2016-12-30 03:11:07
>> #147039
*kneels before the Tsareena* Must obey the queen...
2016-12-28 21:40:45
>> #146795
StepfordCrimson said:
All shall bow before queen Tsareena and her queenly queenlyness

And anyone who doesn't gets a Trop Kick to the face

Why would anyone disobey?
2016-12-28 19:57:30
>> #146780
Tsareena the dom big butt and stepping on you Poké even evolves by learning Stomp *giggles*
2016-12-28 19:54:42
>> #146778
All shall bow before queen Tsareena and her queenly queenlyness

And anyone who doesn't gets a Trop Kick to the face
2016-12-28 19:51:10
>> #146777
Another gen, another Pokemon people wanna fuck.... XD
2016-12-30 07:24:49
>> #147101
midna'sservant said:
am i just dumb or when they saw the thumbnail she look like star from star vs. the forces of evil.

Now that you say that I can see it.
2016-12-30 07:20:07
>> #147099
am i just dumb or when they saw the thumbnail she look like star from star vs. the forces of evil.
2016-12-29 03:58:55
>> #146873
It's like one of the blur memes

"When you are trying to sneak up on someone but they have hypnotic powers"
2016-12-28 19:56:01
>> #146779
Yay more Georgia *giggles*
2016-12-28 18:22:24
>> #146764
sanicthehedgehog said:
Hey, your back

Indeed I am.
2016-12-29 21:29:18
>> #146981
akaece said:
Tag on the left I think is "Zengel" who gets tagged as "iskra" on e621. The tag on the right is probably some tweening dork, I dunno, who cares about tweening?

Ah, Thank you much! ^_^
2016-12-28 20:24:53
>> #146783
Tag on the left I think is "Zengel" who gets tagged as "iskra" on e621. The tag on the right is probably some tweening dork, I dunno, who cares about tweening?
2016-12-28 12:14:26
>> #146722
Again, still learning and practicing stuff...

Original artist and animators tags are still in the image at the bottom. (I can't read the tags or find the artists pages at the moment)

Hope people like it. I will try to do more and better stuff as time goes on.... ^_^
2016-12-29 03:18:22
>> #146857
If this is what you make while you are still learning than I'm really excited by how you'll be later. Cause this is great.
2016-12-29 03:13:43
>> #146851
Still I like it :o
2016-12-28 12:16:28
>> #146723
EdgeOfTheMoon said:
Nice start! I'm not sure it loops correctly though as it seems to snap back during the rotation

Thank you! ^_^
Yea, not sure why it came out like that, though when I converted it to a GIF, it added a black frame that I had to remove...
2016-12-28 12:12:30
>> #146721
Nice start! I'm not sure it loops correctly though as it seems to snap back during the rotation
2016-12-28 11:52:27
>> #146714
(I used Muddles Hypnohub anniversary image for this. Sorry I didn't ask first, if you want me to take it down, I will.)

Just learning to use Adobe After Effects, layering and importing gifs, and simple animation. The spiral animation is mine, everything else is belongs to Muddle.

As I learn to do animation better, Hopefully I will be able to stop using other peoples content...
2021-10-03 09:47:05
>> #440051
Her eyes locked with his, and he found himself lost in her gaze. He noticed that they were glowing faintly, but he didn't care. They were just too beautiful to look away from.

"That's right. Just let me take care of you. After all, you're so sleepy and feel so comfortable with me that it only makes sense to forget about any worries you have and submit to me completely, right?"

He nodded lazíly. She was right - he definitely trusted her, and he did feel sleepy suddenly.

"Just keep looking into my eyes, falling deeper and deeper, getting lost in their soft glow. Letting your thoughts be pushed aside by my words, letting my words become your thoughts. My words and eyes are all that matter right now. My words and eyes. That's all that matters."

His eyes started to feel heavy, but he couldn't sleep - he had to focus on her words and eyes. That's what his thoughts told him, at least.

"You want to submit to me, to become mine completely.' He wanted to submit to her, to become hers completely.

"You want to abandon all other responsibilities and live with me, loving me and working for me. He wanted to abandon all other responsibilities and live with her, loving and working for her.

"Any feelings of love for me are suddenly much, much stronger Than before. This is completely natural since you feel like you've found your soul mate, and you feel so happy when you're near me.' His already strong feelings of love for her were suddenly much, much stronger than before. It was completely natural since he felt like he'd found his soul mate, and he was so happy when he was near her.

"If you're happy with the feelings and thoughts you're experiencing, you'll ask me to take good care of you when you awake from this trance. When he awoke from this trance, he was going to ask her to take good care of him.

"On the count of three, you'll feel refreshed and awake. Three, two, one... awake."

He blinked a few times before realizing the situation he was in with his soul mate so close to him. "Uhm... excuse me, miss?"

"What is it?" She happily asked.

"Please... take good care of me..." He said with a blush and a smile.

She smiled back, taking him in her arms and giving him a kiss. "Of course. I was worried you'd never ask."
2016-12-29 11:40:41
>> #146931
I guess it's not fair for me to mention that this section was from a story I was writing and then withhold said story from people who were interested. I could've just easily said I'd created this story to match the caption. Since people seem to actually have at least some genuine interest in my writing and I said I'd share my work if this was the case, I've uploaded the story this is modified from. I've found a site without a upload delay and posted the "chapters" there. Some will be shorter than others - the site forced me to upload in chapters, so I simply took the scene transition or timing breaks from the piece I'm working on and turned them into the chapters.

The link is as follows:

Feel free to give criticisms or talk about the work. It can only improve my writing, and if I'm posting it I may as well take the opportunity to get better, no?

2016-12-29 07:26:48
>> #146905
Brilliant, I love your writing and hope to see more.
2016-12-29 05:56:58
>> #146884
Please post the whole thing somewhere!
2016-12-28 20:39:58
>> #146785
That is fine then I understand the fear you describe, no worries. Though I'd still be interested, but I don't wish to be a burden so no need to go out of your way or comfort zone for if
2016-12-28 07:52:23
>> #146664
nice use of multiple variations for a single story. nice to have it all in one image too
2020-06-08 07:05:36
>> #373066
Yes mistress
2020-02-17 10:53:56
>> #356357
Yes Mistreas
2018-04-09 19:33:23
>> #245559
Yes, mistress
2017-10-07 01:12:14
>> #202921
Yes mistress
2017-01-14 01:44:50
>> #150278
you know I prefer ass, how are you anyways ? :)
2017-01-02 07:07:36
>> #147736
Is this Psychonauts

Has no one noticed that
2016-12-30 01:02:51
>> #147019
I really like the way you draw!
2016-12-29 21:55:52
>> #146987
IttyBit said:
Two of my art senpais on the hub already noticed me on my first submission? What an honor *u*

I appreciate the welcome; I hope to upload some more in the near future!

I'm a senpai? @_@ not sure I'm ready for that sort of responsibility

Glad to hear it. Look forward to seeing more ^^
2016-12-29 19:08:49
>> #146965
Nice art IttyBit!
If you want help to start doing comics or writing stuff I am available!
Looking forward to more art from you~
2016-12-29 18:44:46
>> #146963
EdgeOfTheMoon said:
Ohhh. A new artist? Welcome to the Hub

I really like this. It's a cool style. Hope to see more from you!

Two of my art senpais on the hub already noticed me on my first submission? What an honor *u*

I appreciate the welcome; I hope to upload some more in the near future!
2017-02-19 07:38:34
>> #157143
Beebles was the star of my Gen VII story team. Thx
2016-12-28 23:50:39
>> #146812
pokemongirl said:
Yay Cynthia and so cute *giggles*

2016-12-28 19:49:24
>> #146776
Yay Cynthia and so cute *giggles*
2016-12-28 11:23:22
>> #146708
Imasuky said:
Only thing I can say bad is TFS ruined that pokemon for me. Tinkerbill...

Feed the hive!
2016-12-28 06:27:33
>> #146647
sortish said:

Only thing I can say bad is TFS ruined that pokemon for me. Tinkerbill...
2017-12-27 21:16:04
>> #223190
ghost13 said:
... Can someone please explain what is going on?

IIRC, the pink one is a Lust/Fertility/Sex Goddess that just happens to have the guy in the middle as a vessel of some sort. The artist (Markydaysaid) has some more info on it.
2017-12-01 00:01:12
>> #215012
I wish i could be that guy... <3
2017-12-01 00:01:01
>> #215011
I wish i could be that guy... <3
2017-01-03 20:04:00
>> #148114
Well according to the linked picture:
Don't piss off your Patron god of Lust if you want to cum before the new year.
2016-12-31 05:05:18
>> #147334
... Can someone please explain what is going on?

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