2016-12-17 07:56:38
>> #144679
So the screen at the top his for her. The other screens are pointed at 'you'. I guess the room is a trap? Open the door and get zonked?
2016-12-17 02:45:24
>> #144636
pokemongirl said:
So many lovely screens~

StepfordCrimson said:
Which screen to stare at? That is the question

*sends a spiral video to your phones* <3
2016-12-17 02:12:28
>> #144628
I so want to know if this Doc Chaos accepts commissions! His Sonic pics are awesome! :D
2016-12-17 00:03:10
>> #144590
We need more Amy femdom
2016-12-16 22:00:31
>> #144550
Ooo yes plz
2016-12-16 20:58:29
>> #144540
Roxa said:
I thought it would be great to have the 2 situations, but now it looks like it's not enough. x')

You can never have enough.
2016-12-16 20:57:45
>> #144539
Oh no, I think this is my favourite!
2016-12-16 20:45:52
>> #144534
magictoaster said:
I kind of want to see a manip of them both hypnotizing each other simultaneously.

I thought it would be great to have the 2 situations, but now it looks like it's not enough. x')
2016-12-16 20:15:03
>> #144528
magictoaster said:
I kind of want to see a manip of them both hypnotizing each other simultaneously.

I second this!
2016-12-16 20:12:27
>> #144527
I kind of want to see a manip of them both hypnotizing each other simultaneously.
2016-12-18 04:18:45
>> #144900
Zombifier said:
If mind control hijinks be something you wish, then drop on the deck and flop like a fish.

*fishy flops all over the deck*
2016-12-16 23:14:45
>> #144579
If mind control hijinks be something you wish, then drop on the deck and flop like a fish.
2016-12-16 21:26:34
>> #144545
Imasuky said:
The staff is snake shaped though

2016-12-16 21:17:50
>> #144544
Kamenrider01 said:
Look disney hypnosis without a stupid snake involved, ITS POSSIBLE PEOPLE

The staff is snake shaped though
2016-12-16 21:16:03
>> #144542
Look disney hypnosis without a stupid snake involved, ITS POSSIBLE PEOPLE
2016-12-16 20:34:29
>> #144531
HypnoHammer said:
very nice man. love it. I'd love to see a sequel where Rarity decides to let Twilight in on the fun

Good comments make the work feel worth it. And who knows. If I ever find a good pick with Twilight or any other of the rest of mane 6 it might happen. Ty for support
2016-12-16 20:11:38
>> #144526
MisterMan4 said:
Found this pic and tried something with it. Sadly don't know the artist so don't know who to credit, but if any of you recognize him/her be a dear and tag him/her for me. The amount of text may be bigger than usual, but really wanted to make a nice story. Hope you guys like it as much as I do. Enjoy darlings!

very nice man. love it. I'd love to see a sequel where Rarity decides to let Twilight in on the fun
2016-12-16 19:08:25
>> #144513
this idea would be interesting for a story. One that kinda goes before and after the picture
2016-12-16 19:06:11
>> #144512
Looks like marauders work to me. Don't know his exact name but yeah... he has a a thing for supersize boobies.
2016-12-16 18:46:18
>> #144507
Found this pic and tried something with it. Sadly don't know the artist so don't know who to credit, but if any of you recognize him/her be a dear and tag him/her for me. The amount of text may be bigger than usual, but really wanted to make a nice story. Hope you guys like it as much as I do. Enjoy darlings!
2016-12-17 06:18:07
>> #144668
GrandDad said:
What a despairful outcome!

For her!


Dystopia69 said:
....Awwww she looks like an adorable cocksucking chipmunk with those cheeks!!! XDDD

Love how you did the coloring, her skin looks soft.

But yeah...If there's ANYBODY who can make the Ultimate Despair their bitch....

It's the Ultimate Hope!

I couldn't resist the cheeks, it was too much fun to play with them being all poofy-cute xD So I'm glad someone thinks so, too!

And awww, thanks for noticing the colouring! I keep experimenting, so I'm glad it's at least showing on some ways!

Fufufu, exactly~! >:3

Yukikyun said:
I love it! <3 these pics are addicting. I need more everytime I see one.

Awwww.... Thank you~! <3

HypnoCat said:
Seeing Junko as a sub is pretty surprising, but I would have expected Izuru to step on her or something, just like in the anime. Maybe another picture idea? I'd love to see Junko squirming with despair underneath him!

Still, this is a well done pic. <3 I like how Junko looks so mesmerized, while Izuru's body language pretty much screams "This is so boring.".

"I wonder if Izuru manages to even find *this* boring?"

Yes, yes he does.

Well, I'd been wanting to do a "Junko Sub To Hope-fication" or something, and instead somehow came to this.
LoL! That would be rather fitting. I just imagine her tongue out, head tilted back, and drooling in Despair as he steps on her.
And thank you~! <3 I rally do appreciate it ;; Means a lot!

LoL Izuru knows that she's an "expert" at analyzing and learning -- so can she do something to surprise him? ...Apparently not, huh? XD

crazyman said:
well, it is canon that izuru has every talent, so he is the ultimate hypnotist

Well dang. *clears throat*

-- And thus he says "Drop to your knees" and his sub obeys.
2016-12-17 00:07:34
>> #144592
well, it is canon that izuru has every talent, so he is the ultimate hypnotist
2016-12-16 23:07:36
>> #144578
Seeing Junko as a sub is pretty surprising, but I would have expected Izuru to step on her or something, just like in the anime. Maybe another picture idea? I'd love to see Junko squirming with despair underneath him!

Still, this is a well done pic. <3 I like how Junko looks so mesmerized, while Izuru's body language pretty much screams "This is so boring.".

"I wonder if Izuru manages to even find *this* boring?"

Yes, yes he does.
2016-12-16 17:19:15
>> #144501
I love it! <3 these pics are addicting. I need more everytime I see one.
2016-12-16 16:39:28
>> #144498
....Awwww she looks like an adorable cocksucking chipmunk with those cheeks!!! XDDD

Love how you did the coloring, her skin looks soft.

But yeah...If there's ANYBODY who can make the Ultimate Despair their bitch....

It's the Ultimate Hope!
2016-12-17 00:27:19
>> #144601
sanicthehedgehog said:
I did have a different request In mind

And I didn't know if you were one of the nice people that can take more then 1 request from a person

But I wasn't going to risk it

Nah go ahead! I get these things done in like half an hour haha.
2016-12-16 22:58:58
>> #144576
sanicthehedgehog said:
I hope that doesn't count as a request

Is it a problem if it does?
2016-12-16 20:01:25
>> #144522
Yes. Yes. Anything for my seductive furry sex goddess.
2016-12-16 17:46:12
>> #144504
sanicthehedgehog said:
We need more Sally femdom

Challenge accepted ;)
2016-12-16 15:57:22
>> #144489
I remember in Sonic SatAM, when Sally and Bunnie were hypnotized by Robotnik. Funny that since he likes to go all the way with turning animals into totally non-organic beings, he was actually slightly disappointed by the hypnotism. I dunno, I always got a chuckle out of the idea that that was a "step down" for him. :P Amused by his reaction I was, since it's totally not disappointing for me. ha.

Other thing that made that one scene great, I recall... Kath Soucie's INCREDIBLY sexy delivery of the line "How can I help you, Doctor Robotnik.". Kath Soucie sure had a voice that could give you a boner all on it's own. :P
2016-12-16 14:10:39
>> #144473
I couldn't remember the source for the life of me, so if someone knows it, please be a dear and update it for me, ta!
2016-12-16 11:21:01
>> #144464
2016-12-16 09:20:26
>> #144452
What's the point of having all those condoms if they are just gonna... you know what, never mind, porn logic.
2016-12-16 09:12:04
>> #144450
Nightington said:
A lucky find!

Given spoilers for Sun and Moon, I'd guess this girl already had a strong interest in sex.
2016-12-16 08:34:36
>> #144444
A lucky find!

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