2017-04-16 20:21:56
>> #168665
EdenSnake said:
So cute... I don't like futa very much, but they are cute :3

2017-04-16 20:12:36
>> #168663
So cute... I don't like futa very much, but they are cute :3
2017-04-16 20:11:40
>> #168662
i would love to get dominated by them
2016-12-18 04:04:17
>> #144898
So I remember this pic from a completely different caption where they are controlling their father. I prefer this one though.
2016-12-18 01:17:07
>> #144864
2016-12-17 19:28:41
>> #144792
ALK said:
"Take it oooooooff, take it ooooooff...." XD

I couldn't read that without laugh

It looks like she's staring into space
2016-12-17 18:49:46
>> #144787
"Take it oooooooff, take it ooooooff...." XD
2016-12-17 17:17:57
>> #144762
Peace of the void? Exdeath is trying to get some across universes?
2016-12-17 16:12:40
>> #144745
Those eyes
2016-12-20 09:26:06
>> #145290
Alexander717 said:
Don't get it.

One of Discord's abilities was to flip people's personalities. Applejack is normally honest, so when Discord hypnotized her, she was only able to tell lies.
2016-12-20 08:24:21
>> #145286
Don't get it.
2016-12-19 21:36:33
>> #145191
That's adorable. I love it.

(Discord and Pinkie in that first frame are a bit creepy, though.)
2016-12-19 12:29:42
>> #145153
2016-12-19 01:35:32
>> #145067
hypnotoad said:
I'm kinda surprised Rainbow didn't pop a wingboner.

I blame discord!
2018-12-07 19:48:34
>> #293538

From the commissioners post desc:

"After a momentary lapse in her Serket-Induced slut trance, Rose saw fit to get her revenge on Vriska through methods swamped in the occult. It was child’s play to find a spell fit to copy the attributes of her new body, and apply them to Vriska. While it wasn’t a ‘cure’ for her new body, the thought of Vriska trapped in the same bimbo body would keep Rose amused until a true solution was found. As an added benefit, she altered the spell to render Vriska quite…'scatterbrained’..ensuring that her pesky mental prowess would no longer be an issue to be concerned with.
It was a simple task, and before Vriska could latch on to Rose’s mind once more, the vital blow was already struck. In a flash of light, standard clothing gave way to themed pasties, sensual fishnet, and horrendously whorish high-heels. Flesh rippled, a pussy tingled, and Vriska quickly inflated like a horny balloon. Her hips widened, her ass plumped, and her tits quickly outgrew any sort of standard alphabet in regards to cup size. Rose could only stand by, amused, as thick beads of milk began to form at the tips of Vriska’s nipples. Satisfied, she stuck the wand in Vriska’s new titanic tit trench, leaving it enough power to keep Vriska’s brain scrambled for quite some time.

However, as is standard, especially in tales of revenge, Rose’s actions did not come without consequence. While the spell performed exactly as expected, there’s an unwritten rule of thumb to consider, never tamper with the mind of a powerful psychic, especially not when she still has even the smallest grasp on your mind…

While diminished, Vriska’s connection to Rose’s mind was still present, and the link was quickly blown open due to Rose’s meddling creating a harsh feedback as the realms of magic and mental collided. Before Rose could even acknowledge that anything was amiss, the feedback tore through Vriska’s mental link, quickly scrambling the young Seer’s brain. Instantly, the intense blow-back latched onto Rose’s connection to the wand, creating a a full, self-sustaining loop. The two stood dimly, unaware of the world around them as their brains were assaulted by the mixture of mental might and magical meddling. With the spell running wild, their curves slowly expanded, bodies gushing with thick, syrupy juices, and creamy, heavy milk. All the while, the want stood ramrod-straight in Vriska’s cleavage, each pulse of growing slut flesh wedging it in deeper and more secure.

As they were, neither player of Light had the ability to scrape the needed brain-cells together to break the feedback loop. Giggling, babbling, and the occasional slobber-laden burp were the only things they were still capable of doing. From casual observation, the mere notion that these two could be anything other than sex dolls was a laughable notion. Pussies clenched and milk squirted as point after point of IQ was burned away, leaving only giggling, drooling stupidity behind.

'Relief’ came hours later, as Vriska’s diminished mind would lose the fight to keep balanced, sending her falling forward in a splash of milk. On her way down, she bumped into Rose, sending both of the brain-fucked bimbos tumbling to the ground. As the two lay insensate in the thick, heady puddle of their juices, the wand broke into pieces, the impact of Vriska’s fall being the final straw. With the link interrupted so abruptly, the built up energy of the twisted circuit lashed out, zapping the two hapless morons one final time, searing the changes in. A final, mind-melting orgasm ripped through the two of them, as they almost quite literally squirted their brains out onto the floor, amidst a cacophony of giggling, babbling, and burping.

The last of it’s energy spent, the implement of chaos fell, forgotten, to the floor. Though they were no longer trapped in the brain-scrambling cycle, their brains were fully burnt out, leaving only two wet, brain-dead bimbos, both forever to be unaware that their their minds, their light, had been eternally dimmed. While they would eventually come to remember how to use their limbs once again, that would be the only improvement to come. Instead of sooth-saying and swashbuckling, only a blissfully ignorant future as a pair of twin fuck-furniture morons remained."
2016-12-17 21:50:34
>> #144806
Always happy to see Vriska feeling some payback. Bimbo Rose is definitely bonus points.
2016-12-17 15:14:06
>> #144737
Through a devastating mix or arcane magic and powerful psychic prowess, Rose and Vriska have trapped themselves in a dangerous feedback loop, transforming their bodies, and leaving them helpless and dazed as they bloat into thick bimbo whores, drooling, cumming, and lactating their brains away.
Date Dec 17, 2016User Za_FuruRating QuestionableScore 35(vote up)
2016-12-18 01:28:57
>> #144869
2016-12-17 16:22:16
>> #144748
HypnoHarley said:

The full manga is linked though, if you want to add it completely, feel free to do so..
2016-12-17 16:20:29
>> #144746
nordicsailor said:
Can we please have more of this. :)

2016-12-17 14:07:16
>> #144731
Can we please have more of this. :)
2016-12-19 06:29:23
>> #145111
hypnofan100 said:
Oh, I completely forgot about him. And it was Juvia.

Kain's voodoo doll magic would count as body control which is allowed on this site and is therefore hypnosis.
2016-12-18 10:27:06
>> #144947
hypnofan100 said:
Sadly no hypnosis or Mind control in fairy tail up until the current chapter.......darn shame that is

There was hypnosis in the first episode, it was brief and only lasted about four minutes but it was there.
2016-12-17 16:29:28
>> #144753
keeperofthekingdom said:
Wasn't there a rocker guy who like, corrupted Lucy at some point? Or am I thinking of something else?

Oh, I completely forgot about him. And it was Juvia.
2016-12-17 16:28:09
>> #144750
Imasuky said:
That is a fantastic way to describe that guy.

Sleeping Spell+Beatiful Women+Slave Market=Date rape Wizzard.
Also on this site:
Date Rape: No go
Hypnotized Rape: A Ok
Nice double standard
(kidding aside, I love this site and everyone on it. I mean that)
2016-12-17 15:57:00
>> #144743
hypnofan100 said:
Sadly no hypnosis or Mind control in fairy tail up until the current chapter.......darn shame that is

Wasn't there a rocker guy who like, corrupted Lucy at some point? Or am I thinking of something else?
2016-12-17 10:07:11
>> #144707
An old request Hypnoscythe did for me back in 2014.
2016-12-18 04:16:15
>> #144899
Is it weird is all I can think about is this old commercial?
2016-12-17 23:32:20
>> #144823
2016-12-17 20:30:25
>> #144801
Dangerous but really sexy *giggles*
2016-12-17 11:02:25
>> #144715
Wow lady calm yo titz they're on fire!
2016-12-17 10:04:52
>> #144706
I just think of it as a more erotic form of fire dancing that you can usually find in Hawaii
2021-12-15 11:16:19
>> #449511
His feet don't even touch the ground
2018-09-05 04:25:04
>> #279220
How to get away with putting a stock image in your post 101: This has been up for over a year now and I'm the first one to comment on it.
2016-12-18 07:58:32
>> #144925
This reminds me of Stan Lee vs Jim Henson, "Mic" "I rock the mic properly" "Key" "Turning profits, I got the key" Anyone that follows ERB knows the rest
2016-12-18 07:31:33
>> #144920
psychowarrior said:
I don't see the latest and greatest Disney Princess.... Kylo Ren.

2016-12-18 04:01:30
>> #144896
mariosonicfan said:
Just throw in Leia, Anna and Elsa and we got a full deck Mickey! Ahh the perks of being the king lol. Walt would be proud.

Elsa's not a princess.

Still, what about princess-talking animals or princess-anthromorths.
2016-12-27 19:47:07
>> #146507
Defcon7 said:
Mmm...I love her pose! Very commanding, yet sexy!

... Isn't commanding automatically sexy? ;P
2016-12-17 16:33:53
>> #144754
Mmm...I love her pose! Very commanding, yet sexy!
2016-12-17 15:18:51
>> #144738
Yesss maammm
2016-12-17 15:01:46
>> #144735
Pastel-Daemon said:
Did a pretty good job this time Dan c:

Hey thanks home dawg
2016-12-17 11:25:26
>> #144720

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