2016-11-11 16:09:41
>> #137377
Sad. Would rally up more rage but just imagine what's in here. Gotta get back to drinking.
2016-11-09 01:22:39
>> #136910
Always enjoy a good harem dancer. :3
2016-11-09 00:02:04
>> #136894
KrackoDude said:
Now this is what I'm talking about >////<

Yep,this is gold.
2016-11-08 23:46:35
>> #136889
Now this is what I'm talking about >////<
2016-11-08 23:10:34
>> #136883
i heard people like yukari or something
2016-11-09 09:10:27
>> #136959
Glad all of you like kitties too
2016-11-09 07:10:35
>> #136949
pokemongirl said:

Nyaa~ @w@
2016-11-09 04:58:11
>> #136932
2016-11-09 04:54:59
>> #136930
Show was fine. The season it was in was a bit crap, but people calling it straight up bad are just parroting, because it isn't. Trailer showed what it was, actual show was exactly what was expected. Its like people coming in to Keijo!!!!!!! expecting riveting dialogue and a compelling story in a series where they slap their butts together, and the initial trailer was hammy as fuck.
2016-11-08 22:41:38
>> #136879
It had a few fun mc episodes but I dropped it before the end.
2016-11-09 03:32:05
>> #136925
Not gonna lie, the thumbnail led me to believe this was going to be another farty car-girl pic.
2016-11-09 03:11:09
>> #136923
OrangeJuicestice said:
It's a nice piece, but holy shit is that text hard to read

JksAccount said:
Agreed. I didn't even notice the text from the thumbnail.

Yeah big 'ol woopsie on my end there. Black outline for text will save me, I'm sure of it.
2016-11-09 01:01:05
>> #136906
OrangeJuicestice said:
It's a nice piece, but holy shit is that text hard to read

Agreed. I didn't even notice the text from the thumbnail.
2016-11-09 00:59:11
>> #136905
It's a nice piece, but holy shit is that text hard to read
2016-11-08 23:35:39
>> #136887
Pinkanator said:
Seriously, I don't know where this tickle fetish came from, but I want.

Heh~ Very cute.
2016-11-09 15:02:24
>> #136978
Easter is early this year |=(:3c
2016-11-09 06:51:21
>> #136945
Wait, she's pooping out flesh tone eggs?
2016-11-08 22:44:15
>> #136881
Seriously how is this weird in the context of everything else that goes on around here?
2016-11-08 21:33:24
>> #136870
What... the... actual... fuck?
2016-11-08 20:44:58
>> #136859
Not super into this but i thought it would be interesting to share.
2016-11-09 08:50:23
>> #136954
Why does this have the tag tentacles?
2016-11-08 21:48:36
>> #136872
KilgraveZ said:
Yes please! She was only shown for three seconds but she made a memorable impact in that episode.

I want to see this happen to the hub so badly
2016-11-08 16:23:36
>> #136823
Ex_Mastermind said:
Even from the show, the Donut Girl was cute. Can we start making her a thing here? Please?

Yes please! She was only shown for three seconds but she made a memorable impact in that episode.
2016-11-08 15:23:27
>> #136817
Even from the show, the Donut Girl was cute. Can we start making her a thing here? Please?
2017-01-05 01:28:05
>> #148388
auralords said:
Honestly I'm not sure why Towa didn't do that in the first place considering her goals. If they were out maneuvering Trunks every time put a tracker on him, go to the nest, MC Chronoa and bam you get the egg unopposed. Plus all the stupid planning about going chronologically in time messing. Towa is terrible at planning clearly.

Well, there's no way to hide the fact that Time Kai was under MC. The masks kind of give it away. Plus, The Hero from Xenoverse 1 was missing for quite a while before showing up again under Towa's control, so clearly it takes a while to jam a mask on someone's face.

On a side note, is it possible for someone to be as old as time itself, and still be a loli?
2017-01-04 10:13:11
>> #148268
auralords said:
Towa is terrible at planning clearly.

Just like the people that made her, eh? HAHA!

HypnoHammer said:
anyone else think we need more of her?

Unfortunately, looking for stuff of her on pixiv with her japanese name (because that nets you more stuff) just gives you pictures of a furry-mascot-that-aped-on-sonic that nobody remembers, in a schoolgirl outfit.
2017-01-04 09:59:12
>> #148263
auralords said:
Honestly I'm not sure why Towa didn't do that in the first place considering her goals. If they were out maneuvering Trunks every time put a tracker on him, go to the nest, MC Chronoa and bam you get the egg unopposed. Plus all the stupid planning about going chronologically in time messing. Towa is terrible at planning clearly.

Very simple answer there...She's a Dragon Ball villain.
2017-01-04 09:57:41
>> #148262
HypnoHammer said:
anyone else think we need more of her? maybe have a picture where Towa MCs Chronoa? or Chronoa making Towa her happy bimbo maid

Honestly I'm not sure why Towa didn't do that in the first place considering her goals. If they were out maneuvering Trunks every time put a tracker on him, go to the nest, MC Chronoa and bam you get the egg unopposed. Plus all the stupid planning about going chronologically in time messing. Towa is terrible at planning clearly.
2016-11-09 22:43:23
>> #137025
anyone else think we need more of her? maybe have a picture where Towa MCs Chronoa? or Chronoa making Towa her happy bimbo maid
2016-11-10 05:26:02
>> #137084
Anon_3.141 said:
Yeah... Based on the "quality" disparity of this sequence vs. other images, I've arrived at the conclusion that this sequence was made earlier in Monamoo's career. As such, it seems highly likely that the poster of these is teasing us, and I for one dislike being teased out of my hypnoporn.

Actually there was a whole bunch of pics posted on Mar's page over the past couple of weeks with a whole new sequence.
2016-11-10 04:56:19
>> #137075
You can check the source link to find the rest of the sequence.
2016-11-08 21:19:53
>> #136866
Riley said:
When's the rest of the sequence going up?

Yeah... Based on the "quality" disparity of this sequence vs. other images, I've arrived at the conclusion that this sequence was made earlier in Monamoo's career. As such, it seems highly likely that the poster of these is teasing us, and I for one dislike being teased out of my hypnoporn.
2016-11-08 13:32:37
>> #136813
When's the rest of the sequence going up?
2016-11-09 21:57:49
>> #137017
Why is Gaige - oh that's Misty e.e
2016-11-09 10:29:59
>> #136971
Could there be more of these, with May, Dawn and Serena?
2016-11-09 06:06:38
>> #136943
Happy trance? I don't see the smile. :v
2016-11-09 05:31:24
>> #136941
For some reason, I'd love to then see Ash and Misty hypnotized and fucking as the continuation.
2016-11-08 21:21:48
>> #136868
GrandDad said:
I dig the art style on this one

So much agree, this is magnificent
2016-11-10 12:37:59
>> #137139
Oh WOW at the... quoted-repeats @-@

Which part do you guys mean in regards to getting it again? Like. Just "replacing" Nagito with a female DR character in a different pacing pose while keeping everything else the same, or...~? Really curious :X Plus it helps me know which parts are actually liked about it!

Dystopia69 said:
....I want this again like whoa and idgaf WHAT gender they are :D

Just more PRETTY plz, kthx xD

fdjaiso TH-thanks... Yes. I. Um. I'm glad you found it pretty!! Such a compliment... I-I'm so surprised...

HypnoCat said:
I too would love to see more of this used on other characters! :D

I love how Nagito looks as well. Damn, he's hot.

I was nervous on how Nagito would turn out. So... th-thank you for easing my mind on that! And... w-wow. I didn't think my Chisa would be able to make such an icon... @_@

shotgungunshot said:
I've never seen anything of this series, and I never want these images to stop coming, they're amazing! :)

You're so kind! Ahhh th-thank you...!!
2016-11-09 00:41:52
>> #136904
I've never seen anything of this series, and I never want these images to stop coming, they're amazing! :)
2016-11-08 20:12:43
>> #136853
I too would love to see more of this used on other characters! :D

I love how Nagito looks as well. Damn, he's hot.
2016-11-08 19:33:58
>> #136851
....I want this again like whoa and idgaf WHAT gender they are :D

Just more PRETTY plz, kthx xD
2016-11-08 18:31:55
>> #136831
Yukikyun said:
Can we get this again but with some of the female characters? :3

2016-11-08 08:39:45
>> #136794
Top middle: "Oh, you!"
2016-11-08 08:04:02
>> #136788
And what a fine comm it was Roxa!
2016-11-08 06:32:57
>> #136776
First commission to Eagle. :3

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