2016-12-05 22:00:16
>> #142098
I can hear Van Halen playing in my head during the part of Bloom walking.
2016-12-05 21:39:38
>> #142097
Damn, this takes me back.
2016-12-05 21:05:39
>> #142094
Someone please draw Bloom as a robot. Or maybe her getting robotized. Someone please just draw her as a robot!
2016-12-05 20:01:10
>> #142082
I like this *giggles* just wish it wasn't a pain for my computer to handle XD
2016-12-05 17:04:54
>> #142059
wow. did not see this coming. this guy should do more work
2016-12-08 05:12:18
>> #142523

Poor godofwar99 XD~
2016-12-08 04:42:43
>> #142519
Heart eyes do not necessarily mean MC (and they never have since the hub launched). While they are a strong factor in its favor, if it's simply something the artist always does and nothing suggests that there's MC, then it's not fit for the site.

To use more legalistic terms, the use of heart eyes is just one consideration in the <<|balancing test>> of whether or not an image sufficiently implies MC to be on the site. Some images with absolutely no MC in them stay up because their source link from the original artist/commissioner includes a mind control text story which gets posted as a comment along with the image itself. Other images get deleted even though they have heart eyes, which gets used all the time to denote MC (just not in the one being removed). This isn't a flaw in site policy; it's the only way to both keep most MC on the site and keep most non-MC off the site.
2016-12-06 05:21:41
>> #142164
ShadowCalAgain said:
<<|What's the latest controversy on hypnohub?>>

2016-12-05 21:09:11
>> #142096
<<|What's the latest controversy on hypnohub?>>
2016-12-05 20:24:28
>> #142090

Zelinko said:
things related to whining about heart eyes and MC

My god this recurring argument again... The mods have made their decision clear on the subject, so can we all just drop it and save ourselves some possible lost brain cells?

2016-12-06 10:49:13
>> #142200
icemagic said:
Come for the porn, stay for the biology lesson. xD

I aim to please?
2016-12-06 07:42:46
>> #142183
The harambe/Winston gang bang went weirder than expected...
2016-12-06 00:49:45
>> #142121
2016-12-05 22:22:02
>> #142103
He has no style. He has no grace. This Kong, will cum on your face.
2016-12-05 22:06:54
>> #142099
SubbySaschi said:
Dicks out for Harambe? :D

Dicks up the ass for Harambe, apparently.
2020-12-24 16:19:51
>> #399715
Technically it would be cannon just not on screen thing tho why is another question i guess a really kinky waterbender
2020-12-24 16:16:13
>> #399714
She bended the cum right out of her...duh
2016-12-05 09:48:59
>> #141994
I get blood bending an election, but how did she get a...? Right, porn.
2017-05-14 23:11:05
>> #175214
Kamenrider01 said:
but did we really need it to be with the bloody snake theme again?

Yes, I did.
2017-05-14 23:09:33
>> #175210
Roxa said:
Needed some more Winx. :3

but did we really need it to be with the bloody snake theme again?
2016-12-06 04:56:35
>> #142159
Roxa said:
Tbh I only barely watched the 3 first seasons when I was a kid but never really got into it.
The show isn't very good imo but I always love when rule 34 applies to it, for some reason. @_@

Pretty much the same for me lol was too busy with Kids WB than Fox anyway played a part in it too *giggles*

And yes that's a very good reason hehe
2016-12-05 20:49:31
>> #142093
pokemongirl said:
Yay more Bloom though always more Techna/Musa girl myself plus more tech/headphone hypnosis I always imagine from them hehe

Any thoughts on the future seasons Roxa? I tried to watch again when they put it back on Nick but the animation turned me off immensely.

Tbh I only barely watched the 3 first seasons when I was a kid but never really got into it.
The show isn't very good imo but I always love when rule 34 applies to it, for some reason. @_@
2016-12-05 20:10:03
>> #142086
Roxa said:
Needed some more Winx. :3

Yay more Bloom though always more Techna/Musa girl myself plus more tech/headphone hypnosis I always imagine from them hehe

Any thoughts on the future seasons Roxa? I tried to watch again when they put it back on Nick but the animation turned me off immensely.
Date Jul 29, 2013User hypnoRating QuestionableScore 26(vote up)
2016-12-05 07:57:47
>> #141979
Lol flesh colored mouth
2016-12-07 14:41:12
>> #142392
okay, serious question:
Why are people even enjoying Inspector Gadget. In general

2016-12-07 01:16:21
>> #142304
ZeldaIsHot said:
All of the Dragon Ball (Z/GT/S) characters have puns for their names. It's not consistently food or anything else - but generally speaking, the families run themes.

Dr. Briefs' family is named after underwear, Mr. Satan's family is named after religious stuff (that's the scientific term), Frieza's "family" is named after cold things, they Saiyan race is named after vegetables, etc.

Toriyama has an interesting sense of humour, and to sum up the name puns with "food and underwear" is, while not 100% incorrect, not giving him enough credit.

EDIT: P.S. Don't expect me to come back.

His other series DR. Slump also has a lot of food puns.
2016-12-07 01:14:43
>> #142302
AmatureManga said:
from his Saiyan side Karkorot is based off of food but his earth name is not food.

True it's just flat out taken from another story. As is 99% of everything in Dragonball, it's just a retelling Journey to the west. Don't get me wrong I love Dragonball but it's plott is far from original, the way it's told is unique but ias you said it is all based on an story that is downright ancient.
2016-12-07 01:10:13
>> #142300
Sirloin said:
Until the Sayian revelation, where his birth name was revealed to be based on a root vegetable.

from his Saiyan side Karkorot is based off of food but his earth name is not food.
2016-12-07 01:05:32
>> #142296
You might be right about other characters but Goku was not named after food.

Until the Sayian revelation, where his birth name was revealed to be based on a root vegetable.
2016-12-05 20:02:48
>> #142083
What a lovely harem outfit @.@
2016-12-05 08:19:10
>> #141985
All this harem suits kill me,on the good sense.
2016-12-05 08:11:26
>> #141981
now I just need a 'dachi one like this ;)
2016-12-05 06:09:11
>> #141955
Oh my! Another waifu! *-*
2016-12-05 04:28:25
>> #141943
As an U-chan fan, i HAD to post it ^^
2016-12-06 15:32:27
>> #142223
Zelinko said:
Eh the girls are okay enough but the cock needs a lot more work for being drawn as it looks kinda like a badly designed dildo then the just is a total arousal kill.

Like going into this I figured you got a Magician and a Succubus. Why not them getting themselves a guy who'd be a fucktoy for them but nope...

The cock was equally visible last picture, you can check the pixels.
I did kinda expect them to be dominant but I don't necessarily mind them being subs either. It's more a matter of opinion and preference, really. Not exactly a great reason to bash the image...
2016-12-05 10:38:24
>> #142007
DerpySkies said:
A solid 7/5?

Eh the girls are okay enough but the cock needs a lot more work for being drawn as it looks kinda like a badly designed dildo then the just is a total arousal kill.

Like going into this I figured you got a Magician and a Succubus. Why not them getting themselves a guy who'd be a fucktoy for them but nope...
2016-12-05 10:35:56
>> #142006
Zelinko said:
And then it goes to shit. From a solid 7 to 0 in one panel

A solid 7/5?
2016-12-05 07:08:36
>> #141971
Zelinko said:
And then it goes to shit. From a solid 7 to 0 in one panel

"I don't like it so it's bad" Tough fucking shit. Don't look at it.
2016-12-05 06:43:50
>> #141964
Zelinko said:
And then it goes to shit. From a solid 7 to 0 in one panel

Well aren't you a cheerful fellow?
If you have a problem with freaking maledom, blacklist it, and stop shitposting, if you want to do a negative review, do it respectfully and show reasons why you dislike it.
2016-12-05 05:17:55
>> #141949

Where did he go? Did they ever find out?
2016-12-05 04:23:01
>> #141939
StepfordCrimson said:
Wish my laptop/computer virus made me into a sexy cybernetic Terra Branford Esper

Likewise. :P
2016-12-05 04:12:26
>> #141934
2016-12-05 04:06:36
>> #141933
2016-12-05 03:00:14
>> #141915
Wish my laptop/computer virus made me into a sexy cybernetic Terra Branford Esper

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