2016-12-30 07:38:30
>> #147111
PreggiePie said:
I just throw everything on that I can think of. I put the year because I've seen other posts do that and I put both grey and gray because the word is spelled differently depending on where you live.

It's alright, we'll help fix it up.
2016-12-30 07:36:28
>> #147110
RedCollarBlackCollar said:
Damn, these are some wacky tags. "Ballsack" and "scrotum", "gray fur" and "grey fur", "2015"... lol

I just throw everything on that I can think of. I put the year because I've seen other posts do that and I put both grey and gray because the word is spelled differently depending on where you live.
2016-12-30 07:28:18
>> #147103
I think they took them from e621.
2016-12-30 07:21:24
>> #147100
Damn, these are some wacky tags. "Ballsack" and "scrotum", "gray fur" and "grey fur", "2015"... lol
2016-12-31 04:09:29
>> #147309
EoD said:
Apparently they took a "salt the earth" tactic to their censorship, removing everything except mine and Mindwipe's original comments.

They remove discussion and constructive criticism but not my stupid meme? Alrighty then.
2016-12-31 03:18:44
>> #147305
KarmaX said:
That is exactly what happened, for some bizarre reason.

I know for a fact one of my comments got deleted and all I honestly friggin' said was to echo the general sentiment that clear, concise text writing is a virtue when posting a submission.

Seriously, how or why do I get censored for that? I thought it was a... good point? That WAS a good point... was it not? Merely innocuously pointing out that clear, readable text is a good thing to have? That was all I said and nothing more. I'm confused. How was that wrong?

Apparently they took a "salt the earth" tactic to their censorship, removing everything except mine and Mindwipe's original comments.
2016-12-31 02:48:55
>> #147298
EoD said:
I can only assume a mod or admit deleted half the comments overnight.

That is exactly what happened, for some bizarre reason.

I know for a fact one of my comments got deleted and all I honestly friggin' said was to echo the general sentiment that clear, concise text writing is a virtue when posting a submission.

Seriously, how or why do I get censored for that? I thought it was a... good point? That WAS a good point... was it not? Merely innocuously pointing out that clear, readable text is a good thing to have? That was all I said and nothing more. I'm confused. How was that wrong?
2016-12-31 01:58:15
>> #147282
Fire_Psycho said:
There should be a babysitter tag...

Seems like more of pool thing if you ask me.
2016-12-31 01:43:53
>> #147277
There should be a babysitter tag...
2016-12-30 05:24:47
>> #147077
I decided to color the larger version that was posted
2022-02-24 10:46:19
>> #459734
Isn't it funny how easily a snap can get your attention?

A moment ago you hardly even noticed me, but with just the click of my fingers everything else has dropped away. Nothing around us matters, there is nothing around us. Nothing appears to you but me, and now I'm holding you enraptured.

That's impressive when you realize just how much there is that could distract you even when I'm the only thing you notice. The sweet smell of roses might make your mind wander. Your ears might be filled with the soft rustle of my clothing or the clinking of my jewelry. Your eyes might have found themselves fixed on the swaying of my hips as I walk towards you.

But this single snap has bound your attention completely to me. Your eyes don't leave mine, even as mine run up and down your body to appreciate just how fixated you are. You can't stop listening to my voice, appreciating each soft syllable. You love to let my voice wrap around your mind the way this boa wraps around my shoulders, leaving you feeling warm and comfortable.

The longer you listen to me, the more wrapped up you realize you are. My soft voice has slunk all around your body, binding you comfortably in place like the softest spider's silk. Even now, with my fingers running across your chest, I can feel you shiver - I know your knees want to buckle - but you are so completely fixated by my presence that you can't possibly look away, that you never want to stop listening.

You're totally enthralled. You want nothing but to know what I'm going to do to you next, your anticipation is only heightened by knowing how powerful I am, and how unable and unwilling you are to do anything but follow my voice and my will.

All this, from a few soft words and a single snap of my fingers. What do you think the next one will do?
2016-12-30 20:56:36
>> #147201
Deborah without a doubt showed the greatest character growth out of the three of them.
2016-12-30 06:23:37
>> #147090
ARROW said:
She gets better towards the end of the game but honestly Nera is still the better choice.

Lol nope, never liked Nera Deborah is the best waifu from DQ

2016-12-30 05:49:29
>> #147083
Bobbette said:
I mean, in Dragon Quest 5 (which is what I think she's from), I recall she was really stuck-up and kind of snotty rich girl, and when you're caught between her sister and your childhood friend, she pretty much comes downstairs and is like 'yeah, pick me instead', mostly because she thought it might be funny or cuz she was bored. And that's all of her char at that point, idk about more development later or if it wasn't what you were getting at, but that's what I recall of her as a person. *Shrugs*

She gets better towards the end of the game but honestly Nera is still the better choice.

2016-12-30 05:38:52
>> #147079
Bobbette said:
I mean, in Dragon Quest 5 (which is what I think she's from), I recall she was really stuck-up and kind of snotty rich girl, and when you're caught between her sister and your childhood friend, she pretty much comes downstairs and is like 'yeah, pick me instead', mostly because she thought it might be funny or cuz she was bored. And that's all of her char at that point, idk about more development later or if it wasn't what you were getting at, but that's what I recall of her as a person. *Shrugs*

When I checked this for the first time there were no name tags. Still, thanks
2016-12-31 00:20:17
>> #147249
Awake-san is the sexiest I've ever seen her in this!
2016-12-30 20:53:27
>> #147198
2016-12-30 20:40:42
>> #147194
2016-12-30 20:11:01
>> #147185
This is so amazing *drools*
2016-12-30 15:08:12
>> #147160
Psi said:
And look at that puddle

but who'll clean the sofa? that'll leave a nasty stain
2016-12-30 04:27:41
>> #147066
Oh my god yes thank you
2016-12-30 03:14:10
>> #147041
... I'll admit, I was very experimental in terms of the effects used. I think I did decent in some areas, but mostly flopped on the rest of the image. Well, Merry Christmas peeps. Hope you enjoy my art anyway.
2017-01-15 12:08:47
>> #150597
Pinkanator said:


Pink, you aren't the average person. So your 2 pence don't matter in this debate.
2017-01-15 04:32:35
>> #150540
Is it sad that before I saw the original tag, I thought this was Luna Lovegood and Hermione Granger...? At least it gave me a strong sense of relief when I found out it wasn't. :P
2017-01-14 21:13:55
>> #150451
Pinkanator said:


Pink you don't count in talks like this.
2017-01-14 21:12:04
>> #150449
RedCollarBlackCollar said:
Regardless of it being a guy or girl, you got some stranger exposing their genatlia to ya outta fucking nowhere. You're telling me immediate reaction wouldn't be shock or disgust for the average person...? =____=


2017-01-14 20:40:24
>> #150438
killme said:
Dehumanizing as fuck (in a not fun way, personally) to the few trans people around. You can have futa without it always being like that, but "sudden reactions like panic and disgust"? Y i k e s.

Like I know the 'making people do things that disgust them' is frequently part of the hypnosis kink, but using a "futa" for that effect is kinda gross, imo.

Sorry, the wording of this really made me cringe/stop wanting to look at porn for the night.

Regardless of it being a guy or girl, you got some stranger exposing their genatlia to ya outta fucking nowhere. You're telling me immediate reaction wouldn't be shock or disgust for the average person...? =____=
2016-12-30 15:47:35
>> #147162
Siithichan said:
I am a bunny
I am a silly bunny
I am a horny bunny
A bunny's sole purpose is to breed

Which leaves the question "Why are you hypnotising her for this?"
2016-12-30 14:50:13
>> #147158
Dullahan2 said:
"A bunny's sole purpose is to destroy Australia's ecosystem"

2016-12-30 09:51:41
>> #147131
Siithichan said:
I am a bunny
I am a silly bunny
I am a horny bunny
A bunny's sole purpose is to breed

I'm open for the breeding option.
2016-12-30 06:18:36
>> #147089
Siithichan said:
I am a bunny
I am a silly bunny
I am a horny bunny
A bunny's sole purpose is to breed

Well... That is pretty much on-par. >->
2016-12-30 06:17:37
>> #147087
Kinda hard to read, the color blends into the background.
Date Dec 30, 2016User Jakku~Rating SafeScore 83(vote up)
Tags: breasts tagme
2016-12-31 01:33:37
>> #147274
DaisyHypnoCharm said:
While the couple is still young, I'm sure with time, it will become the modern "Shanti-Kaa" encounter ^^.

I'm verrrrrry ok with this!

Lovely expressions and great detail with making Tuki's eyes match Shantae's expression. This is an artist to watch.
2016-12-30 23:47:31
>> #147238
DaisyHypnoCharm said:
While the couple is still young, I'm sure with time, it will become the modern "Shanti-Kaa" encounter ^^.

Nothing shall defeat Shanti's erotically submissive side
2016-12-30 04:05:41
>> #147058
This is cute as hell!
2016-12-30 03:34:18
>> #147048
DaisyHypnoCharm said:
While the couple is still young, I'm sure with time, it will become the modern "Shanti-Kaa" encounter ^^.

Can't improve on what is to me perfection :P
2016-12-30 02:55:41
>> #147034
DaisyHypnoCharm said:
While the couple is still young, I'm sure with time, it will become the modern "Shanti-Kaa" encounter ^^.

Hooo boy do I ever hope so!
2016-12-31 04:34:04
>> #147315
EnygmaSoul said:
*sighs* off camera male doms ruin far too many yuri pics.

More like off camera male sub and off camera female dom
2016-12-30 23:58:49
>> #147240
Pastel-Daemon said:
Just put 'artist:' at the front of the word. c: Then it should be classed as such all by itself in subsequent cases.

Got it! Thank you!
2016-12-30 22:44:15
>> #147222
NaturalCalm said:
The artist behind this picture is Sugaru. Does anyone know how to add author tags?

Just put 'artist:' at the front of the word. c: Then it should be classed as such all by itself in subsequent cases.
2016-12-30 22:40:49
>> #147220
The artist behind this picture is Sugaru. Does anyone know how to add author tags?
2016-12-30 20:55:11
>> #147200

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