful photo all the same. ^^
2017-01-02 02:53:03
>> #147707
A pic done by Mixx during the holidays. It seems Kaelin has returned to the hub to get a bit more festive with a particular hypnotic eye.
2017-01-02 05:43:52
>> #147725
Ooh, this is one of my favorites. It's a shame Blazy doesn't draw as often as she once did.
2017-01-02 01:54:20
>> #147696
Wow, this is an old one. Been on DeviantArt for a while.
2017-02-01 23:26:13
>> #153877
Ashura said:
Translate the words please?

Here's my try at it.

I guess I thought it would all be the same (Not sure about this. From the latter sentence, I think he's referring to the first vs second time of having sex with Sakura)

I hope you don't want to go yet, Des-kun, because this feels wonderful.

Ahh, the second time was even better!

What?! You-You [something about consciousness or senses]

*snaps fingers* Edit
2017-01-02 18:01:41
>> #147825
At last I can proudly say that I fapped to a Naruto manip written in Hungarian.
2017-01-02 13:37:22
>> #147804
Translate the words please?
2017-01-02 02:04:00
>> #147699
2017-01-02 01:30:24
>> #147688
Ok so here is the secund part of precious pic^^ and it's the least of them too
ehm... i was tried my best with editing i hope ya all liked it
2019-07-13 14:13:00
>> #326674
You don't need to split the different people speaking into different columns - there's plenty of space to have it in one column, and the colours make it clear enough who's talking...

Great manip though!
2017-08-19 06:40:00
>> #194196
Ahri doesn't eat people anymore.
"She had reservations about actions which never troubled her as a fox. She realized that she could not overcome the pangs of her evolving morality. In search of a solution, Ahri found the Institute of War, home of the most gifted mages on Runeterra. They offered her a chance to attain her humanity without further harm through service in the League of Legends."
I don't know if this means she has to stay there to maintain her humanity, or if she just had to be there for a while to complete her transformation.
2017-02-09 05:40:14
>> #155198
I'm always creeped out by ahri hypnosis, knowing what she does to her victims and all.
2017-01-02 00:42:56
>> #147685
LmaoBobobo said:
Care to list a few? I couldn't find any myself.

The word servant is spelled inconsistently. In the 5th paragraph it is spelled with a capital s where only one paragraph beneath it is spelled without.
I haven't found any else but I am not that good at spotting mistakes myself.
2017-01-02 00:11:21
>> #147672
For a first attempt, nice femdom caption. ^^
2019-06-08 20:59:38
>> #321881
. . .Three years, and NO ONE realized the Mega Man references.

(Unless Crimson's unavailable youtube video above was the Powered Up intro stage)
2017-06-19 09:26:54
>> #182716
a few months later, Karen has essentially become the Dan Hibiki of hypnohub
2017-01-19 00:18:35
>> #151250
...hey Karen.
2017-01-03 04:29:56
>> #147968
hypnofan100 said:
Wrong. Tan has just a lot of experience in all forms of enslavement and can resist them if need be.
(Then again why you would want to resist is beyond me)

Simple. She used that Resistance for once so she could get caught (along with her new 'friend' here) at the party (Along with said friend)
2017-01-02 07:54:52
>> #147751
This is pretty cute, hope we get to see more of Karen.
2017-01-02 21:00:48
>> #147844
Apparently 'all the way through' has 23 pictures. I dread to click that tag.
2017-01-02 12:36:40
>> #147799
Pastel-Daemon said:
And I've drawn it. :3c

It's one of those 'switch your brain off first' kinks.

Funny thing it wasn't your art I was thinking of, but I'm going to find that one now.
2017-01-02 12:33:39
>> #147798
Imasuky said:
2 girls 1 tentacle.....I've actually seen that though.

And I've drawn it. :3c

It's one of those 'switch your brain off first' kinks.
2017-01-02 01:43:18
>> #147693
SomeCallMeSalty said:
...I am both curious and disgusted at the same time.

A very fitting response.
2017-01-02 01:40:26
>> #147691
Imasuky said:
2 girls 1 tentacle.....I've actually seen that though.

...I am both curious and disgusted at the same time.
2017-02-08 02:02:24
>> #155032
skullman2033 said:
can i get just the gif of tio's bouncing with the spiral?

seriously i just need the gif
2017-02-07 04:22:40
>> #154892
can i get just the gif of tio's bouncing with the spiral?
2017-01-02 17:02:31
>> #147819
Funnily enough, a chapter in the manga portrays Tionisha with some kind of subconscious hypno effect. She's described as so warm and caring people just kind of go docile around her. Kimihito's terrified of falling into this spell around her during the chapter.
2017-01-02 04:12:00
>> #147712
anonplsno said:
Haven't seen this is it any good?

Bro you're missing out!
2017-01-02 04:02:25
>> #147711
pokemongirl said:
Mmmmm~ *jiggles her tits too*

Pics ot it didn't happen

DrgnmastrAlex said:
Tio is best girl, true. Such a girly girl, yet absurdly stronk. XD

Haven't seen this is it any good?
2017-01-02 05:39:06
>> #147724
Roxa said:
You really don't watch enough hentai then !

Hehe well not too surprisingly *giggles* So many love hypno stuff here to distract me from anything else XD
2017-01-02 05:08:25
>> #147720
Roxa said:
First commission of the year !

hmmm... How many on the last year? ;)
2017-01-01 22:40:35
>> #147651
pokemongirl said:
Don't know who this is but lovely first pic of the year Roxa *drools*

You really don't watch enough hentai then !
2017-01-01 22:29:46
>> #147646
Roxa said:
First commission of the year !

Way to start off the new year~ *clap clap clap*
2017-01-01 22:27:15
>> #147643
Roxa said:
First commission of the year !

Don't know who this is but lovely first pic of the year Roxa *drools*

2017-01-04 01:16:33
>> #148174
abithig said:
Man, talk about a bit of a double-standard here. you want all pokemon tagged as furry... except for the "human" pokemon?

Actually, I think he meant that he didn't want to blacklist the character from the Pokemon series that are humans. Like Misty, May, Dawn, etc. I took "human pokemon characters" to mean that.
2017-01-03 07:43:57
>> #148040
I just want to giggle softly every time I see people go 'I HAD TO LOOK AT SOMETHING THAT DID NOT MAKE MY PENIS HARD I HATE YOU SO MUCH'.
2017-01-02 14:19:44
>> #147807
abithig said:

Man, talk about a bit of a double-standard here. you want all pokemon tagged as furry... except for the "human" pokemon? News flash, there are no "human" pokemon. There are "human-like" pokemon, such as Mr. Mime, Gardevoir, Gallade, Hitmonchan, etc. But then, there's also Lucario, Lopunny, Hypno, Electabuzz, Mienshao, and Pangoro that are placed in that group by the creators themselves, all of which would more than qualify as "furry". So when it comes to Pokemon, it's kinda a matter of all or nothing. And while I'm up on this soap box, monster girls are completely different from female "pocket monsters?" Really? Jeeze, I can understand being ignorant of details of something you don't really care about, but at least try to have some grounds to stand on if you're gonna come into the comments acting all entitled to something as trivial as tags which are, by their nature, community-driven.

I think they meant huma chracthers like Misty
2017-01-02 14:17:54
>> #147806
Let's focus on what's important, everyone - finding the youtube link that's "The Bee Movie, but everytime someone says the word 'Bee' the viewer is put into a hypnotic trance".
2017-01-02 11:10:18
>> #147784
original_name said:
What..? This pokemon is probably more human like than it is a furry. Besides, don't make a fuss about it. If I saw scat on my frontpage I'd go in there, add the tag and be on my way rather than go into the comments and make a big deal about it. Especially if it would be debatable if it even deserves that tag.


whatislove said:
That would also end up blacklisting the human pokemon characters. Just tag your furry stuff properly and then there's no problem :)

Man, talk about a bit of a double-standard here. you want all pokemon tagged as furry... except for the "human" pokemon? News flash, there are no "human" pokemon. There are "human-like" pokemon, such as Mr. Mime, Gardevoir, Gallade, Hitmonchan, etc. But then, there's also Lucario, Lopunny, Hypno, Electabuzz, Mienshao, and Pangoro that are placed in that group by the creators themselves, all of which would more than qualify as "furry". So when it comes to Pokemon, it's kinda a matter of all or nothing. And while I'm up on this soap box, monster girls are completely different from female "pocket monsters?" Really? Jeeze, I can understand being ignorant of details of something you don't really care about, but at least try to have some grounds to stand on if you're gonna come into the comments acting all entitled to something as trivial as tags which are, by their nature, community-driven.

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