2018-01-06 06:36:57
>> #225669
Defcon7 said:
Zaku are a type of Mobile Suit from Gundam

Oh I see
2018-01-06 04:54:25
>> #225656
Lady_Gardevoir said:
If I can ask.. what is a zaku?

Zaku are a type of Mobile Suit from Gundam
2017-12-31 09:04:21
>> #224201
Defcon7 said:
I wanna be a radical sexy zaku too!

(DisasterDan said she looked like one and now I'm totally hooked to that idea.)

If I can ask.. what is a zaku?
2016-11-30 07:19:57
>> #140896
I wanna be a radical sexy zaku too!

(DisasterDan said she looked like one and now I'm totally hooked to that idea.)
2016-12-01 23:37:32
>> #141281
sleepymaid said:
Obviously they're just enjoying some mountain dew and twizzlers.

That doesn't sound enjoyable at all.
2016-12-01 23:30:19
>> #141280
Perfect <3
2016-11-30 16:20:15
>> #140989
they had become perfect breeders, mindless incubators for their master's offspring!
2016-11-30 09:10:42
>> #140933
Obviously they're just enjoying some mountain dew and twizzlers.
2016-11-30 09:06:35
>> #140929
voyer said:
An alternate/expanded take on an image I posted a while back. Decide for yourself what exactly is being done to these poor gals.

Either way looks like fun *giggles*
2017-12-31 09:06:32
>> #224202
DisasterDan said:
She look like a damn zaku

Fuckin radical

Defcon7 said:


Feel what I'm missing something sadly
2016-11-30 07:06:50
>> #140894
DisasterDan said:
She look like a damn zaku

Fuckin radical


2016-11-30 06:02:36
>> #140881
She look like a damn zaku

Fuckin radical
2017-02-06 11:43:46
>> #154731
Rickdom said:
Man, this is pretty good, but someone like Samus falling in barely one page is no good at all. Need to resist much, much longer, all the stimulation be damned.

Very much agreed. However, hypnosis may break realicisms if it's for the good of "Sexy as all hell."
2017-01-12 22:08:00
>> #150005
Man, this is pretty good, but someone like Samus falling in barely one page is no good at all. Need to resist much, much longer, all the stimulation be damned.
2016-11-30 07:51:39
>> #140906
All the confusion aside, id love to be in Samus' position. *licks lips*
2016-11-30 07:45:52
>> #140903
Obscenario said:
My apologies. I thought I had held the image from the index while tagging it, but I seem to have screwed that up royally. Are these tags sufficient?

*thumbs up*

No worries, mistakes happen.
2016-11-30 06:22:43
>> #140885
My apologies. I thought I had held the image from the index while tagging it, but I seem to have screwed that up royally. Are these tags sufficient?
2016-11-30 16:19:39
>> #140988
I am not sure what went wrong, but if I post multiple images, I write all the tags in a txt file so I can just copy+paste them with uploading the picture, then create a pool once I have 3 pictures uploaded and then start hidding the pictures once they are in the pool.

We might have been a little bit too fast, because you were still in the process of making this, so my apologies for that. I'd just go picture by picture and adding them to the pool instead of dropping everything and then slowly cleaning it up afterwards. Chances that pictures get in between your posts are slim, at least a lot slimer than people complaining about things while you are still in the process of tagging and posting. ^^
2016-11-30 06:19:38
>> #140884
HypnoMangaEditor said:
Well someone didn't read the bulk posting guidelines or general posting rules. Be sure to read them, pool your images and hide all but 2-3 from index so the main site isn't cluttered with too many pictures of the set. I am sure that artists will be grateful for that.

I read both, which said that in order to hold an image from the index, you should enter the metatag "hold" in the tagging box. I did this for all the images in the set, unchecked the "shown in index" box, and had the howto pages open for reference as I did so. I'm not sure why it didn't work, as I thought I did it correctly. Apparently not.

So in order to not repeat this disaster in the future, can someone tell me which step I managed to screw up?
2016-11-30 05:47:27
>> #140878
Well someone didn't read the bulk posting guidelines or general posting rules. Be sure to read them, pool your images and hide all but 2-3 from index so the main site isn't cluttered with too many pictures of the set. I am sure that artists will be grateful for that.
2016-11-30 05:44:36
>> #140877
2016-12-01 05:50:14
>> #141156
Vanndril said:
Eh... I'll let it stay.

It made me chuckle, if nothing else. :P

If ya say so. I just hope we don't get more one-off comment manips... I just can't get behind such a thing.
2016-12-01 04:35:43
>> #141141
Eh... I'll let it stay.

It made me chuckle, if nothing else. :P
2016-11-30 06:42:14
>> #140889
Thank you! I'll remember that
2016-11-30 06:39:04
>> #140887
Few pointers I'll give ya in advance:
>When tagging, use underscores (_) and not spaces, as you'll just create new tags.
>Make sure to try and not resize any edited images.
>Try to not forget about adding a source to a post. Not biggest deal in the world, but just good to keep in mind.
2016-11-30 05:53:02
>> #140879
Personally, I feel more like I fixed a glaring error on Akuoreo's part :P

But if it's really causing trouble, I can take it down. I was mostly just learning the upload system. I'm considering making my own content
2016-11-30 13:04:56
>> #140971
This one feels incomplete.

Also the pendulum action of the coin is all wrong. At this point it looks more like you're moving it unsteadily and irregularly thus ruining the action.
The fact that it's curling up like that is just completely wrong. Pendulum action should be Smooth and steady A nice smooth arc. This looks like it's completely out of control.

Also the wings look like they're still in the sketch phase compared to the completed look of the rest of the image.

Of course the instant she says "Yes Master" it's all over for him! Her power is so fun like that!
2016-11-30 07:36:14
>> #140897
Oh yay!! More of Yakai's work ^^
2016-11-30 06:06:39
>> #140883
Oh man it looks great!
2016-11-30 05:15:24
>> #140870
wooo, good job! :3
2016-11-30 04:40:32
>> #140861
It s a request from Myuk
2017-02-20 14:34:55
>> #157380
Weird that Heinous is back and people are commenting on this again.
2017-02-20 13:49:06
>> #157376
Imasuky said:
You know it was hot. And thinking about Pink would volunteer for it.

it was the fucking ludevico technique from clockwork orange, that shit gave me nightmares....and yeah pink would
2017-02-20 13:42:15
>> #157375
Love this! Wish it'd happen to me ;-;
2017-01-30 02:26:04
>> #153346
We need more Princess Marco on this site. x3
2017-01-09 10:43:10
>> #149273
crazyman said:
rip gravity falls

Plays bagpipes like that one guy on Star Treck.
2018-08-25 04:38:12
>> #277544
phoenixkid354 said:
No, all Legendary Pokemon are genderless, however in this case a GB tag would work

Nope, some legendary pokemon, including these, are a specific gender. These are all 100% male.
2018-08-16 09:30:30
>> #276025
Hawkeye said:
Shouldn't a gender bender tag be in place? Aren't they all male?

No, all Legendary Pokemon are genderless, however in this case a GB tag would work
2016-11-30 08:50:59
>> #140925
Well know the genie trio is hot...I can't complain XD
2016-11-30 06:56:50
>> #140892
Glad people are enjoying this find. Came across it last night and have been sorta obsessed since then.
2016-11-30 06:49:50
>> #140891
Shouldn't a gender bender tag be in place? Aren't they all male?
2018-11-28 18:29:39
>> #291986
Lex said:

I love your work so much! I wish for more of your hypnotized girls to perform more and more Haigures for us someday :)
2016-12-03 02:30:11
>> #141418
now just a video oh them turning into haigure <3
2016-11-30 15:39:40
>> #140983
frank said:

Lex, you are a hypno-god, GOAT. Is it anatomically possible for them to be thrusting their crotch forward like in the source though? One of the best parts IMO. Costume changes are a big yes for me while someoes under, especially if its something sexual/sexy like a bikini or nothing but a bustier and theyre not away of it until you let them know, just a spin on the typical "suddenly naked" thing, but I distract myself,) and you've absolutely nailed the Haigure-o-tards. Have ever "infected" anyone with haigure yet? Just zap them with the raygun, have their speech degrade and...

[This lengthy bit of fan mail to be edited and finished at a later date]

Lex has his website here and you can get some of of his stuff of,, and just search for "entrancement uk"
2016-11-30 08:52:23
>> #140926
Trishbot said:
I know nothing about this. I can't relate at all.


*giggles and haigures*
2016-11-30 07:05:23
>> #140893
Lex said:
Nope this isn't hypnodolls, they're both genuinely tranced and a little empty headed here.

Luci's done Haigure a couple of times out of hypnosis anyway, so it hardly took her by surprise. Honour's been under so many times for me that it probably didn't register to her that she was anything but a puppet whilst I had her doing this.


Lex, you are a hypno-god, GOAT. Is it anatomically possible for them to be thrusting their crotch forward like in the source though? One of the best parts IMO. Costume changes are a big yes for me while someoes under, especially if its something sexual/sexy like a bikini or nothing but a bustier and theyre not away of it until you let them know, just a spin on the typical "suddenly naked" thing, but I distract myself,) and you've absolutely nailed the Haigure-o-tards. Have ever "infected" anyone with haigure yet? Just zap them with the raygun, have their speech degrade and...

[This lengthy bit of fan mail to be edited and finished at a later date]

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