2016-12-06 10:30:15
>> #142198
Kuttacc said:
Was this an actual episode? I never really followed Omniverse.

Yeah, to a point. It was Rath that got controlled by her, not Gwen.
2016-12-06 08:06:27
>> #142187
Was this an actual episode? I never really followed Omniverse.
2016-12-06 05:47:27
>> #142171
Is this source link broken?
2016-12-06 05:39:08
>> #142168
pokemongirl said:
You mean the PLUS side *giggles*

"Down"-side was in the context of the show. It's a Plus side here, but meant team Tennyson was down a member in the episode.
2016-12-06 04:50:49
>> #142157
godofwar99 said:
Apparently Gwen was transformed into a cat girl, and the down side is that there's a villain in the series that is cat-shit crazy and controls all felines

You mean the PLUS side *giggles*
2016-12-06 20:18:46
>> #142250
Majin 18? Huh, nice. =3
2016-12-06 07:47:56
>> #142185
RedCollarBlackCollar said:
I don't think vaguely asking people in the comments section of every picture of this character's gonna get you results bud, especially where they don't get anything in return. If ya can't commission, just leave it be. Sometimes artists ask for drawing requests in the forums, so you can always give that a shot if you're patient enough for any to go and ask when the time comes.

Thanks for the help :)
2016-12-06 05:41:27
>> #142169
18 majin-ized. okay, not a real word, but you know what I mean. imagine if Bulma or Chichi got that treatment
2016-12-06 04:50:09
>> #142156
StepfordCrimson said:
..... Interesting combination . o.

Very interesting but now I need more Majin 18 *giggles*
2016-12-06 04:16:53
>> #142152
Robodude102 said:
I would if I could

I don't think vaguely asking people in the comments section of every picture of this character's gonna get you results bud, especially where they don't get anything in return. If ya can't commission, just leave it be. Sometimes artists ask for drawing requests in the forums, so you can always give that a shot if you're patient enough for any to go and ask when the time comes.
2016-12-06 11:37:13
>> #142203
Awesome perspective here! It gives a nice effect to the picture.
2016-12-06 04:49:25
>> #142155
Evilunicorn said:
Drool and lost eyes. yes.

This is lovely and amazing *drools*
2016-12-06 03:27:53
>> #142146
SunnyCorvid said:
Yes, but to be fair so is she. I feel the more pressing question is how did they fit a cd in a smartphone?

Maybe it came with a code for an mp3 download.
2016-12-06 02:49:57
>> #142144
SunnyCorvid said:
Yes, but to be fair so is she.

Haha, that works!
SunnyCorvid said:
I feel the more pressing question is how did they fit a cd in a smartphone?

Obviously they folded it.

2016-12-06 02:19:06
>> #142138
MindMasher said:
You do know it's paused, right?

Yes, but to be fair so is she. I feel the more pressing question is how did they fit a cd in a smartphone?
2016-12-05 22:15:10
>> #142101
We need more FF7, tbh we need a lot more of a lot of things though!~
2016-12-06 19:06:44
>> #142240
Trekkion said:
I'm absurdly busy for the next month or so but if you're ever having trouble with story ideas hit me up. once we roll around into mid January Ill have a lot more free time and as someone who enjoys quite a lot of the images you uplaod I wouldn't mind writing stories for them.

Oh most certainly '^'

would be easier to communicate through skype or discord tho, when the time comes.
I've been pumping out eye manips more mainly because of my adhd medication, which has a weird effect on my sex drive that I'd rather not go into detail about lol. But I've been making them more often because i keep using the medication to focus on my finals/work, and then crashing later and making these. (I have weird relationship with this stuff...)

My production will probably slow in january because i have less incentive to blank people. I can probably just save a few pictures tho or even reupload them with a story later.
2016-12-06 16:30:35
>> #142234
Emphaticpikachu said:
Well yeah, I like making Eye manips, they're my favorite thing and generally the only thing I upload here. (I've done full text portions more recently but only when i actually get ideas; as you can see i was struggling pretty hard with this one.)

if anybody wants to shoot me story ideas for this one go right ahead o vo

I'm absurdly busy for the next month or so but if you're ever having trouble with story ideas hit me up. once we roll around into mid January Ill have a lot more free time and as someone who enjoys quite a lot of the images you uplaod I wouldn't mind writing stories for them.
2016-12-05 23:50:54
>> #142113
Sleepyhead97 said:
I know that feel.

Nopetist said:
I'm not really seeing any hypnosis except for the eyes

Well yeah, I like making Eye manips, they're my favorite thing and generally the only thing I upload here. (I've done full text portions more recently but only when i actually get ideas; as you can see i was struggling pretty hard with this one.)

if anybody wants to shoot me story ideas for this one go right ahead o vo
2016-12-05 23:31:28
>> #142109
I'm not really seeing any hypnosis except for the eyes
2016-12-05 21:06:58
>> #142095
Emphaticpikachu said:
Ugh I'm so annoyed, this is litterally the cutest thing ever (she's so pouty angry at whoever is there, and yet she's still hypnotized and has no control <3), but I can't think of a good story behind it.
The emotions behind it are easy to understand but I couldn't come up with a realistic and fun way to express them

I know that feel.
2016-12-07 13:46:16
>> #142387
Roxa said:
Oh, I'm surprised we don't have a "mutual_hypnosis" tag. :o

I was too but I put in a request for it. Tempted to just create it at this point as this and the other Reisen/Clownpiece image is most definitely mutual hypnosis But that one gets to flat out yuri action
2016-12-06 23:09:13
>> #142269
Oh, I'm surprised we don't have a "mutual_hypnosis" tag. :o
2016-12-06 12:48:16
>> #142211
Mindwipe said:
Mail Vanndril and let him know about the full image not showing up. You provided a source, so he can just go and manually put the full image into the database.

Sent him mail so just gotta wait for him to respond.
2016-12-06 11:14:22
>> #142202
Zelinko said:
So it ends when their outfits both catch flame and fight's off because being on fire is a lot more important thing to deal with.

Also I'm considering asking for a full delete of this so I can reupload as there is NO full version of this image it's a flat out 404.

Mail Vanndril and let him know about the full image not showing up. You provided a source, so he can just go and manually put the full image into the database.
2016-12-06 09:22:17
>> #142193
rocketracer294 said:
It's clearly a battle. Lunatic vs. Lunatic. Also maybe putting their faces so close to that fire is not a good idea, they seem to be breaking quite a sweat.

So it ends when their outfits both catch flame and fight's off because being on fire is a lot more important thing to deal with.

Also I'm considering asking for a full delete of this so I can reupload as there is NO full version of this image it's a flat out 404.
2019-05-25 23:33:05
>> #319863
Changing prof pic to this.
2019-04-06 01:19:14
>> #312925
Necrophilia and pedophilia in one. I think I hear the FBI outside
2016-12-06 05:06:33
>> #142160
HypnoMangaEditor said:
Am I the only one who finds the way she moves scary?

I find her static vagina even scarier!
2016-12-06 01:08:02
>> #142124
I was around when there were porn C64 games back in the days. Still less creepy than this.
2016-12-05 23:44:04
>> #142112
HypnoMangaEditor said:
Am I the only one who finds the way she moves scary?

You wouldn't have lasted a day in the early Flash H-game scene.
2016-12-13 07:17:52
>> #143734
Zelinko said:

Remember it's all fun and games until you light yourself on fire. Then it's time to star screaming and flailing about.

You're supposed to stop drop and roll.
2016-12-05 18:07:39
>> #142070
Pastel-Daemon said:
Surprised there isn't more clownpiece here, tbh.

She's not used as much for her power and more for her outfit and relationships. Most people forget about the torch as drawing art with her effectively being one handed is limiting. Especially with poses that do NOT result in Clownpiece lighting herself on fire!

Remember it's all fun and games until you light yourself on fire. Then it's time to star screaming and flailing about.

I'd have to check the mangas but she also may be a sub from one panel I saw (but I need to confirm the context)
2016-12-05 17:53:37
>> #142069
Surprised there isn't more clownpiece here, tbh.
2016-12-05 15:41:19
>> #142053
2016-12-05 22:00:16
>> #142098
I can hear Van Halen playing in my head during the part of Bloom walking.
2016-12-05 21:39:38
>> #142097
Damn, this takes me back.
2016-12-05 21:05:39
>> #142094
Someone please draw Bloom as a robot. Or maybe her getting robotized. Someone please just draw her as a robot!
2016-12-05 20:01:10
>> #142082
I like this *giggles* just wish it wasn't a pain for my computer to handle XD
2016-12-05 17:04:54
>> #142059
wow. did not see this coming. this guy should do more work
2016-12-08 05:12:18
>> #142523

Poor godofwar99 XD~
2016-12-08 04:42:43
>> #142519
Heart eyes do not necessarily mean MC (and they never have since the hub launched). While they are a strong factor in its favor, if it's simply something the artist always does and nothing suggests that there's MC, then it's not fit for the site.

To use more legalistic terms, the use of heart eyes is just one consideration in the <<|balancing test>> of whether or not an image sufficiently implies MC to be on the site. Some images with absolutely no MC in them stay up because their source link from the original artist/commissioner includes a mind control text story which gets posted as a comment along with the image itself. Other images get deleted even though they have heart eyes, which gets used all the time to denote MC (just not in the one being removed). This isn't a flaw in site policy; it's the only way to both keep most MC on the site and keep most non-MC off the site.
2016-12-06 05:21:41
>> #142164
ShadowCalAgain said:
<<|What's the latest controversy on hypnohub?>>

2016-12-05 21:09:11
>> #142096
<<|What's the latest controversy on hypnohub?>>
2016-12-05 20:24:28
>> #142090

Zelinko said:
things related to whining about heart eyes and MC

My god this recurring argument again... The mods have made their decision clear on the subject, so can we all just drop it and save ourselves some possible lost brain cells?

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