2016-11-03 12:29:43
>> #135908
Me too I Googled this cheesy pick up lines
2016-11-03 05:17:34
>> #135887
Fable said:

Nerd to bimbo, though super slut doesn't help. I mistranslated it a bit (I'll try and find a clearer wording), but it's pretty clear from context that she went from someone who got into the university of Tokyo in one try to someone who has trouble remembering the words to greet customers.

I getcha. I love the hell outta some nerd to mindless doll tho!
2016-11-03 05:03:48
>> #135886
Mindwipe said:
I don't think just calling her a bimbo is really enough to call this bimbofication. She isn't actually exhibiting any bimbo traits.

I tried to add a 'bimbo' tag, but one independent of the bimbofication tag doesn't seem to exist.

DisasterDan said:
What's ya turn off, super sluts?

Nerd to bimbo, though super slut doesn't help. I mistranslated it a bit (I'll try and find a clearer wording), but it's pretty clear from context that she went from someone who got into the university of Tokyo in one try to someone who has trouble remembering the words to greet customers.
2016-11-03 04:01:45
>> #135879
Fable said:
>Image looks hot
>Curious about text
>Start translating, setup seems pretty hot
>Two and a half hours of kanji translation later, hit my #1 turnoff

Sorry, going to have to leave this one half-translated.

What's ya turn off, super sluts?
2016-11-03 03:33:01
>> #135875
Fable said:
>Image looks hot
>Curious about text
>Start translating, setup seems pretty hot
>Two and a half hours of kanji translation later, hit my #1 turnoff

Sorry, going to have to leave this one half-translated.

Damn... kind of wanted to see whether the dialogue appealed to me or not. Worst case scenario, I just stick with the textless versions of this pic.
2016-11-03 22:12:26
>> #135968
Looks a lot like Kendra James, a porn star that has actually done some porn with hypno involved, I wonder if that was what this was based on.
2016-11-03 02:38:57
>> #135867
2016-11-20 02:27:40
>> #138895
Maybe I'm reading them out of order or something.... Thanks though.
2016-11-18 06:06:58
>> #138628
MindBendingWraith said:
Uh, Zko? Unless I'm mistaken, and I missed something, or I'm looking in the wrong spot.... What the hell happened to Skypenotized?! The last post (a cliffhanger, no less) says Three years ago! What gives? Or am I just stupid....

The last post was 5 months ago (if you don't count the character sheets)
2016-11-18 05:57:44
>> #138625
Uh, Zko? Unless I'm mistaken, and I missed something, or I'm looking in the wrong spot.... What the hell happened to Skypenotized?! The last post (a cliffhanger, no less) says Three years ago! What gives? Or am I just stupid....
2016-11-04 06:40:21
>> #136035
I almost didn't recognize her without the eggs.
2016-11-04 00:53:17
>> #135990
The shading and glow effects on those tentacles are amazing!
2016-11-04 12:19:20
>> #136054
Napdust said:
how do i do that? QwQ im new to this site and dont fully understand it yet udbifubsdf

Haha, don't worry, it's kinda arcane ^^. just create a " artist:YOURNAMEHERE " tag while tagging, same for new character " character:CHARACTERNAME " and copyright/anime name/etc. tags " copyright:NAME ".

BTW, you can click on the "Edit" button right next to the "Quote" button below your own comments, that way you can post reactions to several people in one post instead of having to create 6 of them :3.

Concerning the sequel pic: PLZPLZPLZ uploaaaaaaaaadddddddd bru :D!
2016-11-04 07:38:32
>> #136041
Napdust said:
there is actually!! i just have to post it hahah

Looking forward to it.
2016-11-04 00:56:57
>> #135992
Never enough brainshrinking, I say.

Napdust said:
how do i do that? QwQ im new to this site

Helluva good start, welcome!
2016-11-03 20:55:50
>> #135957
Napdust said:
there is actually!! i just have to post it hahah

Post iiiiit! I wanna see! This was already so cute and hot. Silly little Alphys clearly needs some time to stop overthinking things so badly. ;3

Seriously the art is great and loving the expression. I look forward to more. ^-^

P.S. Checking out your Deviant art I have found... your art is super cute... also weird. In an awesome way. I like your stuff! :D
2016-11-03 17:21:56
>> #135928
Dantus said:
If you're the sauce then I think it's time that you get your own artist tag, that way there will be no doubt about it ;-).

Your art is great, love the details and colouring! Alphys really needed to unwind a bit, hehehe. Welcome to the Hub, can't wait to see more from you ;3.

how do i do that? QwQ im new to this site and dont fully understand it yet udbifubsdf
2016-11-04 23:34:24
>> #136221
DisasterDan said:
How the hell did I miss this gem on the first pass? I'll give it a shot, probably. Recently in a rut about not improving a lot in just general art quality. Hopefully this'll get me out.

Splendid! I'm glad I could help get the creative juices flowing!

2016-11-04 22:29:16
>> #136190
DisasterDan said:
How the hell did I miss this gem on the first pass? I'll give it a shot, probably. Recently in a rut about not improving a lot in just general art quality. Hopefully this'll get me out.

Please do! That'll make my month!
2016-11-04 22:19:41
>> #136183
Defcon7 said:
On another picture, Pink, Hypnobunbun and I toyed with the idea of being traps with hypno collars. That sound like good material to you?? (I think I'd like to be represented by a trap wearing a shy guy mask. Too shy to show my face...sorry if I sound pushy.)

How the hell did I miss this gem on the first pass? I'll give it a shot, probably. Recently in a rut about not improving a lot in just general art quality. Hopefully this'll get me out.
2016-11-04 20:11:46
>> #136126
Defcon7 said:
On another picture, Pink, Hypnobunbun and I toyed with the idea of being traps with hypno collars. That sound like good material to you?? (I think I'd like to be represented by a trap wearing a shy guy mask. Too shy to show my face...sorry if I sound pushy.)

^ fuck yes~
2016-11-03 04:12:03
>> #135883
DisasterDan said:
No, stop! Taking off too many clothes makes your soul too powerful!

Well, I do have two.
2017-06-17 19:50:17
>> #182366
Flagged post:
no visible Mc, just a girl in a dress

Certain housewife posts are in fact permitted to the site, as they do involve elements of MC/brainwashing to an extent. I don't know if these flags were done out of spite, but as I've previously stated, we are trying to deal with a loophole in the rules. Nothing more, nothing less.
2017-04-14 20:53:19
>> #168277
The cake is a lie.
2016-11-03 07:32:08
>> #135899
Pinkanator said:
You want it?

Man, that is a blast from the past.
2016-11-03 03:15:06
>> #135871
StepfordCrimson said:
(Insert obligatory "Crimson loves housewife related hypno art" comment and/or fangirl squealing here)

(Insert obligatory "Joanie agrees wholeheartedly with this" comment)
2016-11-02 23:17:05
>> #135852
its fairly subtle but the heart eye is there and the quality is solid so I'd say leave it the hell alone
2016-11-03 02:19:03
>> #135863
Lovely~ <3
2016-11-03 00:42:47
>> #135856
I can't get enough of this pic. The art is really good, and the expressions and proportions...just...UNF~!!
2016-11-02 23:15:50
>> #135851
Imasuky said:
9 years ago, But I still work with my editor. We make a great team and the stories are way better with help.

That's good to hear. ^^
2016-11-02 22:39:06
>> #135848
DrgnmastrAlex said:

Well, the thing about my first fic? I did it over 12 years ago. Since then, I've improved in writing, both proof-reading/editing and actually writing and structuring the story/characters/details. I won't say I don't need a good editor, but I've come a long way.

I'd imagine it's the same for you. ^^

9 years ago, But I still work with my editor. We make a great team and the stories are way better with help.
2016-11-02 22:34:46
>> #135845
Imasuky said:
I thankfully have a good editor who helped keep me in line with it,=.


Well, the thing about my first fic? I did it over 12 years ago. Since then, I've improved in writing, both proof-reading/editing and actually writing and structuring the story/characters/details. I won't say I don't need a good editor, but I've come a long way.

I'd imagine it's the same for you. ^^
2016-11-03 13:41:23
>> #135911
I'd love to try that drink. Also, green hair for the win.
2016-11-02 20:58:45
>> #135795
skullman2033 said:
what does foo fighters stand even do?

She can change her hand into a gun.
2016-11-02 20:58:25
>> #135793
SupremacySun said:
Brain freeze?

<<|The endless debate>>
2016-11-02 20:56:06
>> #135791
skullman2033 said:
unfortunatly you cant fap to this as foo fighters body is a reanimated corpse, possessed by stand possessing plankton

I'm a grown-ass man and I can fap to... whatever I want!

Also, bold is what Foo Fighters stand actually does. You answered your own question...
2016-11-02 20:50:43
>> #135790
Brain freeze?
2016-11-02 17:56:27
>> #135768
Those eyes in the first panel are just spectacular.
2020-05-01 17:29:40
>> #367074
HypnoMangaEditor said:
So this are the last 3 Pages. Yesterday I released a little later, so today I am a little bit earlier. I already released the Manga on exhentai, but it might take a couple of minutes till it is available to everyone. Once it is visible, I will add it as source to all the pictures in the pool.

The exhentai/e-hentai gallery is actually the better version. Here are the improvements i made to the version i posted here:

- Added a Translators note on first page to explain what "Aniki" means, to avoid confusion that I have seen in the comments on this page
- Improved Contractions. I reworked them on every page as per Feedback
- Pages 1-3 had a different font size. This was changed to bring it in line with the rest of the translation

Thanks everyone for giving feedback and making the final exhentai release a better version.

Wow, so my favorite manipper is also the one who translated my favorite hentai?
Very cool
2016-11-03 06:19:05
>> #135893
Thank you.
2016-11-02 22:25:48
>> #135842
you are a God
2016-11-02 20:59:37
>> #135796
Thank you for seeing this through, this artist always delivers excellent art and hypnotic scenarios.

2016-11-02 20:44:31
>> #135789
Yes so wonderful HME thanks so much for translating : )

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