2016-12-31 00:05:24
>> #147242
Finaly a good blowjob

Thanks for pic anyways i needed this ^W^
2017-01-03 22:31:00
>> #148149
squidhat said:
Lilligant can be powerful if used correctly with quiver dance and petal dance and it has the ability own tempo but it's has little in the defences apartment

add sleep powder and dream eater, and its evil.
2016-12-31 08:10:16
>> #147373
Ugh, LordWasp, I share your pain about that Clefable. I still can't believe I didn't have any Nuzlocke casualties from that thing, it took so long to take it down. >.<
2016-12-31 06:58:50
>> #147365
Lilligant can be powerful if used correctly with quiver dance and petal dance and it has the ability own tempo but it's has little in the defences apartment
2016-12-31 06:18:49
>> #147362
StepfordCrimson said:
I think that's why they made her team the equivalent of 5 Totem Pokemon in a row

She's somewhat tough not like the e4 this gen at least in comparison to pervious gens though probably a little easier than Ghetsis and N
2016-12-31 04:14:05
>> #147313
Matthewmwps said:
lol Clefable was easy for me. One heavy slam from mudsdale and they were squished like a bug.

I just Sludge Bombed it with my salazzle.
2017-01-01 03:12:02
>> #147501
StepfordCrimson said:
You would've thought Game Freak would learn from Lysandre not to give villains stupid looking shit if they're not gonna use/need it :P

Yeah what were Lysandre's bug drone things? At least the fusion had story purposes.
2016-12-31 00:37:27
>> #147256
No1 said:
Nice look the crazy nymphomaniac fits you (JK) :P

I almost feel bad because it was supossed to be a hard battle and i just made a 6-0 sweep with salazzle

At first, my reaction was a strong emotion to see the fusion between her and the jellyfish.
But after he threw the pokeball, my happiness went to hell
At least my happiness increased for his battle music.
2016-12-31 00:30:46
>> #147255
JoanieSappho said:
If by battle you mean 'swiftly overpowered, pumped full of mind-numbing neurotoxin and turned into her almost brainless plaything' then yes, that is precisely what I wished when I got to that part of the game. :P
And it happened to Lillie, too.

DouDile said:
It seems...I'm not the only one who thought that.

Nice look the crazy nymphomaniac fits you (JK) :P

I almost feel bad because it was supossed to be a hard battle and i just made a 6-0 sweep with salazzle
2016-12-31 00:13:51
>> #147246
Linkle33 said:
I really wish you actually battled Lusamine-Nihilego Fusion, not just her Pokémon.

If by battle you mean 'swiftly overpowered, pumped full of mind-numbing neurotoxin and turned into her almost brainless plaything' then yes, that is precisely what I wished when I got to that part of the game. :P
And it happened to Lillie, too.
2016-12-30 22:47:20
>> #147224
It seems...I'm not the only one who thought that.
2016-12-31 14:26:10
>> #147412
hinata-hime said:
Lusamine <3
Any idea for pic with her? :3

Noooo...for now
2016-12-31 14:12:54
>> #147407
Lusamine <3
Any idea for pic with her? :3
2016-12-31 06:14:34
>> #147361
StepfordCrimson said:
I'd love to have Lusamine as a gift like this.

I'd also like to be a gift and to be dressed like Lusamine here too but I digress.

Either one is fine *giggles* more so both after what she did hehe
2016-12-31 03:12:29
>> #147303
Wienerman said:
Lady Gaga's worn weirder stuff. Why not this?

2016-12-31 00:52:36
>> #147261
No1 said:
Wait you want to wear a jellyfish?

Lady Gaga's worn weirder stuff. Why not this?
2019-10-28 00:43:32
>> #341510
I love adiago i will do anything for
2016-12-31 06:54:57
>> #147364
MisterMan4 said:
I am not english native. I accept the excelent to excellent corection. My bad on that part. As for the beeing part, not necesarily a pun. But more of a trademark. My special touch. My fetish. Call it what you want. I will always use beeing form over the corect form. You'll have to get used to it

Online spellcheckers can assist in this. I know the image editing software suites don't tell you what you should say, but you should always run your stuff through a spellchecker first if you're operating in a non-native language.
2016-12-30 22:58:22
>> #147227
it would be interesting to read a story like this, maybe after this happens
2016-12-30 21:15:08
>> #147205
Spirals said:
Okay, I've held my tongue up until now, but I think it's time to clarify:

It's not "excelent", it's "excellent". There's two L's.

[spoilers]Also, it's "being". Unless the character is a bee. Never watched MLP or whatever, so I'm not sure if it's a pun or not. Sorry to be so anal about it, but I felt it should've been said.

I am not english native. I accept the excelent to excellent corection. My bad on that part. As for the beeing part, not necesarily a pun. But more of a trademark. My special touch. My fetish. Call it what you want. I will always use beeing form over the corect form. You'll have to get used to it
2016-12-30 20:55:07
>> #147199
Okay, I've held my tongue up until now, but I think it's time to clarify:

It's not "excelent", it's "excellent". There's two L's.

[spoilers]Also, it's "being". Unless the character is a bee. Never watched MLP or whatever, so I'm not sure if it's a pun or not. Sorry to be so anal about it, but I felt it should've been said.
2017-01-16 00:55:59
>> #150691
For anyone who does get confused by this, in an episode of the anime or in the pokedex itself stantler can produce a smog from their antlers that can manipulate the smellers mind, just look up pokemon stantler episode
2016-12-31 08:12:19
>> #147374
Yay, Stantler! Urination is usually a turn-off for me, but it's nice to see a bit of Pokémon variety. ^^

(Also, the the above poster, I like your avatar! :3)
2016-12-30 19:23:00
>> #147181
A lot of Gardevoir this week.
2016-12-30 17:10:54
>> #147173
Those are the shadiest looking dear...
2016-12-30 17:08:10
>> #147172
She looks happy.
Not a fan of urination but a fan of gardevoir and sleep~
Looks lovely~
2016-12-30 16:52:55
>> #147170
Laughing Wallaby! I remember rescuing her!
2016-12-31 10:46:20
>> #147387
Maby? You mean Maybe
2016-12-31 03:23:19
>> #147306
Monochrome said:
just a suggestion; i think a manip involving furret should put more emphasis on her tail and fur as a means of hypnosis ^u v u^

Yes, tail hypnosis should be more of a thing
2016-12-31 01:19:52
>> #147270
damn she got some thicc theighs
2016-12-31 00:12:51
>> #147245
Did I just get hypnotized by a furret? What a day.
2016-12-30 20:38:10
>> #147193
Pastel-Daemon said:
Furret is my favourite pokemon, but in an entirely non sexual sense, so now I feel conflicted. xD

You might wanna see if anyone is willing to proofread for you since I see a few spelling errors in here and at the very least, 'you would like that sweetheart, dont you~' reads pretty oddly.

1.Furret is my favorite Pokemon from the 2.Gen

2. k,I try to find maby 1-2 people who are willing to proofread
2020-10-02 04:03:22
>> #388177
JynxLover said:

What a madlad! Responding to a post that was over three years old at the time! An outstanding move, sir (or ma'am).
2020-03-10 12:16:02
>> #359112
Not_an_Alias said:
Well said, my dear sir.

2016-12-31 08:36:36
>> #147376
pineapple said:
Can we stop trying to rationalise kinks? It's a drawing. The drawing does not seem to care much one way or the other. Real hypnosis doesn't work without a very willing subject.

Well said, my dear sir.
2016-12-30 14:57:52
>> #147159
eggishere said:
I mean, it's good and all. But I cannot help but feel the need to bring up the question of hypnosis vs ethics. Because imagine waking up one day and blamo, you're pregnant.

Can we stop trying to rationalise kinks? It's a drawing. The drawing does not seem to care much one way or the other. Real hypnosis doesn't work without a very willing subject.

2016-12-30 14:17:33
>> #147153
I mean, it's good and all. But I cannot help but feel the need to bring up the question of hypnosis vs ethics. Because imagine waking up one day and blamo, you're pregnant.
Date Dec 30, 2016User CJO1234Rating SafeScore 24(vote up)
2017-10-16 23:11:15
>> #204958
Now there's less hope.
2017-06-06 07:53:43
>> #180032
Thanks for translating this page, but now I just remember how sad I am that this story never got translated. Oh well, there's still plenty of hope for the future.
2017-01-01 12:38:46
>> #147559
CJO1234 said:
Is that a reference to

2017-01-01 11:29:24
>> #147555
buckethazard said:
Oh hey it's 99% of hypno manga on sadpanda!

Is that a reference to
2016-12-30 23:35:41
>> #147234
Yuu-chan said:
he puts her in a trance, he says "You wanna have sex with me" then she says "Oh yeah, I totally wanna have sex with you" and then sex happens.

Oh hey it's 99% of hypno manga on sadpanda!

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