2016-12-28 09:26:46
>> #146695
demonjacobs666 said:
yes, boob slave, hold your boobs up and look deep into my eyes @u@

Ehh, the eye thing never really works well... Here, try this medallion. Worked for me...
2016-12-15 21:06:00
>> #144294
Bobbette said:
Those are shorts?! I thought they were panties.

MrGerp said:
They're aptly named hot pants.

Either way they clearly show off pussy *giggles*
2016-12-15 12:43:50
>> #144237
pokemongirl said:
Agreed *giggles*

Also mindlessly holding up your boobs is fun too hehe

yes, boob slave, hold your boobs up and look deep into my eyes @u@
2016-12-15 05:25:29
>> #144192
Bobbette said:
Those are shorts?! I thought they were panties.

They're aptly named hot pants.
2016-12-15 05:12:47
>> #144185
NaturalCalm said:
Those are the shortest shorts and I love them.

Those are shorts?! I thought they were panties.
2016-12-15 05:14:04
>> #144187
Yay more Akiza!
2016-12-14 23:43:20
>> #144132
Anatomy's still looking bit janky in certain areas, but your coloring//contrast has shown some nice improvement since the feedback I gave. Nice job bud!
2016-12-14 23:35:51
>> #144127
Black--Wave said:
The holiday season has been a bit hectic, but I hope to keep bringing you guys my best. Let me know how you like it.
I'll be back soon with another bouncy animation, so stay tuned. =)

nice man. maybe a christmas themed picture
2016-12-14 22:42:14
>> #144103
Got more of them headsets? I'll take two :3 Consider it a Christmas gift x3
2016-12-14 22:25:32
>> #144097
The holiday season has been a bit hectic, but I hope to keep bringing you guys my best. Let me know how you like it.
I'll be back soon with another bouncy animation, so stay tuned. =)
2016-12-15 14:42:52
>> #144247
LordWasp said:
Kobi's been making these... delightful... things for a while now. Every time one of them shows up, I find myself cursing the fact that the X button on Deviantwatch messages doesn't work for some reason.

If you're using Adblock it puts an empty ad-node at that height that blocks links underneath. It's super annoying, but you can get rid of it with Inspect Element in Firefox.
2016-12-15 13:12:55
>> #144239
Fire_Psycho said:
Is it me who is on drugs or did kobi smoke something?

Kobi's been making these... delightful... things for a while now. Every time one of them shows up, I find myself cursing the fact that the X button on Deviantwatch messages doesn't work for some reason.
2016-12-15 05:42:05
>> #144195
I just...
I'd say there are no words, but in this case not even that can help convey the confusion I'm feeling.
2016-12-15 05:06:25
>> #144182
I don't why but I oddly like this XD
2016-12-15 03:31:44
>> #144167
2016-12-14 20:06:14
>> #144068
Darkness horny mode engaged!
gotta love those heart shape hair strands~

2016-12-14 20:03:12
>> #144066
Well hello there horny babe! Nice work man!
2016-12-14 19:34:26
>> #144061
An other work with Vahn :p
2016-12-14 20:18:19
>> #144072
Holy sweet Jesus this is adorable.
2016-12-14 19:07:55
>> #144057
An awesome animation~
2016-12-17 07:46:28
>> #144678
The thing is, she appears to age at a far more normal rate than her father ever did. She's aged along with everyone else. Now her factor may STOP her from physically aging like what happened with Logan, but still.
2016-12-16 04:17:00
>> #144398
JimLogan54 said:
When she debuted she was 14.

you get my point. it could take her 20 years to go from looking like a 14 year old to looking like a 15 year old. also, not sure accelerated years count in determining her age.
2016-12-16 03:13:38
>> #144375
in all technicality while it is an erotic scene she is not naked so it could be called as safe. Maybe
2016-12-16 02:56:46
>> #144370
When she debuted she was 14.
2016-12-15 15:12:12
>> #144251
JimLogan54 said:
Logan ages slower, but last February the editors released a mock cover of Laura's birthday party with the ghosts of her parents, and the birthday cake had a *16* on it.

well, she still ages real slow. I would think she went through accerated aging, making her 15 years old in like a 15 months, and 14 years, 9 months later is when she looks one year older
2016-12-14 21:53:31
>> #144089
Life finds a way.
2016-12-14 17:52:27
>> #144036
Imasuky said:
Love that show.

Better than the original by a mile.
2016-12-14 17:40:41
>> #144035
hypnofan100 said:
My head, my voices <<|Isn't that right Jesus?>>

Love that show.
2016-12-14 17:37:55
>> #144034
Hawkeye said:
I actually pictured JonTron.

My head, my voices <<|Isn't that right Jesus?>>
2016-12-14 17:28:50
>> #144031
hypnofan100 said:
<<|Congratulations, you are the second person on this site now to be voiced by a TFS character in my head.>>

Also, damn Kaa. Is there no place safe from you?

I actually pictured JonTron.
2016-12-21 15:34:06
>> #145493
Thank you for that.

Just... Thank you. That must have taken some thought.

Also, I'm assuming we got the absolute 'best' outcome?
2016-12-21 00:20:41
>> #145375
Mindwipe said:
Someone added the_little_mermaid as a tag, which automatically added disney. They removed the_little_mermaid, but missed the disney tag.

Well then. Didn't even notice.
2016-12-21 00:04:49
>> #145369
skullman2033 said:
why is this tagged with disney?

Someone added the_little_mermaid as a tag, which automatically added disney. They removed the_little_mermaid, but missed the disney tag.
2016-12-20 23:09:36
>> #145362
skullman2033 said:
why is this tagged with disney?

mermaid maybe?
2016-12-20 18:21:43
>> #145332
why is this tagged with disney?
2016-12-15 20:45:16
>> #144281
Turns out this setup is pretty hot. Anyone's got pictures with a similar setup (guy+girl orally sexing a guy)?
2016-12-14 23:25:24
>> #144120
dats pretty hot doh
2016-12-14 18:37:22
>> #144046
GrandDad said:
Wow, bisexual hentai.

That's rather novel (on the male side at least, I know there are a lot of lesbian-play threesomes out there)

(But I'm not sure those count so whatever).


I found it kind of fun, mysself. #._.#

Imasuky said:
Hard to say which of them I'd want more. But hey why should I have to pick!
2016-12-14 13:24:57
>> #144008
Hard to say which of them I'd want more. But hey why should I have to pick!
2016-12-14 13:21:35
>> #144007
Wow, bisexual hentai.

That's rather novel (on the male side at least, I know there are a lot of lesbian-play threesomes out there)

(But I'm not sure those count so whatever).
2016-12-14 07:10:58
>> #143969
Oh, nevermind, figured it out. That was fun.
2016-12-14 07:05:49
>> #143968
Also, how the heck do I add images to a pool? Because the help/pools/ page really isn't helpful at all. I've got the images, I've made the pool, only thing I can't find is the "Add to pool" button.
2016-12-14 06:53:40
>> #143965
Found this set on Pixiv, and I couldn't not upload it, because it has Kagerou in it, and Kagerou is cute and lovely and perfect in every single way. If you don't like her, fite me 4 real.

A translation of this set would be greatly appreciated, but I also get that it's a lot of work to do, because it's like 7 freaking images of block text.
If you want to provide a translation of your own volition, then you're a saint. Really, I will set up a shrine to you and do my best to get you officially canonised, no matter how many crimes must be committed to do so.
But if you want to work something out in exchange for a translation, then send a message using the link at the bottom of my profile page, and we can talk. I hear that whole money thing is pretty popular nowadays.

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