2016-12-04 07:00:17
>> #141697
If the imageset either gets flagged and passes or goes a while without getting flagged I'll consider it safe to do the rest, but it's a lot of pictures to tag and upload so I don't want to bother if they are going to end up deleted.

This isn't the only bloodbending picture on the site, though admittedly i can only find one more, and I feel like it's silly to distinguish based on the underlying details of the physics of the mechanism rather than the obvious effect. Most people with a body control fetish would consider this part of that, i would think, and it DOES perfectly meet the definition of the tag: able to think freely but not control their actions.

I don't see remotely controlling the body with a "magic" power to manipulate it to be fundamentally different from say, a control chip sending signals to the nerves to make them move despite the brain(so like this: That's still not mental control. It's physically manipulating the body, just more subtly and less forcefully. If it was controlling the mind why would you need a bunch of them around the body?

Something like a voodoo doll would often be the same kind of thing as well, it's physically manipulating the body, as proven by scenes where the doll can throw people across rooms or float them or cause physical damage, something that wouldn't be possible if it was mentally controlling them(granted, not all voodoo dolls do this, but we don't distinguish the ones that do from the ones that don't when ruling if voodoo dolls are acceptable).

Heck the implication of this picture here: (Pokemon bestiality warning: and DEFINITELY here: (Pokemon bestiality warning: seems to be telekinesis, which is fundamentally the exact same kind of can just control more things.

We allow puppet based control which is also essentially the same thing fundamentally, and although some are paired with actual mental control, not all of them are.

This is also explicitly physical manipulation, as it can be physically overpowered by strong characters:

I won't argue it further after this unless someone asks me for a response, but i really feel like the this follows the spirit of the site pretty well and disallowing it on that basis would be contradictory to a lot of other content that's similar, and to the spirit of the fetish.

2016-12-04 03:52:16
>> #141676
Sleepyhead97 said:
Oh so that's what was going on in the Ty Lee pics. I was really confused about why she was a dom because she can't blood bend.

Yeah, that's what's happening in them, though it doesn't actually make sense for her to be able to transform with it(i mean, blood bending has never done that either but it makes MORE sense), but hey, it's porn, logic isn't super relevant :P
2016-12-04 03:47:34
>> #141675
GJT0530 said:
Well if that's the case I guess i should just stop uploading, the second half is even less relevant(also body control, but via "pressure points" which i've previously had removed but was going to include in the set since i thought this part was ok).

Oh so that's what was going on in the Ty Lee pics. I was really confused about why she was a dom because she can't blood bend.
2016-12-04 03:44:39
>> #141674
Well if that's the case I guess i should just stop uploading, the second half is even less relevant(also body control, but via "pressure points" which i've previously had removed but was going to include in the set since i thought this part was ok).
2016-12-04 03:37:45
>> #141672
Mindwipe said:
Many body control pics do use mental control, but blood bending is literally just moving blood in the body to force the body to move. It's the same as grabbing and twisting someone's arm, but on the inside. And seeing as how we would never allow the former on here, we don't allow the latter either.

Well yeah, you're right about that. But theoretically, you could argue that blood bending could influence neural activity inside of the brain though. So it would be able to mess with the mental activity and thus equal mental control. ;3
2016-12-21 12:00:14
>> #145480
I don't think its suppost to be a little girl(young) I think the crazy girl is just dramatically larger for drama
2016-12-21 04:53:16
>> #145432
RebirthOfPandemonium said:

it would be hella cute
2016-12-20 05:34:24
>> #145269
kaakaa said:
I wish the little girl was breastfeeding while being hypnotized

2016-12-19 23:01:46
>> #145205
I wish the little girl was breastfeeding while being hypnotized
2016-12-04 17:29:04
>> #141773

elena (renaissanceofchaos) 11


aylith (renaissanceofchaos) 1

2016-12-04 08:30:08
>> #141710
PenKen said:
oh jesus christ I was so goddamn awful

Isn't it a great feeling? Memory lane should be beautiful, no matter what!
2016-12-04 05:28:03
>> #141689
XfunX said:
think of how much you have improved!

StepfordCrimson said:
Need more Dark Bloom


2016-12-04 04:37:07
>> #141683
StepfordCrimson said:
Need more Dark Bloom

2016-12-04 03:37:54
>> #141673
StepfordCrimson said:
Need more Dark Bloom

Agreed...never liked her so evil her all the time would be nice *giggles*

And its good Penken just glad you've improved so much as well! : )
2016-12-04 01:56:20
>> #141655
Need more Dark Bloom
2016-12-09 06:31:30
>> #142791
you make this hypnohub a bit brighter.
2016-12-04 15:22:59
>> #141758
smeef said:
sorry if it looks a little rushed, I just really wanted to practice waterbrush coloring, and thought "hey why not put more best girl in the hub what could go wrong"

Fixed it for you.
2016-12-04 00:15:45
>> #141637
sorry if it looks a little rushed, I just really wanted to practice waterbrush coloring, and thought "hey why not put more kosaki in the hub what could go wrong"
2016-12-04 03:33:12
>> #141669
Wiggley snake licks hehe
2016-12-03 23:28:39
>> #141629
Oh my god hypnotize me and marry me
2016-12-07 00:16:43
>> #142285
>~< why do i look like im addicted to it
2016-12-05 02:56:00
>> #141914
Sweet good doggy!
2016-12-04 21:47:03
>> #141826
Ohhh. More Nell-Chrome. Was just thinking it'd been too long
2016-12-04 12:34:20
>> #141738
Absolutely adorable
pokemongirl said:
Mmmmm~ this is very lovely *wiggles her bottom*

*joins in the fun*
2016-12-04 08:51:40
>> #141716
I feel really dumb but it's really late here but the cat's in control here right? Or are they both under? I don't know why I'm so bugged by not knowing in this particular picture

Very nice picture tho, very nice, and hot regardless of who's on first
2016-12-04 18:05:04
>> #141779
Mega27 said:
Why is Gardevoir tagged? I don't see it

She was in the second image of the pool. When uploading i copy and pasted some tags to save time and didn't realize gardevoir only appeared in one of the three pics.
2016-12-04 18:03:00
>> #141778
Why is Gardevoir tagged? I don't see it
2016-12-03 21:19:26
>> #141601
Never going to like diapers used like this but...if this is not the cutest thing hehe
2016-12-05 02:38:48
>> #141908
Tman said:
Program malfunctioning? Some dommy tendencies today? :P ^^

Oh, I have a few harem slaves of my own in the closet that I let out from time to time.

2016-12-05 00:59:06
>> #141891
That ass it's gorgeous!
2016-12-04 21:18:09
>> #141819
Mindwipe said:
I want to love everything about this, but the way this artist draws faces, particularly lips, is just so off-putting to me.

Yeah, same here. Not a total crash but...

Still a great pic!
Sadly the doms eyes are so uniformly "spinning"... somewhat destroying that disorienting, "swaying" symbolism.

Program malfunctioning? Some dommy tendencies today? :P ^^
2016-12-04 07:33:38
>> #141706
Mindwipe said:
I want to love everything about this, but the way this artist draws faces, particularly lips, is just so off-putting to me.

I actually have a co-worker with big, puffy lips like that.

... And because of this artist, I've fantasized about her sucking my feet far more often than I should.
2016-12-04 00:44:32
>> #141643
Mindwipe said:
I want to love everything about this, but the way this artist draws faces, particularly lips, is just so off-putting to me.

Especially the panel where she says "This wine really makes me sleepy."
2016-12-03 19:34:05
>> #141574
Last one in this part of the set(there are three more parts), but i'll upload the rest later as I have to go.
2018-11-03 03:13:13
>> #287644
Last time I recall, blood-bending puts a person in pain when in use. Not body hypnosis. Just saying.
2016-12-10 23:54:49
>> #143183
RedCollarBlackCollar said:
Even though the power itself is body control at its very core, the posts delve into brainwashing, so... Shouldn't they pass overall since they're all together in a pool? Sure, this being a variant of her powers is clearly a huge stretch and wouldn't canonically work at all like this, but I still think whole thing counts regardless.

Pretty much, yeah.
2016-12-07 06:10:43
>> #142351
Even though the power itself is body control at its very core, the posts delve into brainwashing, so... Shouldn't they pass overall since they're all together in a pool? Sure, this being a variant of her powers is clearly a huge stretch and wouldn't canonically work at all like this, but I still think whole thing counts regardless.
2016-12-07 05:10:40
>> #142337
GJT0530 said:
This isn't the only bloodbending picture on the site, though admittedly i can only find one more, and I feel like it's silly to distinguish based on the underlying details of the physics of the mechanism rather than the obvious effect. Most people with a body control fetish would consider this part of that, i would think, and it DOES perfectly meet the definition of the tag: able to think freely but not control their actions.

I don't see remotely controlling the body with a "magic" power to manipulate it to be fundamentally different from say, a control chip sending signals to the nerves to make them move despite the brain(so like this: That's still not mental control. It's physically manipulating the body, just more subtly and less forcefully. If it was controlling the mind why would you need a bunch of them around the body?

Something like a voodoo doll would often be the same kind of thing as well, it's physically manipulating the body, as proven by scenes where the doll can throw people across rooms or float them or cause physical damage, something that wouldn't be possible if it was mentally controlling them(granted, not all voodoo dolls do this, but we don't distinguish the ones that do from the ones that don't when ruling if voodoo dolls are acceptable).

Heck the implication of this picture here: (Pokemon bestiality warning: and DEFINITELY here: (Pokemon bestiality warning: seems to be telekinesis, which is fundamentally the exact same kind of can just control more things.

We allow puppet based control which is also essentially the same thing fundamentally, and although some are paired with actual mental control, not all of them are.

This is also explicitly physical manipulation, as it can be physically overpowered by strong characters:

I won't argue it further after this unless someone asks me for a response, but i really feel like the this follows the spirit of the site pretty well and disallowing it on that basis would be contradictory to a lot of other content that's similar, and to the spirit of the fetish.

2016-12-04 11:35:02
>> #141732
"what did you doing to me bitch" ...Gud

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