2017-02-09 09:43:30
>> #155232
Watermel said:
This is Jake English from Homestuck - a handsome dummy who lives on a remote tropical island. Kaa doesn't actually live there but he would like it and this sexy youth would be so easy to hypnotize~

I agree a perfect sub ;)
2016-11-28 05:00:20
>> #140549
Hypnojp said:
May be a dumb question but who is it?

This is Jake English from Homestuck - a handsome dummy who lives on a remote tropical island. Kaa doesn't actually live there but he would like it and this sexy youth would be so easy to hypnotize~
2016-11-28 01:09:20
>> #140505
May be a dumb question but who is it?
2016-11-27 17:01:19
>> #140415
Finally, my hellmurder island fantasies have come true.
2016-12-03 04:23:51
>> #141424
pokemongirl said:
*giggles and flashes the victory sign with a slutty expression* Obeying always makes me feel so happy *drools*

Good girl. That's a very good girl pokemongirl. Now, tempt me erotically, and tell me how horny you feel right now.
2016-12-02 04:48:46
>> #141316
ghost13 said:
Then it's a deal. *hands pokemongirl a goldeen outfit* Now then, first thing I'd like for you to do is strike a sexy pose and tell me how happy you obey makes you feel.

*giggles and flashes the victory sign with a slutty expression* Obeying always makes me feel so happy *drools*
2016-12-02 01:04:55
>> #141287
pokemongirl said:
Yep though don't have much left XD

Then it's a deal. *hands pokemongirl a goldeen outfit* Now then, first thing I'd like for you to do is strike a sexy pose and tell me how happy you obey makes you feel.
2016-11-30 09:12:30
>> #140934
ghost13 said:
I happen to have some on hand actually. All it will cost you is your free will. That sound like a fair trade?

Yep though don't have much left XD
2016-11-30 01:15:14
>> #140830
ghost13 said:
Also, could we get a version where Ash is the hypnotist?

Try and commission the artist if u want that
2016-11-29 01:19:47
>> #140682
Now *that* is cute xD
2016-11-27 21:16:16
>> #140449
Trishbot said:
I... do... want to see them in shiny metal leotards looking like robots.


2016-11-27 19:02:22
>> #140429
Lex said:
You want to see them in shiny metal leotards looking like robots. ;)

I... do... want to see them in shiny metal leotards looking like robots.

2016-11-27 18:49:26
>> #140428
Trishbot said:
Arf Arf!

Very cute.

You want to see them in shiny metal leotards looking like robots. ;)
2016-11-27 18:36:43
>> #140425
Arf Arf!

Very cute.
2016-12-17 17:29:04
>> #144767
How do you crop a picture for your avatar?
2016-11-29 05:41:29
>> #140714
2016-11-28 09:05:08
>> #140595
2016-11-28 01:32:00
>> #140512
Master is Pleased^^, And Muffin Senpai is the absolute best Senpai. Teach me your ways Senpai!
2016-11-27 23:31:43
>> #140483
D'aaawwww :)
2016-12-03 19:48:14
>> #141577
EoD said:
Salandit and Salazzle only effect males. Lillie is clearly female.

Morelull and Shiinotic use their hypnotic powers to torture and hurt people.

Nihilego can't actually control people, just remove their inhibitions and make them act berserk.

Pheromosa's ability isn't explained in the least.

Tapu Fini uses it's powers to make people fight each other.

The only one on that list with potential to be a hypnomon is Salazzle, and her powers only effect men.

What's even your point? So the Pokedex says this stuff? So what dude, content creators aren't using that as a bible. Like Salazzle, it doesn't even say only males anyway, it says she makes a reverse harem out of them, which while they're are all males, that doesn't even limit what it can do. Even going by your pedantry, those are just examples of uses of their powers, who says that's the only thing they can do with them?

This is fantasy, my point was there's much more room to work with creatively because of the foundations laid by the new Pokemon, and you come back and try and be pedantic with Pokedex entries? Seriously?
2016-11-30 22:01:41
>> #141043
Can we ease off on the pedantry? People are gonna bend the source material a little to fit in with their kinks, pokémon is hardly unique in that respect.
2016-11-30 21:49:11
>> #141042
EoD said:
Salandit and Salazzle only effect males. Lillie is clearly female.

Morelull and Shiinotic use their hypnotic powers to torture and hurt people.

Nihilego can't actually control people, just remove their inhibitions and make them act berserk.

Pheromosa's ability isn't explained in the least.

Tapu Fini uses it's powers to make people fight each other.

The only one on that list with potential to be a hypnomon is Salazzle, and her powers only effect men.

I still want Pheromosa with Lillie, it fits her better.
2016-11-30 08:15:31
>> #140915
EoD said:
Salandit and Salazzle only effect males. Lillie is clearly female.

Morelull and Shiinotic use their hypnotic powers to torture and hurt people.

Nihilego can't actually control people, just remove their inhibitions and make them act berserk.

Pheromosa's ability isn't explained in the least.

Tapu Fini uses it's powers to make people fight each other.

The only one on that list with potential to be a hypnomon is Salazzle, and her powers only effect men.

Technically speaking, most of Hypno's Pokedex entries only mention it putting people to sleep, probably because in-game that's all the Hypnosis move could actually do at the time. It was the anime that expanded on Hypno's abilities and introduced hypnotic suggestion, so most pics of the Hypno on the Hub are drawing from that depiction rather than the games.

Right now, all we have to draw from are the game descriptions, at least until they appear in the anime. There's always the possibility of it depicting their powers differently, or with different personalities than the games. Even so, they all still have potential. Shiinotic torturing people (more getting them lost, really) is still a trance effect that could be used in a different way, same with Tapu-Fini. Nihilego covers a drug angle, which we have tags for. Pheromosa is vague, but easily on par with Salazzle as far as potential.

Which is a shame, because Hypno has the legacy of being the first as well as being the only one for a significant period of time. Not even Malamar, an actual hypnotic tentacle monster that used mind control in the anime, was able to dethrone it. The best shot the new mons have is that they look feminine enough to fill the FemDom niche.
2016-11-29 21:10:41
>> #140782
Jakku~ said:
A brand new world, brand new faces, bucket load of new mind control potential including a beast that's literally described as having the power to influence the will of Pokemon and Humans, annnnnnd... We're still on Hypno. I mean its a cool picture and all, so whatevs.

Salandit and Salazzle only effect males. Lillie is clearly female.

Morelull and Shiinotic use their hypnotic powers to torture and hurt people.

Nihilego can't actually control people, just remove their inhibitions and make them act berserk.

Pheromosa's ability isn't explained in the least.

Tapu Fini uses it's powers to make people fight each other.

The only one on that list with potential to be a hypnomon is Salazzle, and her powers only effect men.
2016-11-27 08:36:07
>> #140367
can we PLEASE get more pics like this!? I love the idea of the costume taking you over.
2017-01-18 09:49:06
>> #151148
Now we need hoshidan camilla and elise
2016-11-28 04:29:14
>> #140544
Hawkeye said:
No, Sakura is wearing the Nohr Noble outfit. And that's Angel's point, Sakura's better with magic while Hinoka is better with weapons, so Sakura should be the sorcerer and Hinoka should be the one that can use swords.

Maybe Leo brainwashed and married Hinoka, then had her partner seal herself into a Sorcerer? That doesn't explain Sakura, as Nohr Noble is exclusive to Corrin, but it works for Hinoka at least (although Hinoka and Leo's support dialogue is... on the low end of okay, imo. Not the worst, but not great either...).

Also, yay, more Fates on the hub!
2016-11-27 15:06:52
>> #140399
Slixer said:
It's Nohrian Armor, Sakura is wearing Camilla's and Hinoka is wearing a Female Dark Mages.

No, Sakura is wearing the Nohr Noble outfit. And that's Angel's point, Sakura's better with magic while Hinoka is better with weapons, so Sakura should be the sorcerer and Hinoka should be the one that can use swords.
2016-11-27 12:17:57
>> #140389
AngelGrace said:
I feel like the classes are inverted.

It's Nohrian Armor, Sakura is wearing Camilla's and Hinoka is wearing a Female Dark Mages.
2016-11-27 10:53:01
>> #140380
I feel like the classes are inverted.
2016-11-27 23:23:20
>> #140482
Considering I haven't seen that anime or anything like it I was about to flag it too. People uploading these need to remember not everyone is a fan of what they like, so people will likely flag things like this because there is "no visible hypno" or corruption or whatever

great pic an all but w/o a frame of reference its just a sexy anime pic
2016-11-27 10:27:06
>> #140379
Looks corrupted to me.
2016-11-27 09:41:53
>> #140377
I say it again; I don't see 'evil' as much as 'swimwear'. Really raunchy swimwear, but still swimwear.
2016-11-27 06:58:10
>> #140351
Another user with that stupid-flags? Corruption is MC. :^v
2016-11-28 00:52:03
>> #140503
DouDile said:
Congratulations!! :^)

Thank you, when can I start?
2016-11-27 23:41:27
>> #140487
asaola said:
I'm in :)

Congratulations!! :^)
2016-11-27 23:07:12
>> #140478
DouDile said:
Sexy girls. :^)

I'm in :)
2016-11-27 22:58:16
>> #140477
asaola said:
Anything he'd like?

Sexy girls. :^)
2016-11-27 22:46:58
>> #140471
DouDile said:
You must negotiate very well with Connor. ;^)

Anything he'd like?
2016-11-27 20:56:52
>> #140440
Click the question mark beside the empty eyes tag to see the 'official' definition. So yes this is empty eyes =P
2016-11-27 19:41:39
>> #140432
BlueAngel said:
I try to avoid anything that has Haruna(because she is my waifu), but this one is really good

I was about to question what you mean but then I remembered i kind of have a form of it myself

its hard for me to want to sexualise girls (or boys but my less intense sexual desire for them makes it easier to manage) that I care alot for unless they want it, don't want to hurt their feelings, even if those feelings are imaginary.
I can't bare to see femHakuno sexualized for example despite being cute as fuck. I don't even enjoy looking a tamamo ecchi that much cause she's good enough at it herself '^"

problem is that I'm way to used to seeing Haruna like this. I blame the cute as fuck art

also despite everything that i just said, theres something innately hot about taking a usually pretty modest girl and making her uh...well you know... X)
2016-11-27 11:41:26
>> #140386
I try to avoid anything that has Haruna(because she is my waifu), but this one is really good
2016-11-27 09:34:27
>> #140375
Something like that. Afu.

The whites of the eyes in anime eyes usually imply a strong sense of will or energy. Taking away the whites is like effectively removing their will. It is the representation of their ability to do things themselves, without, they don't have a will that isn't influenced by the one in control. And Thas hot.

The fact empty eyes can look pretty doesn't help matters. They're like a trophy, proof of you power over them. Hehe.

I wish I could replicate such a thing on real girls, cause I'd love to have such pretty jewel like eyes, but anime ain't rl sadly.

2016-11-27 09:19:11
>> #140373
Emphaticpikachu said:
I just generally define empty eyes as "lack of light" rather then whether she has her pupils or not. As in,
if i rid the eyes of the whites I've technically made them empty, in my mind. Although that by itself usually is never enough unless I redrew the eyes myself, because it looks bad unless you make the change smooth with lowered opacity fill ins, burns, blurs, etc.
Sometimes I do remove the pupils, sometimes I don't, just depends on how satisfied I am with the eyes tbh

I personally share a similar view!

no light but with pupil to me suggests a limited sense of awareness in the subject - they can understand what is going on but don't have the power to do any thing about it.

when you remove the pupil, all sense of awareness or self is removed from the subject, and they won't remember or register what they're doing or where they are or who they are.

both are different degrees of emptyness, in my mind

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