2016-11-01 03:06:36
>> #135504
The Voxai have probably not been seen before because Chronicles is really obscure. The only thing I remember about it is Shade. And using the dialogue trees to be a sarcastic bastard to everyone. And I'm more than likely not the only one in that position. It was a half-finished game, rushed out because EA were pressuring Bioware to get started on ME3, with a cliffhanger ending that would never be resolved.

Aside from introducing Shade, its only lasting legacy is being the root cause of Ken Penders' destructive efforts to get copyright on the characters he made for the comics.

Now it's all but forgotten, which is a shame because more Voxai would be great, and I'd rather like to see some girls brainwashed and wearing Nocturnus uniforms. Black latex with glowing highlights? Mmm, yes please.
2016-11-01 00:21:02
>> #135440
MasterCore35 said:
Beautiful ideas for commissions, AngelCam7. ^^

Thanks. :D
2016-10-31 23:52:09
>> #135427
Beautiful ideas for commissions, AngelCam7. ^^
2016-10-31 22:28:25
>> #135405
Pastel-Daemon said:
Those are some pretty cute hypnotic tentacle beasts. Nice choice. owo

Thanks. I only hope I inspire other pervy Sonic fans to have these creatures in more pervy hypnosis pics. :)
2016-10-31 22:09:26
>> #135401
Those are some pretty cute hypnotic tentacle beasts. Nice choice. owo
2016-11-05 21:47:20
>> #136364
SomeCallMeSalty said:
It's been how many days..? This one isn't even related to hypnosis.

hypnofan100 said:
Wait, tentacruel can't learn hypnosis and since the move pool for primarina isn't available yet, I have to assume she is the one using hypnosis here. Jep, just gonna add hypnotized dom tag.

but it CAN learn Confuse ray, which has some hypnotic properties.

2016-11-01 09:37:16
>> #135572
Wait, tentacruel can't learn hypnosis and since the move pool for primarina isn't available yet, I have to assume she is the one using hypnosis here. Jep, just gonna add hypnotized dom tag.
2016-10-31 22:43:57
>> #135412
SomeCallMeSalty said:
It's been how many days..? This one isn't even related to hypnosis.

Eye beams... that is all
2016-10-31 21:12:13
>> #135395
It's been how many days..? This one isn't even related to hypnosis.
2016-10-31 15:38:29
>> #135342
Well...that's not surprise me, but it's sooooo pretty. :^)
2016-11-11 18:07:01
>> #137404
bvc1 said:
The anthro snake is a teacher who hypnotized her student into dominating her and is telling her hypnotized student what to say. Then the student repeats it. Thus the hypnotist can be dominated by someone saying exactly what they wait to be told.

you got the positions wrong, the snake's a student, and the other one's the teacher.
2016-10-31 17:04:42
>> #135347
Rua said:
i don't understand what's happening here

The anthro snake is a teacher who hypnotized her student into dominating her and is telling her hypnotized student what to say. Then the student repeats it. Thus the hypnotist can be dominated by someone saying exactly what they wait to be told.
2016-10-31 14:52:09
>> #135332
i don't understand what's happening here
2016-11-01 04:18:17
>> #135523
SeaithDaizon said:

It does require a fee but, it is a one and done payment... microtransactions aren't necessary... you already give everything.

Fair enough *drools*
2016-10-31 23:03:53
>> #135416
himan3214 said:
Well, whatever is left of it anyways

There isn't much left beyond lustful desires and the need to share this feeling with others.

pokemongirl said:
Lovely as always *giggles*

Really wana see Kassidy's apps now *drools*

It does require a fee but, it is a one and done payment... microtransactions aren't necessary... you already give everything.
2016-10-31 20:37:57
>> #135378
SeaithDaizon said:
Also, any thoughts on the piece are welcome!

Lovely as always *giggles*

Really wana see Kassidy's apps now *drools*
2016-10-31 19:25:09
>> #135370
SeaithDaizon said:
“Sweetie, Please could you check out this nifty phone app… it’ll blow your mind~”

Well, whatever is left of it anyways

2016-10-31 18:56:16
>> #135367
Also, any thoughts on the piece are welcome!
2016-10-31 11:26:31
>> #135320
It has been over 10 months since I uploaded a manip, so I thought why not something else. My first manip series and first experience with the pool system (easier than I thought) :)
Sadly Hypnohub doesn't like transparent backgrounds and put white artifacts around rims, click full size to fix this.

Anyway, hope you like the little manip series.
2016-10-31 11:09:18
>> #135318
*Takes out UMD*
*Puts in Sonic Rivals 2*
2016-11-05 13:30:20
>> #136328
Sans' humour is just the kind I like ! Too many epic characters.
2016-11-01 03:29:51
>> #135511
Anaximanes said:
I don't know, I never played it, though I have heard it's supposed to be pretty funny.

Humor wise, it's kinda eh, at least to me. It's a very specific type of humor.
2016-10-31 19:17:45
>> #135368
I don't know, I never played it, though I have heard it's supposed to be pretty funny.
2016-10-31 16:05:23
>> #135344
It's Undertale, isn't it ?
2016-10-31 07:34:44
>> #135311
Mephaustis said:
You're actually pretty good at these chibi drawings dude. They're cute!

Btw, love your manips on the Collective, looking forward to this :D

Thank you very much! I hope you enjoy it, but remember, it is just a short story this time! Not on the scale of my other projects!
2016-10-31 23:47:27
>> #135426
Psi said:
When Cell, God and Master Roshi fuse together...

This isn't even his final form!
2016-10-31 18:00:48
>> #135352
Psi said:
When Cell, God and Master Roshi fuse together...

<<|Pretentious prick.>>
2016-10-31 17:50:50
>> #135351
When Cell, God and Master Roshi fuse together...
2016-10-31 06:14:42
>> #135295
dragon quest allways apreciated
2016-10-31 05:05:58
>> #135293
My offering for Halloween 2016. I posted an R-rated version over on DeviantART, but I think I like this one with clothes better. Thanks to everyone who gave away the graveyard-type props I used.
2016-10-31 04:56:08
>> #135290
When can we get more of rosalina hypnotizeing people with her wand?
2016-10-31 20:34:38
>> #135376
Really wanting to play V now *drools*
2016-10-31 04:00:00
>> #135288
MrM7 said:
I'm truly fond of Bianca art.

As should we all be.
2016-10-31 03:46:48
>> #135285
I'm truly fond of Bianca art.

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