2016-12-10 06:12:48
>> #143006
zarrockblackheart said:
need to know how to upload a tag of my char zar-virus or zarrock to my uploads.. anyhelp?

2016-12-10 06:09:34
>> #143004
need to know how to upload a tag of my char zar-virus or zarrock to my uploads.. anyhelp?
2020-11-25 13:57:59
>> #395939
Hell I’ll obey, best looking Hypno I’ve seen too
2017-05-11 23:20:52
>> #174426
"drools and follows misstress hypno while jerking off"
2016-12-27 20:03:18
>> #146514
*drops Pokeball and follows*
2016-12-17 09:52:56
>> #144704
anonplsno said:
*falls in line*

*runs to line and joins line*

2016-12-17 06:07:16
>> #144667
EdenSnake said:
"Come little children, come with me
Safe and happy you will be
Away from your homes, now let us run
With Hypno, you'll have so much fun"

*Drools while my erection is very obvious. I follow the mystical pokemon, unable to stop,
unable to shut out her wonderful voice. All while my erection leaks through my pants*
2017-04-30 22:32:18
>> #171964
2017-04-30 21:06:17
>> #171939
I just like the fact that this hypno isn't just out hypnotizing willy nilly, she's very effectively robbing her victims at the same time. goals
2016-12-10 04:35:02
>> #142995
Obscenario said:
As soon as we start getting more Pokemon built for the FemDom hypnosis niche, female Hypnos start showing up more often.

Coincidence, or Hypno making a move to retain total dominance over the fetish? You decide.

This gen also had a lot of hypnos wandering around, so maybe that's part of it.
2016-12-10 04:34:58
>> #142994
Obscenario said:
As soon as we start getting more Pokemon built for the FemDom hypnosis niche, female Hypnos start showing up more often.

Coincidence, or Hypno making a move to retain total dominance over the fetish? You decide.

It's a conspiracy. The truth is out there!
2016-12-10 04:33:47
>> #142993
As soon as we start getting more Pokemon built for the FemDom hypnosis niche, female Hypnos start showing up more often.

Coincidence, or Hypno making a move to retain total dominance over the fetish? You decide.
2021-05-13 12:29:07
>> #419595
I’m glad someone saved his old stuff, even in low quality
2017-01-25 06:00:26
>> #152581
I didn't see the square corner until i read about it in the comments.
2016-12-11 02:23:10
>> #143204
AriothVulpe said:
Please, permit me to elaborate. I'm not saying that someone should be able to just take a photo, MSPaint the eyes white and call it a hypno manip. I've seen it done and it's just not good at all. But I don't know about you guys, but I've put up with some *badly* done art or photomanip for the sake of a good concept or story related to hypno or other fetishes. This isn't even close to the worst I've ever seen, especially since time was taken to animate it. That isn't something you just slap together in 20 minutes. (If you can do this in 20 minutes good for you, I'm not talking about you specifically.)

What I'm saying is that flagging is for things that are basically junk on the site - things that are unrelated to MC, or are spam or advertisements, or whatnot. If you think a piece of art or manip is just not well made, then that's fine. It's your opinion and I respect that. But I'd suggest perhaps just moving on, or, if you want, constructive criticism is nice.

If what happened was someone pointed out "hey, there's a border on the watch, you should make sure that doesn't happen for future work" then I'd be totally 100% fine with it. That's at least attempting to help the OP improve their work, and can even encourage them to do better later. Just flagging it and saying "nope, not good enough" and tossing it in the bin is just a slap in the face IMO.

Anyway, I apologize if I was ranting. I'm not intending to trigger arguments. I just recalled way back when I did photomanips and honestly, they were terrible, but people offered ways for me to improve and it made me feel like people cared about what I did enough to want me to do more and get better. I feel like if that's the response I got back in the day, I probably would have just stopped doing anything hypno related online. I just want people to be constructive with criticism and help others improve, cause that's how we get more quality content.

I've given plenty of constructive criticism toward a number of pieces here, be it ones that have stayed or have been taken down for whatever reason (which in some cases was the result of poor quality of anatomy). I really need to improve how I go about it admittedly, but outside my own self-reflecting, let's be real here: Giving just about any piece that is Hypno-related and isn't spam a pass, solely based off of the effort alone, is a bit ridiculous to accept.

I do agree with the need to point this sorta stuff out more in comments, rather than just flag a piece of work without elaborating. However, (digital) pieces like this that get flagged can at least be fixed, and then reuploaded. This has happened before, and while sure, flagging can be a bit much, it's nice to at least see some attempts made at fixing something to get it just right.
2016-12-11 02:06:27
>> #143201
RedCollarBlackCollar said:
So you'd prefer for there to be no criticism whatsoever, and instead just have people "try their best" without learning how to improve their content...

You can say it's discouraging, but I think you're really underestimating the purpose of having quality standards here...

Please, permit me to elaborate. I'm not saying that someone should be able to just take a photo, MSPaint the eyes white and call it a hypno manip. I've seen it done and it's just not good at all. But I don't know about you guys, but I've put up with some *badly* done art or photomanip for the sake of a good concept or story related to hypno or other fetishes. This isn't even close to the worst I've ever seen, especially since time was taken to animate it. That isn't something you just slap together in 20 minutes. (If you can do this in 20 minutes good for you, I'm not talking about you specifically.)

What I'm saying is that flagging is for things that are basically junk on the site - things that are unrelated to MC, or are spam or advertisements, or whatnot. If you think a piece of art or manip is just not well made, then that's fine. It's your opinion and I respect that. But I'd suggest perhaps just moving on, or, if you want, constructive criticism is nice.

If what happened was someone pointed out "hey, there's a border on the watch, you should make sure that doesn't happen for future work" then I'd be totally 100% fine with it. That's at least attempting to help the OP improve their work, and can even encourage them to do better later. Just flagging it and saying "nope, not good enough" and tossing it in the bin is just a slap in the face IMO.

Anyway, I apologize if I was ranting. I'm not intending to trigger arguments. I just recalled way back when I did photomanips and honestly, they were terrible, but people offered ways for me to improve and it made me feel like people cared about what I did enough to want me to do more and get better. I feel like if that's the response I got back in the day, I probably would have just stopped doing anything hypno related online. I just want people to be constructive with criticism and help others improve, cause that's how we get more quality content.
2016-12-11 00:08:36
>> #143190
Eh, the square border on the watch spiral is a little off-putting, but in this particular case I don't see it detracting from the image overly much. It can stay.

It would be a good thing to improve on in the future, though.
2016-12-09 19:03:25
>> #142885
Her body move on its own.
2017-01-09 01:21:50
>> #149155
Arata said:
Actually, I see it totally plausible according to comedy manga/Japan in general standards. I'm surprised nobody has died of nosebleed yet

Baka & Test has a running gag involving one or more characters "dying" from nosebleeds.
2017-01-09 00:58:14
>> #149146
Inactive001 said:
No words can describe how hot it is... *nosebleeds to death*

Actually, I see it totally plausible according to comedy manga/Japan in general standards. I'm surprised nobody has died of nosebleed yet
2016-12-09 22:37:13
>> #142930
2016-12-09 22:35:11
>> #142929
2016-12-09 18:40:43
>> #142881
ecchime said:
No words can describe how hot it is... *nosebleeds to death*

No! Don't die yet! There's so many more things to fap to D:
2016-12-10 03:20:27
>> #142972
Taryh said:
Oh god. You don't understand. This isn't a haigure hypnosis. This is a haigure reality overwrite. Make everything haigure. The girls, the books, the teddy bears, the figurines, the food, the animals, and so on. It's Planet Haigure.

I want to go to the planet/reality *giggles*
2016-12-09 23:12:15
>> #142936
Spirals said:
Is that a haigure teddy bear? Why?
I think it's a reference to another beloved and popular bear |=(;3

2016-12-09 21:10:43
>> #142920
Taryh said:
Oh god. You don't understand. This isn't a haigure hypnosis. This is a haigure reality overwrite. Make everything haigure. The girls, the books, the teddy bears, the figurines, the food, the animals, and so on. It's Planet Haigure.

2016-12-09 20:08:55
>> #142911
Spirals said:
Is that a haigure teddy bear? Why?

pokemongirl said:
As is the figure and apparently a book on it too!


Oh god. You don't understand. This isn't a haigure hypnosis. This is a haigure reality overwrite. Make everything haigure. The girls, the books, the teddy bears, the figurines, the food, the animals, and so on. It's Planet Haigure.
2016-12-09 19:58:26
>> #142902
pokemongirl said:
As is the figure and apparently a book on it too!


Huh. So there is.

Not sure why they're so upset when all of their stuff is haigure-themed.

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