2016-12-31 21:30:24
>> #147448
Pastel-Daemon said:
I know a lot of people are either sick of or disgusted by hypno at this point but I wouldn't mind being in this situation tbh. Gimme the weird hypno dick.

Ex_Mastermind said:
People are sick of Hypno, but a bloody snake from a children's movie get over 1000 posts and growing?

2016-12-31 21:03:38
>> #147445
Pastel-Daemon said:
I know a lot of people are either sick of or disgusted by hypno at this point...

Yes. Mainly that ugly fucker with the big, pimply nose screwing a loli character was (finally) enough for me to blacklist this guy .____.
Ugh I hate just vaguely thinking about that pic...

Ex_Mastermind said:
People are sick of Hypno, but a bloody snake from a children's movie get over 1000 posts and growing?

Why dislike/hate on one, when ya can hate on both? :P
For anyone who does like Hypno or Kaa, I got nothing against ya; personally, I'm not liking either of em is all...
2016-12-31 20:58:20
>> #147444
pokemongirl said:
Um not to be the Pokegirl-nerd but I'm pretty sure that's Grace/Serena's Mom and not Bianca, Future Bianca, or Movie Bianca XD

dude, pokemoms are top notch.
2016-12-31 20:38:10
>> #147439
Um not to be the Pokegirl-nerd but I'm pretty sure that's Grace/Serena's Mom and not Bianca, Future Bianca, or Movie Bianca XD
2016-12-31 18:18:35
>> #147430
Pastel-Daemon said:
I know a lot of people are either sick of or disgusted by hypno at this point but I wouldn't mind being in this situation tbh. Gimme the weird hypno dick.

People are sick of Hypno, but a bloody snake from a children's movie get over 1000 posts and growing?
2017-01-01 02:26:22
>> #147497
DouDile said: the bed? I gonna see this in xvideos.

sorry, I only steal art, I can't steal animations
2016-12-31 22:44:46
>> #147455 the bed? I gonna see this in xvideos.
2016-12-31 15:18:05
>> #147415
I only thought I would be using one image of her, but I then saw that I had to make a two parter for her, so sorry for the same image in a different angle
2016-12-31 15:17:51
>> #147414
evil laughter? pffft
2016-12-31 20:33:07
>> #147437
sanicthehedgehog said:
So I helped make this?


That and I've always like Ariel's design haha, in fact I've done 2 manips of her now.
2016-12-31 16:06:51
>> #147421
sanicthehedgehog said:
This is really good

Thanks! And I did see your pic, I use it for reference sometimes :)
2016-12-31 14:20:06
>> #147410
Had a go at making Ariel a lamia, let me know what you think!
Date Dec 31, 2016User BippRating QuestionableScore 23(vote up)
2017-01-04 00:44:32
>> #148165
NamesAreForTheWeak said:
I don't think there's any rules about posts that are literally just text. In this case, I'd like mod input on whether or not it's allowed based on possibly being important exposition for other posts in the pool.

Well, on its own, I would say it's not allowed. But, as said, it's an important part of the pool. That changes things a bit.


Well, there's already a relevant policy regarding text/blank images in pools. Sometimes, in manga, there are blank pages or text pages (artist notes, transition pages, or what-have-you) that are useless to general consumers but are nice to have for completion purposes. These pages are typically uploaded, added to the pool, and then just hidden from index.

I guess this post sort of fits the bill, even though it's not for a manga, doujinshi, or the like. We'll just hide it from the index, and it'll still show in the pool for those following its story.
2017-01-02 21:30:46
>> #147850
Bipp said:
I know it's just text, but it is needed, however my biggest question is, WHY DID PEOPLE FAVORITE THIS?

..because it's a story. That's like asking why people like books =P
2017-01-02 02:12:08
>> #147703
Bipp said:
I know it's just text, but it is needed, however my biggest question is, WHY DID PEOPLE FAVORITE THIS?

You see the curvature of those letters there? It just really gets some people going, you know.

...Now I have to wonder, are there actually people with text fetishes? I mean, surely there must be someone somewhere who sees a finely crafted U or a well shaped H and thinks; "Damn, that's hot."

EDIT: After some brief and admittedly half-hearted research, (Hey, it's 12:41, shut up) it appears that it a calligraphy fetish sort of exists. There is a thing that supposedly originates in the Japanese Edo period supposedly called "Oshouji" which consists of writing in a calligraphic manner degrading words or phrases on another person's body for sexual pleasure. However, it seems to be less for attraction to the letters and more for the pleasure of degrading somebody, but I'm still quite surprised I found anything at all.

Anyhow, biazzare nonsense tangent over, and I'm going to sleep and not thinking about this anymore...
2017-01-02 01:43:28
>> #147694
I know it's just text, but it is needed, however my biggest question is, WHY DID PEOPLE FAVORITE THIS?
2017-01-01 20:15:24
>> #147615
I don't think there's any rules about posts that are literally just text. In this case, I'd like mod input on whether or not it's allowed based on possibly being important exposition for other posts in the pool.
2017-01-18 02:17:01
>> #151079
Bipp said:
no matter what, my text is too small :/

*insert dick joke here*
2017-01-02 10:46:43
>> #147776
Just pointing this out but I think the image suggests she's wearing magical earings... Idk maybe they'e just shining.
2017-01-01 21:41:26
>> #147624
Bipp said:
no matter what, my text is too small :/

What I do is save the image/text and view it in a generic program (like Windows Photo Viewer) where it will show you the entire picture at once. That's usually a good indication if the text is too big or too small. The white space below the text could also be filled by making the text larger as well.
2017-01-01 20:25:46
>> #147620
Also if you need proofreading or text writing tips just DM me!
I love to help!
2017-01-01 20:16:42
>> #147616
I will agree that the text needs refining, yes - but I believe that the QCC doesn't need to be involved, and Bipp should be given (constructive) criticism from the community.

I'd suggest you Work on making complete sentences and descriptors, try detailing what they're doing with a lot more detail, It'll really help out in the long run.

Also, try practicing with Gradients in the eyes to emulate entrancement.
2017-03-08 19:36:33
>> #160319
I approve.
2017-01-01 01:16:06
>> #147493
I was crushed on Phantasma... she's as lovely as ever. @u@
2017-01-01 01:05:21
>> #147490
@_@ I obey only Revolta
2016-12-31 20:51:29
>> #147443
Added the copyright tag for the film. Ik it basically falls under just Scooby-Doo, and we have few posts of it currently; but hey, the film was oozing with MC content we could always get more of.
2016-12-31 20:40:59
>> #147441
A classic *giggles*
2017-01-01 03:24:46
>> #147502
supersmasher2020 said:
Finally, a move other than hypnosis!

I take it you missed this one smasher

@poketizer fav+
2016-12-31 21:14:02
>> #147447
Finally, a move other than hypnosis!
2016-12-31 13:46:44
>> #147405
Keep up the great work!
2016-12-31 12:49:37
>> #147396
a new manip from me, enjoy ;)
2017-01-02 10:50:52
>> #147778
dumb question, but why is sasuke using a pendelum? last time i checked he had booth sharingan and Rinengan, so couldnt he use one of those instead?

that would seem more logical to me atleast.
2016-12-31 22:40:24
>> #147454
anonplsno said:

Come now I'm sure you could find something better to wrap your lips around ;)

Can i upload your "Pokegirl X anonplsno" in xvideos?
2016-12-31 22:37:59
>> #147451

pokemongirl said:
Gotta suck suck suck *drools and sucks her finger off*

Come now I'm sure you could find something better to wrap your lips around ;)
2016-12-31 20:39:41
>> #147440
Gotta suck suck suck *drools and sucks her finger off*
2016-12-31 09:38:13
>> #147382
multiple fellatio is used as a tag on other boorus, but not here.

2016-12-31 13:56:30
>> #147406
I think its menat to be like dog sex where they are back to b ack, but with humanoid bodies
2016-12-31 07:51:29
>> #147371
What the...waaaaaooooooo..
2016-12-31 07:50:38
>> #147370
:o ....... Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh............. wut???
2016-12-31 07:45:49
>> #147369
Is this anal? I'm counting this as anal.

Seriously, what is this IS this position?
2018-01-07 13:16:41
>> #225938
akaece said:
The anatomy in that picture is so bad that I can't not say something about it. Look at how long that torso is. How many ribs does she have? How many vertebrae? She straight up has a dog's skeleton up to the shoulders. She's got a boxer's reach, that's for damn sure. What happened in the drawing process, here? It's driving me insane because it's rendered so well, but what the hell is being rendered? A damn alien. Mutated bodysnatcher.
so I wasn't the only one who noticed it looks kinda weird but I guess it could be the posture either way I think this is good.

2016-12-31 05:40:55
>> #147350
akaece said:
The anatomy in that picture is so bad that I can't not say something about it. Look at how long that torso is. How many ribs does she have? How many vertebrae? She straight up has a dog's skeleton up to the shoulders. She's got a boxer's reach, that's for damn sure. What happened in the drawing process, here? It's driving me insane because it's rendered so well, but what the hell is being rendered? A damn alien. Mutated bodysnatcher.

Well if you look at her posture maybe that's what the original picture was supposed to be the hypno spiral could have obscured the dog-like obedience
2016-12-31 04:48:40
>> #147323
The anatomy in that picture is so bad that I can't not say something about it. Look at how long that torso is. How many ribs does she have? How many vertebrae? She straight up has a dog's skeleton up to the shoulders. She's got a boxer's reach, that's for damn sure. What happened in the drawing process, here? It's driving me insane because it's rendered so well, but what the hell is being rendered? A damn alien. Mutated bodysnatcher.
2016-12-31 03:17:33
>> #147304
Chifuyu: Daga Kotowaru
2016-12-31 03:11:45
>> #147302
Why do not you better ask him to kill people and then we go to the cliché part.

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