2016-12-16 11:06:44
>> #144462
Bloodly said:
So the only question left is 'who's the mastermind?'. No, it's not Lobo-Lobo doesn't give a frag about this kind of thing.

Mad Mod, perhaps?
2016-12-16 03:22:47
>> #144378
So the only question left is 'who's the mastermind?'. No, it's not Lobo-Lobo doesn't give a frag about this kind of thing.
2016-12-16 02:13:26
>> #144359
My god...another stupid flag? i'm out.
2016-12-16 02:00:56
>> #144356
Don't mind me, i'm just here waiting for the "Flag-NonFlag" discussion to start *Grabs Cock-Porn*
2020-10-19 20:48:34
>> #390694
I'm loving the new outfit especially the collar looks so sexy on her.
2016-12-16 10:19:22
>> #144458
NaturalCalm said:
Gotta say, I love the outfit, but the fact that she looks so unhappy rubs me the wrong way...

I hear ya and Raven is my most favourite to be happynotized cause of her dark persona. The change of a dark personality to a blissful one feels good in all the right places
2016-12-16 04:15:03
>> #144397
is no one going to agree with me that this is Raven and therefore doesn't show a lot of emotion? I mean, it might not show on her face, but inside her brainwashed head she could be jumping for joy
2016-12-16 04:05:41
>> #144396
Codknight said:
Both sides are always willing if you ask afterwards

Well, 4 of the 7 have MC

I was confused, because I saw 4 images on the front page, which made me think none of it had been hidden (the guideline is all but 3 images should be hidden when bulk posting). I unhid one of the other MC versions to make up for it.
2016-12-16 02:30:22
>> #144366
NaturalCalm said:
As long as both sides are willing, you can't really make an argument that it's unethical.

Both sides are always willing if you ask afterwards

Mindwipe said:
I hope no one minds if I hide the middle two images of this set from the index, since this is the only pic in the set that shows any MC.

Well, 4 of the 7 have MC
2018-01-05 17:57:22
>> #225512
Actually, to those wondering, a buttface from Joni's own explaination is just a girl wearing panties on her face, Who slapped her cheeks until they were puffed up and swollen
2016-12-16 17:14:39
>> #144500
Right. I made a Buttface tag just so I never have to see this again.

I respect Kobi and like their artstyle, but damn.
2016-12-16 16:15:00
>> #144493
Fourthed, this thing is awful.
2016-12-16 07:05:43
>> #144436
NamesAreForTheWeak said:
Should we make a Buttface character tag for blacklisting purposes?

I mean, I love Kobi's art style. I'm kind of disgusted by this specific character.

2016-12-16 05:57:04
>> #144419
NamesAreForTheWeak said:
Should we make a Buttface character tag for blacklisting purposes?

I mean, I love Kobi's art style. I'm kind of disgusted by this specific character.

2016-12-16 02:51:48
>> #144369
2016-12-15 23:57:26
>> #144333
I got this so I could post a version onto DA cos they generally don't like peens
2016-12-16 09:00:05
>> #144447
Yakai said:
yeah i m still working on that kind of angle/perspective so i must have screwed this part :/
That's OK! Just that at such close a distance as a girl on your lap you wouldn't really see that significant angle-sloping, if any at all. Everybody still likes it anyway. :p
2016-12-16 08:23:02
>> #144442
Thank you every one =p (i don't see that much comment usually xD)

Werewolf said:
His dick looks a little uncomfortably scrunched in there with the way it narrows at the end. Either that or it's just cone-shaped.

yeah i m still working on that kind of angle/perspective so i must have screwed this part :/
2016-12-16 04:04:43
>> #144395
TheDominantSub said:
Well at least I know how to write dick in Chinese(?) now

I think he's just soft and its falling away from him while she's readying him for a fun time

Could just be the angle?
2016-12-16 04:01:08
>> #144394
Well at least I know how to write dick in Chinese(?) now

Werewolf said:
His dick looks a little uncomfortably scrunched in there with the way it narrows at the end. Either that or it's just cone-shaped.

I think he's just soft and its falling away from him while she's readying him for a fun time
2016-12-16 03:45:00
>> #144393
Date Dec 15, 2016User NakAtNightRating QuestionableScore 30(vote up)
2016-12-16 00:39:41
>> #144338
Very nice. ^^
2016-12-15 23:12:41
>> #144326
2016-12-15 21:05:02
>> #144293
First time I've seen her and I like her a lot right away!
2020-07-30 08:41:37
>> #379921
There's a short-medium story that goes with this from the source:
Sheebe sighed, closing her apartment’s door behind her as she trotted into the living room. She let her bag fall to the floor, and wiped her brow wearily. It had been such a long day, and she needed a rest. Thankfully, her colleague had let her borrow a relaxation CD. He’d told her it was the best night’s sleep he’d ever had, that she’d ‘never stop listening to it!’ She regarded the cover art with little interest. It wasn’t very impressive. Some red Umbreon against a black background, the words “I CAN MAKE YOU RELAX” in bold, white comic sans above him. It looked like the kind of cheapo CD you’d find in a crappy little garage sale. But.. She was willing to give it a try. She’d been working later and later hours recently. She really was tired.
So tired, she didn’t notice the eerie glow emanating from the plain jewel case.
A strange, purple glow.

Slipping into bed, she put her earpieces in, and strapped on her MP3 player. She'd managed to rip the disc onto her PC, though it took some time. Seemed to be some errors throwing up as she did so. Her cursor kept warping and swirling. She hoped she hadn't gotten a virus from the thing.
“Welcome.” A smooth, British voice rang through her head. “I can make you relax.”
Of course you can, Sheebe thought to herself with a smirk. You clearly have the production values.
The recording itself was pretty low quality. The microphone seemed a tad fuzzy.
“We will be exploring the depths of your mind. Of your very being.” The voice continued. “We will be opening your mind to brand new possibilities. I certainly hope you enjoy your time with me.”
We’ll see, she thought.
“Please, make yourself comfortable, wherever you are. Wear comfortable clothes, sit or lie down in a comfortable place. Somewhere quiet, where you won’t be disturbed.”
Not a difficult feat for Sheebe, who was wearing nothing, as it was a warm evening, and enjoying the soft warmth of her bed.
“We’re going to start with some deep breathing.” Sheebe was already doing so, but decided to switch up the rhythm as the voice saw fit.
“Take a deep breath in,”
She inhaled.
“And out.”
She exhaled.
“You’re doing very well. Very well indeed. I’d like you to keep this rhythm up as I relax you deeply.”
You’re the boss, she sighed as she breathed slowly and deeply.
“Now, I’d like you to focus on my words as you breathe deeply. Your mind is bound to be full of cluttering thoughts, and we need to get rid of them.”
Rude, the Shibe thought to herself. My thoughts are certainly not clutter.
“Just focus on my words. You’d love to relax. Perhaps you need to. Perhaps your work life is getting more and more hectic, and you just need to sleep deeply after a long day.”
You’re not wrong there, doc, she mused to herself.
“Just focus on my words as I speak to you.”
She paid attention to his words, and nothing else. She had nothing to lose, after all.
“Focus on me, and on your deep breathing.”
Her bosom rose and fall as she closed her eyes and focused, listening intently to the voice.
“Let your mind grow clear. It’s much easier to focus when you’re not thinking.”
I suppose that’s true, she decided, letting the voice in her head fall faint, fainter.. And then, become entirely silent.
“Every thought melting away, slipping out of your ears.” She nodded slowly to herself. She wasn’t sure why. Perhaps she was already so thoughtless, it was just an instinct.
“Nothing in your empty little mind.” The voice sounded clearer for that single line. In fact, much clearer. The recording sounded like a professional piece, now. As though he was right there in the room.
She didn’t notice, of course. She had no thoughts.
“Nothing at all.”
Her lips parted. She mouthed what he had just said.
“And you feel so wonderfully relaxed.”
Another sleepy nod. Whoever this guy was, he knew what he was doing when it came to relaxation.
“You don’t need to think right now.” It spoke softly. It was such a gentle voice. “You don’t need to think at all.”
Sheebe nodded slowly. She didn’t need to think.
“You’ll never think.” She nodded again. She’d never think.
“You’re sinking deeper, and deeper, and deeper into wonderful relaxation.”
Sheebe’s body felt heavier. She sunk a little into the bed.
“You’re blank.”
“You’re a good blank girl.”
“Good, blank girl.”
The MP3 continued playing, these clearer lines nestling in her empty brain as thoughts. Thoughts being made on her behalf.
“You are sinking deeper.”
“Sinking deeper.”
“You are so relaxed.”
“So relaxed.”
“Good girl.”
“Thank you.”
“You may call me master.”
“Good girl.”
“Yes master.”
“You must feel so wonderful now.”
“Just focus on my words as you relax.” The sudden drop in quality was almost startling, but she was so empty, so relaxed, she didn’t even care. “Focus and sink. Sink deeper. And deeper. And deeper. And deeper. And deeper. And deeper.”
“And deeper, and deeper, and deeperrr, and deeperrrr, and deeeeeepeeerrrrr..” She was drooling a little bit, nodding as the voice took control. She was so deeply relaxed.
“Tell me your name.”
“Good girl.”
“I’mmm a gooood girlll.”
“You’ve got no thoughts, and no worries. Just empty, willing obedience.”
“You are deeply in control.”
“You are hypnotized.”
“Hyp-hypno.. Hypnotize..”
“Good girl.” The voice soothed her as she sunk into control. “Sit up.”
Slowly, her sleepy, limp body sat up in the bed. Her head slumped forward as she breathed slowly.
“Get out of bed.”
She nodded, one foot swinging out from under the covers. She sat on the edge of her bed, before standing up, slowly. Her body was a little bit clumsy, but she stood up still for master. Her body was slumped forward. She was so deeply relaxed.
“Take a step.”
The empty dog did as she was commanded. She took a single sleepwalking step forward.
“So easy to do as you’re told, isn’t it?”
“Do.. Do as I’m tooooold..”
“Shhh. Just sleep.”
“Sleep deeply.”
Her eyes slowly closed up, as her deep breathing became gentle, light snoring. She stood perfectly still. She was under control.
2016-12-15 22:42:32
>> #144318
Looks fun totally want it
2016-12-15 20:52:53
>> #144283
This is good
2016-12-15 20:35:48
>> #144278
Simple but lovely control method *giggles*
2016-12-16 06:48:11
>> #144434
Not gonna lie, I thought this said "You ARE the beach!" and I was really excited to see the next page and figure out how this was going to turn out.
2016-12-16 01:48:37
>> #144352
Generally, the source should be a link to a page containing the image, not a link to the image itself. The source is there to find more works of the artist, which you can't do from tumblr's image urls.
2016-12-15 22:13:38
>> #144315
that's one way to get her mind off the snow and the cold
2016-12-15 18:09:59
>> #144266

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