2016-12-19 21:54:01
>> #145198
Zelinko said:
Tentacles are nice although I'm not sure if it's a perspective fail or not but her torso looks weirdly shaped

I think it's just the perspective, yeah. If you look at the bottom of the image being slightly closer to us then it looks fine. It could also have something to do with the massive tentacle currently fucking her brains out, pun very much intended.

Also for the record it was a blast getting to watch you make this masterpiece on stream, good job on it!
2016-12-19 16:16:07
>> #145165
Zelinko said:
Tentacles are nice although I'm not sure if it's a perspective fail or not but her torso looks weirdly shaped

ok thank you for the critic.

Cradily said:
Almost didn't recognize your work, your tentacles have improved by leaps =O

KrackoDude said:

Love it. Absolutely love it :D

haha thanks, i was pretty much trying out stuff
2016-12-19 07:28:33
>> #145127

Love it. Absolutely love it :D
2016-12-19 04:16:31
>> #145089
Almost didn't recognize your work, your tentacles have improved by leaps =O
2016-12-19 02:59:40
>> #145076
Tentacles are nice although I'm not sure if it's a perspective fail or not but her torso looks weirdly shaped
2016-12-23 13:47:16
>> #145911
twilightL said:
Aaaaaaaaaahhhhh big boobs and zombie walking yeeeeeeeeeess
Though it's weird when people draw drool the same colour as the person's tongue. Kind of makes it look like their tongue is melting.

Actually she'd be hopping at you.

You can see where this is going with how big her breasts are.

But with the tongue thing. She IS undead. Just saying she may need some maintenance soon.
2016-12-23 04:13:00
>> #145855
Aaaaaaaaaahhhhh big boobs and zombie walking yeeeeeeeeeess
Though it's weird when people draw drool the same colour as the person's tongue. Kind of makes it look like their tongue is melting.
2016-12-21 17:24:46
>> #145508
Zelinko said:
She's a JiangShi. It's part of their core mythos. It's how their master controls them, else they become roaming monsters who turn others to JiangShi! The tag has their orders listed there so they obey. Of course don't put too much on there at once or they might get confused, they're not that strong after all

It's a hopping zombie/vampire apocalypse in the waiting.

We should have a tag for that.
2016-12-21 06:29:44
>> #145441
Faraday said:
Does anyone know where the putting a tag on someone's forehead came from. I see once in a while and I can't find the origin of it?

She's a JiangShi. It's part of their core mythos. It's how their master controls them, else they become roaming monsters who turn others to JiangShi! The tag has their orders listed there so they obey. Of course don't put too much on there at once or they might get confused, they're not that strong after all

It's a hopping zombie/vampire apocalypse in the waiting.
2016-12-20 18:01:49
>> #145331
Does anyone know where the putting a tag on someone's forehead came from. I see once in a while and I can't find the origin of it?
2016-12-29 12:42:39
>> #146939
I guess it's just me, looking at saalim's face, thinking he said this line right here:
2016-12-29 11:13:07
>> #146927
2016-12-19 06:55:55
>> #145117
Yay Hex Maniac *drools*
2016-12-19 05:52:27
>> #145109
2016-12-19 05:35:59
>> #145107
O.O *is speechless*
2016-12-19 05:35:46
>> #145106
bellchan said:
If I had to guess Eaglet1 either commissioned the piece or is friends with the artist.

If you look hard enough in different circles you'll always find the one individual with the means to mass produce content which is 100% specific to them.

Or... you could just look at the source link and look at the description there :P
2016-12-19 05:16:11
>> #145104
bellchan said:
If I had to guess Eaglet1 either commissioned the piece or is friends with the artist.

guess again, friend
2016-12-18 23:47:47
>> #145046
Imasuky said:
I never understand the turning random girls into mermaids like this. Love it anyways.

If I had to guess Eaglet1 either commissioned the piece or is friends with the artist.

If you look hard enough in different circles you'll always find the one individual with the means to mass produce content which is 100% specific to them.
2016-12-18 22:53:06
>> #145038
I never understand the turning random girls into mermaids like this. Love it anyways.
2016-12-18 22:52:57
>> #145037
Ah, corrupted heroes. One of my favorite things. Honestly, Myotismon could do this, he just never tried. =/
2018-03-14 23:12:17
>> #239873
When are you going to make a new page?
2016-12-30 00:12:51
>> #147013
Zeratulxxx said:
Is there a place to read this comic and it's sequal in a more structured format? Like

Not as far as I know tbh. I don't upload outside of tumblr too much nowadays. I usually leave it up to my viewers to handle that sort of thing. As it brings me much pride and joy :) If I find one such link or you find one yourself. Lets Share it!

2016-12-29 11:47:07
>> #146932
daloknight said:
But please, have any suggestions? I love reading the feedback. Good and bad. :)

Is there a place to read this comic and it's sequal in a more structured format? Like
2016-12-19 21:53:18
>> #145196
hypnofan100 said:
I have no major complaints about this comic besides that I am not so much into these kinks. The art style is good and imitates the style of the original almost perfectly. The coloring is good and the dialogue good enough.

Thank you for your kind words, means the world to me :)
2016-12-19 09:14:50
>> #145136
Yeah, this crap is going on my blacklist...
2016-12-19 21:51:09
>> #145195
StepfordCrimson said:
Oh no I got that! I should have been more clear: I meant the author of the book IN YOUR PICTURE didn't know what they were writing or nobody read said book.

I'm sorry for that, and it's cool you based it off other porn. And granted this doesn't look awful so please forgive me if I sounded harsh or something like that

Hey, no worries. I'm glad you like the artwork, I REALLY loved drawing it. So satisfying xD

Nowadays, I like to approach comments as very open minded as I can(regardless of how they make me feel) to avoid harsh reactions but gain critical thinking. It didn't even occur to me that people might base this off the original concept. So you have taught me something and I am grateful :)
2016-12-18 23:32:19
>> #145044
daloknight said:
Hello, Dalo here. I based this off of Simon Benson's: Stepford Bound. A depiction of the Stepford society at its most extreme. So no, I did not base this off the original.

Oh no I got that! I should have been more clear: I meant the author of the book IN YOUR PICTURE didn't know what they were writing or nobody read said book.

I'm sorry for that, and it's cool you based it off other porn. And granted this doesn't look awful so please forgive me if I sounded harsh or something like that
2016-12-18 23:11:59
>> #145042
StepfordCrimson said:
No. No it's not.

Either the author didn't know what the fuck they were writing, or someone didn't read the damn book. :P

Hello, Dalo here. I based this off of Simon Benson's: Stepford Bound. A depiction of the Stepford society at its most extreme. So no, I did not base this off the original.
2016-12-18 22:57:54
>> #145041
Normally I complain when someone uses Comic Sans, but somehow in this case it seems to suit it perfectly.

That's not a compliment.
2016-12-18 21:30:54
>> #145021
Sleepyhead97 said:
This isn't very stepford :I.

No. No it's not.

Either the author didn't know what the fuck they were writing, or someone didn't read the damn book. :P
2016-12-18 21:28:19
>> #145020
DrgnmastrAlex said:
Okay...this wasn't what I was expecting when I saw the first panel. >.>;

StepfordCrimson said:
I like how you guys are saying this Stepford Society thing is gonna be great and that I would like it, without knowing/realizing this is DESIREE making this wish :P

I've seen enough Danny Phantom to know this is gonna turn into something we didn't want or expect/horrible.

See, I told you. :P
2016-12-18 21:05:25
>> #145013
Okay...this wasn't what I was expecting when I saw the first panel. >.>;
2016-12-18 21:32:19
>> #145023
StepfordCrimson said:
I like how you guys are saying this Stepford Society thing is gonna be great and that I would like it, without knowing/realizing this is DESIREE making this wish :P

I've seen enough Danny Phantom to know this is gonna turn into something we didn't want or expect/something horrible.

I've never seen Danny Phantom, but yeah. You were right. >.o
2016-12-18 21:31:43
>> #145022
StepfordCrimson said:
I like how you guys are saying this Stepford Society thing is gonna be great and that I would like it, without knowing/realizing this is DESIREE making this wish :P

I've seen enough Danny Phantom to know this is gonna turn into something we didn't want or expect/something horrible.

Well the name was very misleading
2016-12-18 21:27:11
>> #145019
Imasuky said:
How did Crimson get into this?

DrgnmastrAlex said:
Stepford Society? Ohhh, please tell me we've got incoming Stepfordization....

Sleepyhead97 said:
I like where this is going.

I like how you guys are saying this Stepford Society thing is gonna be great and that I would like it, without knowing/realizing this is DESIREE making this wish :P

I've seen enough Danny Phantom to know this is gonna turn into something we didn't want or expect/something horrible.
2016-12-18 21:25:50
>> #145018
my recent commission from Dalo Knight, a prequel/ alternate telling to a previous set he did of approximately the same premise - I asked that Valerie not realize her transformation, and believe herself to be unaffected, or only physically affected, by the extreme bondage wish - Dalo was extra generous in that he gave a lot of intermediate images to make it a more robust comic
2016-12-18 20:32:19
>> #145009
I like where this is going.
2016-12-25 08:05:40
>> #146246
That crystal looks interesting. Care to show me up close?
2016-12-20 00:36:49
>> #145217
HypnoMangaEditor said:
The base picture is one of my favorites. Thank you for this animation. One little thing, if you do an animation, please try to optimize it for filesize in the end. I was able to optimize the gif with gimp after saving it from here, reducing its filesize from 30 to 3 MB, which is a 90% decrease in filesize, while maintaining the picture quality.
Thanks for the tip, I'm still learning to work on gimp.
2016-12-19 22:12:33
>> #145200
The base picture is one of my favorites. Thank you for this animation. One little thing, if you do an animation, please try to optimize it for filesize in the end. I was able to optimize the gif with gimp after saving it from here, reducing its filesize from 30 to 3 MB, which is a 90% decrease in filesize, while maintaining the picture quality.
2016-12-19 12:24:00
>> #145151
While I on the other hand respect a realistic color of pee. What most people go for ends up looking like lemon juice or gatorate. And then there are some who make the pee fluorescent and I have no idea what is up with that. You'd think they are aliens who never went an earth toilet before, and their urination fetish is their way to connect with the human race.

Your iteration has a typical 'I have a nasty cold' coloration. +4 for effort.
2016-12-19 03:13:42
>> #145077
I faved because I could see that you clearly put a lot of work into this manip and as a former full-body manipper myself I can respect that.

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