2020-01-10 05:17:12
>> #351509
I can't tell if she was originally purple-ish and is being corrupted to red or the other way around ;w;
2016-11-03 17:15:13
>> #135923
Adding to what Slip said, eredar in particular are, for some reason, highly susceptible to fel corruption (the orcs share a similar problem). Literally every time we see a draenei use fel magic in any way, they inevitably become corrupted and join the Legion. This, coupled with a strong and deserved (given that the Man'ari have been hunting the draenei down for the explicit purpose of wiping them out for daring to not take Sargeras's offer for over ten thousand years, chasing them from planet to planet) cultural bias against fel magic are why Blizzard has dug their heels in on draenei warlocks for so long as a selectable race/class combo.
2016-11-02 21:07:28
>> #135801
2016-11-02 21:05:21
>> #135799
I know nobody cares, but technically Eradar is a catagory which contains both Draenei and the "Man'ari", demon-corrupted Eradar. The Man'ari are commonly known simply as Eradar, since other than these two variants, no other types of Eradar are known.

So she's not turning into an Eradar, but rather a Man'ari (Or possibly even a demon, which has happened to a few of the strongest Man'ari).
2016-11-02 20:16:37
>> #135780
SupremacySun said:
She choose...poorly.

She was clearly not prepared:D
2016-11-02 03:08:12
>> #135697
Awh so cute~
2016-11-01 21:42:40
>> #135626
Cute snek want hypnocuddles?
Sign me up!
2016-11-02 21:19:54
>> #135807
I'm going to unflag this.
2016-11-02 06:38:16
>> #135727
RedCollarBlackCollar said:
I do wonder though if necromancy on it's own we would allow here. Cause yeah, it could technically fall under the lines of "corruption" and mainly "body control," but I wonder if it would lead to an oversaturation of "zombified [insert favorite character here]" posts... Hate to see that happen.

I think we have an image of the black lanterns from DC on here, which is necromancy.
2016-11-02 03:45:09
>> #135707
RedCollarBlackCollar said:
I do wonder though if necromancy on it's own we would allow here. Cause yeah, it could technically fall under the lines of "corruption" and mainly "body control," but I wonder if it would lead to an oversaturation of "zombified [insert favorite character here]" posts... Hate to see that happen.

Just the ones that don't make a giant turn off.
2016-11-02 03:36:24
>> #135705
I do wonder though if necromancy on it's own we would allow here. Cause yeah, it could technically fall under the lines of "corruption" and mainly "body control," but I wonder if it would lead to an oversaturation of "zombified [insert favorite character here]" posts... Hate to see that happen.
2016-11-02 03:31:45
>> #135704
Also, yes this flag is fucking stupid.

Like jesus, dude. really?
2021-02-07 02:27:43
>> #405403
Hey, if by any chance the author is reading this, please make more
2016-11-02 18:32:44
>> #135769
just smoke him Lala
2016-11-01 23:37:48
>> #135652
Wienerman said:
As much as I enjoy anything related to To Love-Ru, I have to ask how anything in here can be construed as mind control. There's no real sense of one person trying to take control of someone else.

On the upside though, Rito's line "This conversation is going way out of my comfort zone..." was kinda funny.

This fits the criteria, I understand it's not so much "Control", since nobody is manipulating other people, but "Mind alteration" is perhaps closer to the genre. Basically any situation where a person's personality, perception of reality or memories are altered fits on the site.
2016-11-01 22:18:51
>> #135635

Wienerman said:
As much as I enjoy anything related to To Love-Ru, I have to ask how anything in here can be construed as mind control. There's no real sense of one person trying to take control of someone else.

On the upside though, Rito's line "This conversation is going way out of my comfort zone..." was kinda funny.

I don't know, I think altering one's memories and perception of reality should be close enough to hypnosis to qualify... It's still an enforced change in behaviour and personality, even without a clear dom
2016-11-01 22:12:35
>> #135633
Hawkeye said:
So I'm confused. In addition to making them forget they've ever worn or wanted to wear clothing, are they naked because the gas made their clothes dissolve, or because they took them off in some kind of trance first?

The way I imagined it, the gas would dissolve the clothes. But the good thing with Lala's inventions is that they can basically justify anything, so anything you can come up with as an explaination is fair game I guess
2016-11-02 04:42:46
>> #135712
Bison: You're such a goody two-shoes, it's more fun being bad.
Ash: No one's gonna side with you, you're stark raving mad!
Bison: Oh yeah? Just ask Misty.
Ash: T.T T-That's all in the past...?
Misty: Listen to him, little boy - nice guys...finish last!
*Psycho Crusher's Ash*
2016-11-02 04:11:02
>> #135709
As a Bison main I am loving the comments
2016-11-02 03:58:26
>> #135708
For you, young Ketchum, that was the day that I took a beloved friend and turned her into my willing thrall. But for me, it was a Tuesday!
2016-11-02 03:43:03
>> #135706
Bisoooon! -Shakes fist-
2016-11-02 03:20:55
>> #135698
Shadaloo Doll uniforms are pretty damn hot. Probably one of the things that caused me to develop a uniform/serial recruitment kink. o///o
2016-11-01 18:03:22
>> #135601
2016-11-02 00:40:51
>> #135671
Good ol' beautiful whitewash :]
2016-11-01 22:31:40
>> #135640

This is a club i wouldn't have trouble with joining in.
2016-11-01 22:02:00
>> #135630
StepfordCrimson said:
I thought this pic is already uploaded.

EDIT: It IS but this pic is higher res and has no watermark

See it as a Halloween present.
2016-11-01 20:04:40
>> #135615
I thought this pic is already uploaded.

EDIT: It IS but this pic is higher res and has no watermark
2016-11-01 16:16:18
>> #135597
An old commission done for me by Sigfried028.

Happy Halloween!!
2016-11-01 10:27:37
>> #135584
Littlebeast said:
The white border, it pains me

show full size to fix it
2016-11-01 09:51:35
>> #135576
The white border, it pains me
2016-11-02 19:30:20
>> #135775
rocketracer294 said:
I do not recommend this course of action. He is heading straight into inbreeding territory.

I've said it before but, incest is normally a turnoff for me; however, this is hot enough to offset it.

Don't worry, the dangers of first-time interbreeding aren't actually all that big as long as both targets don't possess genetic problems they could pass on. In fact, I remember a study where it was even said that a certain level of incest will have positive effects on the offspring. (I think it was cousin of second grade or something) It is only when you do it for multiple generations that things start showing up regularly.
2016-11-01 15:53:17
>> #135595
rocketracer294 said:
I do not recommend this course of action. He is heading straight into inbreeding territory.

I've said it before but, incest is normally a turnoff for me; however, this is hot enough to offset it.

That's part of what makes it hot for me. It's the thrill of such very real and sensible boundaries being crushed by very unreal and lustily senseless desires that makes incestuous mind control work. So for me it just keeps going up.
2016-11-01 15:20:07
>> #135594
Well, I'd figure if he's able to force her womb to push down by words alone (which sounds incredibly painful when you think about it), then his control is probably over her body as well.

If he's just going on a power trip, however... that has problems for entirely different reasons. Do love the addiction command, though.
2016-11-01 08:31:13
>> #135564
I do not recommend this course of action. He is heading straight into inbreeding territory.

I've said it before but, incest is normally a turnoff for me; however, this is hot enough to offset it.
2016-11-02 06:40:58
>> #135729
anonplsno said:
do those float or *drop* hehe

They are very heavy and drop... Like your eyelids.
2016-11-01 09:07:47
>> #135569
Of all thinks for the 35k milestone an MC SMT IF pic. Talk about unicorns.
2016-11-01 09:05:42
>> #135568
rocketracer294 said:
*balloons of hypno gas drop*

do those float or *drop* hehe
2016-11-01 08:14:14
>> #135561
This is a beautiful image to be the 35000th image, heres to 35000 more!
2016-11-01 08:00:31
>> #135560
pokemongirl said:
35,000 Pic! (well not counting removed ones of course : P)

*balloons of hypno gas drop*

<<< 9980 998199829983998499859986>>>