2016-12-04 00:24:42
>> #141639
crazyman said:
stanford pines?

I thought the same thing.
2016-12-03 21:07:46
>> #141594
Trishbot said:
OBVIOUS hypno-fodder.

Of course plus big hips and butts *giggles*
2016-12-03 19:20:38
>> #141573
stanford pines?
2016-12-03 18:51:00
>> #141566
Is there no wide hips tag?? Because I'm just staring at her waist and...damn I want more.
2016-12-03 16:48:03
>> #141547
Imasuky said:
Thank you...I had just forgotten that song...Thanks so very much.

Now I won't be suffering alone.
2018-11-22 00:06:19
>> #290970
Hild's most depraced and best schemes!
2017-07-02 20:25:38
>> #185385
kharonalpua said:
Maybe not if they refer to a single character, but this picture contains 3 girls who all have different breast sizes -- it's very possible to have a laerge breasted female and a loli character in the same pic -- just check out the results for the two together:

Of course, not to argue that this pic needs both -- I wouldn't interpret Skuld here as loli, just as a flat-chested adult.

Most of the boobs of the left one is covered by arm and leg, so it's hard to determine if she is flat-chested or has boobs |=(:/
2017-02-11 07:17:39
>> #155609
former182 said:
So is the rosary thing a reference of some kind to "My Balls" by Shigemitsu Harada? If so, I like the inversion of the rosary's purpose that you did.

To those that don't know what I'm talking about the rosaries in the My Balls Manga was a magical one made to protect the MC from demons who wanted to make the MC cum, so that their strongest demon (who was sealed up in the MC's balls by accident) would be freed to destroy humanity. The rosaries were wrapped around his dick.

Heh, I didn't even think of it. The original pic had three dicks, but only one had beads around it. I needed a mind control McGuffin, so I made the beads and eyes glow green, and then called it a rosary because it would fit into the OMG universe.
2017-01-13 20:22:48
>> #150196
MaDrow said:
To whoever added the loli-tag: loli-tag and large_breasts-tag don't mix well with each other |=(>:C

Maybe not if they refer to a single character, but this picture contains 3 girls who all have different breast sizes -- it's very possible to have a laerge breasted female and a loli character in the same pic -- just check out the results for the two together:

Of course, not to argue that this pic needs both -- I wouldn't interpret Skuld here as loli, just as a flat-chested adult.
2017-01-13 15:35:53
>> #150149
So is the rosary thing a reference of some kind to "My Balls" by Shigemitsu Harada? If so, I like the inversion of the rosary's purpose that you did.

To those that don't know what I'm talking about the rosaries in the My Balls Manga was a magical one made to protect the MC from demons who wanted to make the MC cum, so that their strongest demon (who was sealed up in the MC's balls by accident) would be freed to destroy humanity. The rosaries were wrapped around his dick.
2016-12-03 06:48:43
>> #141456
Short high-visibility loop of the parent post, for people who want more skin and less reading. The eye twitching wasn't intentional but I thought it gave them some character so I didn't bother to try and fix it.
2016-12-08 03:43:20
>> #142497
<<|Simon>> is not to be confused with <<|Simon Says>>.
2016-12-04 02:02:51
>> #141656
Pastel-Daemon said:
It is. But it's ALSO a game where you follow commands you're given, like 'touch your nose', 'turn left' etc but only if the phrase 'simon says' is at the start. The way you play the game being to try to catch the players out and make them perform the action when you didn't say simon says first.

Now that I think about it, its strange that this is the first time I've seen Simon Says mentioned here.
2016-12-04 01:52:57
>> #141654
NamesAreForTheWeak said:
This is very, very hot - though I don't quite know how you'd play Simon Says with your swimsuit. Isn't that that game with the 4 different-colored buttons where you have to press the buttons in the order that they light up?

It is. But it's ALSO a game where you follow commands you're given, like 'touch your nose', 'turn left' etc but only if the phrase 'simon says' is at the start. The way you play the game being to try to catch the players out and make them perform the action when you didn't say simon says first.
2016-12-04 01:06:59
>> #141645
This is very, very hot - though I don't quite know how you'd play Simon Says with your swimsuit. Isn't that that game with the 4 different-colored buttons where you have to press the buttons in the order that they light up?
2016-12-03 18:43:45
>> #141563
Thanks everyone.

ClueElf said:
This doesn't have a thumbnail at all. Odd. Is that fixable?

I deliberately chose hypnohub's background color as the "darkness" so it would blend in with the site. It makes the image better but I never considered the thumbnail. Oops.
Date Dec 3, 2016User AmatureMangaRating ExplicitScore 11(vote up)
2016-12-04 23:40:02
>> #141863
AmatureManga said:
Thanks for the advice to be honest I was using Design Doll to get the anatomy as right as I get it but obviously I still need work on some stuff like for example sure Design Doll supplies with how to draw the anatomy however it only supplies the anatomy based on how you made the model if something anatomy wise is wrong it won't tell you that something is wrong in the anatomy and also I know it may sound silly but the belly button is good reference point for me where to draw the clothes and Design Doll doesn't have belly buttons so I was guessing on where the waist and panties go. Thanks again for the advice I will definitely keep it in mind for next time

1. Reference images are good to at least utilize when applicable. You can't copy them down perfectly for what you'd want in your pic, but they're there to help give you a rough idea of how things work like the perspective going on.
2. Not trying to be rude, but cmon man; add some punctuation to your response. That was a really long run-on sentence to read •_____•
2016-12-04 23:10:35
>> #141846
RedCollarBlackCollar said:
>His right hand's thumb is elongated, and the pinky's oddly shortened.
>Her waist is super stretched out and elongated.
>Her left eye is way too large to be a trick of perspective.
>Metronome body's perspective isn't aligned to the part of it that's supposed to go back and forth. It's just kinda sticking out there...
>Not sure what's going on between the guy's shoulder and neck, why it raises itself behind the neck.
>>I know we don't see too much of the guy's left leg nor arm, but for we do see, you made his body way too wide which throws things off.

For all things I pointed out, don't let it discourage you; just some things to try and think of with any future stuff ya do.

Thanks for the advice to be honest I was using Design Doll to get the anatomy as right as I get it but obviously I still need work on some stuff like for example sure Design Doll supplies with how to draw the anatomy however it only supplies the anatomy based on how you made the model if something anatomy wise is wrong it won't tell you that something is wrong in the anatomy and also I know it may sound silly but the belly button is good reference point for me where to draw the clothes and Design Doll doesn't have belly buttons so I was guessing on where the waist and panties go. Thanks again for the advice I will definitely keep it in mind for next time
2016-12-03 07:01:58
>> #141458
AmatureManga said:
in what way?

>His right hand's thumb is elongated, and the pinky's oddly shortened.
>Her waist is super stretched out and elongated.
>Her left eye is way too large to be a trick of perspective.
>Metronome body's perspective isn't aligned to the part of it that's supposed to go back and forth. It's just kinda sticking out there...
>Not sure what's going on between the guy's shoulder and neck, why it raises itself behind the neck.
>>I know we don't see too much of the guy's left leg nor arm, but for we do see, you made his body way too wide which throws things off.

For all things I pointed out, don't let it discourage you; just some things to try and think of with any future stuff ya do.
2016-12-03 06:13:02
>> #141452
DHB said:
It's very.... Inconsistent.

in what way?
2016-12-03 06:11:56
>> #141451
It's very.... Inconsistent.
2016-12-03 05:08:48
>> #141440
Like some people long time lurker and finally decided to draw this my self so idk much about tags but I tried so enjoy I would say more but ehh I did this much and I'm too lazy and cold to do more also to all who see this have a good day or night
2016-12-03 06:00:54
>> #141448
charliehypno said:
Is this really needing a urination tag? Doesn't look like it to me

It's pretty obvious. Looking at the picture, it can't be love juice or at least there is no indication for it to be. And if you look up the pictures drawn by the artist in the past couple of months, it becomes pretty clear what that liquid is ...
2016-12-03 05:25:54
>> #141445
Is this really needing a urination tag? Doesn't look like it to me
2016-12-03 04:35:41
>> #141431
Trishbot said:
I take it she's enjoying herself.

She having a pants-wetting good time
2016-12-03 04:27:05
>> #141427
I take it she's enjoying herself.
2016-12-03 07:16:41
>> #141461
MindMasher said:
Not the way I thought it'll get here...

How did you think it would get here? I'd post it, as the commissioner, or mishatherat would post it, as the artist?
2016-12-02 21:50:32
>> #141404
Systemfailure99 said:
Oh shit I remember seeing this aaaaaages ago. Thanks for bringing it to HypnoHub!~

Not the way I thought it'll get here...
2016-12-02 19:54:18
>> #141395
Oh shit I remember seeing this aaaaaages ago. Thanks for bringing it to HypnoHub!~
2016-12-15 03:41:56
>> #144173
2016-12-10 12:00:50
>> #143068
Zed32 said:
It's some kind of milking machine

No, as you can see here it's not used for milking him.

It's just a brain-wash machine.
2016-12-09 11:25:23
>> #142844
tezarz said:
Omg, what she's doing to him? *_*

It's some kind of milking machine
2016-12-08 19:47:44
>> #142638
Omg, what she's doing to him? *_*
2016-12-02 15:49:10
>> #141375
Mr_Scade said:
You know, I'll say this is post-Cel, and it is consensual. It happened when they were sparring, and it got a little heated, and, well, hard not to develop a "beat-up look" fetish when you grow up fighting other people, right?

This is how Krillin die in the future Trunks timeline. Imo.
2017-03-20 11:55:03
>> #162806
Yogothot said:
No one it's sayng that Krillin it's a wimp... he's a brave warrior no dubt about it.
But he just not stand a chance compared to C-18 physically and mentally speaking.

... indeed, I'm saying he's a wimp. -_-"
2017-02-24 08:52:23
>> #158044
No one it's sayng that Krillin it's a wimp... he's a brave warrior no dubt about it.
But he just not stand a chance compared to C-18 physically and mentally speaking.
2017-02-18 16:04:34
>> #156883
Just leaving it here, krillin≠wimp
He may not be strong, but he sure as hell not a coward. He would try to fight anyone to protect those that he cares about, even when he saw them thrashing people way stronger than him.

He had mercy on 18 because he saw her human side, he heard her conversation with 16, and he is a very gentle person.

I mean, for kami's sake, he tried to fight BUU! The guy who survived a nuclear suicide from vegeta AND super saiyan 3 goku, and then became stronger. But krillin? Didn't care, he wanted to help his friends and family to survive, even when he couldn't do much.

Tl;dr: Krillin deserves 18, maybe more than she deserves him.
2016-12-15 03:29:17
>> #144166
Oh my gosh! X-D
2016-12-03 19:45:03
>> #141576
EntaavyLord76 said:
T_T It's not true! [cry]
You just need a remote controll like the one of Dr.Gero and you can turn 18 into your personal play doll.

She's a thing that has been create, she's an artificial human!
Krillin it's a real warrior forged by a thousand battles... the only way she could have him at her feet it's through brainwashing!

It's so unfair!

You can say whatever you want, but facts are facts.
And facs says that C-18 it's a badass girl capable of mass murdering... whereas Krillin it's the wimp that was not able to stop her even when the fate of the world depended from her deactivation.

Jesus Christ... he had the fuking DEACTIVATION DEVICE in his hands and he just crush it!
Why? Because she give him a kiss? Really?

He's a wimp.
He's a wimp, that has no willpower and that's not even able to defend himself in a hand to hand combat aganist her, because she's much stronger than him.

And that's why in this pic it's Krillin and not 18 the one crawling on all fours... that's because 18 has kicked his ass, captured him like a cattle, has put a machine on his little brain and has finally transformed him into a beast.

BECAUSE she know (unlike him) how to push a button on a remote controll and BECAUSE she know how to kick ass!

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