2016-10-29 23:03:14
>> #134962
If something like this happened in Sonic Rush Adventure, maybe Marine would be a bit more tolerable.
2016-10-29 22:21:52
>> #134960
2019-03-13 08:38:02
>> #308796
I know this is petty, but three years later I just wanted to point out that I was right, and that line was mistranslated. While the part of the text within quotes ("呼びベルの音を聞くと必ずイクようになる") does mean (basically) "When you hear the sound of the call bell, you will definitely cum", the part of that text box outside of the quote (絶頂してしまういいね?) means something like "You can't help but climax, ok?".

Breaking it down:

絶頂 = climax
してしまう = you must do (it), You can't help but do (it), you'll end up doing (it), etc.
いいね? = good, right?

No mention is made in the second half of an on-going command, anything stopping, nor any significant difference between "Cumming" and "Climaxing". He does use different words for cumming vs. climaxing (イクよう "iku-yo" vs. 絶頂 "zetcho"), but this is well within normal variation for hentai authors. Read in context, he's basically just restating the command, not placing a condition on when it will stop.
2016-12-11 09:04:34
>> #143303
Slipslideman, this was not meant to offend you, but I was being considerate. My intention was to not embarrass you. It is something men normally don't know, because it's different for women and men. Nevertheless, it is a question you could easily have found out by using a correct google phrase (e.g. "difference between cumming and climaxing").

The first answer would have lead you to which answers your question.

In the future, you could either read between the lines, do the things I advise you to do correctly, or simply be a bit more polite and not pushy when asking a question. You could also have sent me a PM, asking politely for a direct link, but you didn't. Lots of choices not to come around as a dick. I am not obligated to answer you, I am doing you a favor. If you talk to me again like that, I won't be as polite as I have been in these past posts.

The rules said:
Be courteous and respectful to other members on the site. Opinions are welcome, but flaming, trolling, intolerant comments, or personal attacks on members will result in a warning or ban.
2016-12-11 00:14:17
>> #143195
HypnoMangaEditor said:
I don't want to be rude, but if you are interested in how that works, I feel like I am not the right person to give you sex-ed, so I'd advise you to google it. There is a difference for women and the author clearly is playing on that part. Ignoring it for simplicities sake wasn't an option for me here.

I don't want to be rude, but I don't think you have any idea what you're talking about, and twice you've ducked the question.

"Cumming" is a slang word, but urban dictionary describes it as a "Word used to describe an orgasm" and "A word used when speaking of the climax of sexual intercourse/mastubation".

Climax is defined by as "An orgasm".

As you can clearly see, I have "Googled it" and every source I have found describe these words as being synonymous (Wikipedia says "cumming" is a slang term for ejaculation, but since that doesn't apply here I have to assume you're using the meaning of "to orgasm").

Implying I'm ignorant about female physiology while you duck the question for the second time absolutely IS being rude.
2016-12-10 19:05:50
>> #143110
slipslideman said:
Pretty sure they both mean orgasm, what do YOU think they mean?

I don't want to be rude, but if you are interested in how that works, I feel like I am not the right person to give you sex-ed, so I'd advise you to google it. There is a difference for women and the author clearly is playing on that part. Ignoring it for simplicities sake wasn't an option for me here.
2016-12-10 15:01:41
>> #143084
HypnoMangaEditor said:
For men yes, for women, no. :)

Pretty sure they both mean orgasm, what do YOU think they mean?
2016-10-29 19:55:23
>> #134951
And the next 3 pages. Please read my comment on Page 1 in regards of posting my translation on other sites.

Today, Sayo is finally getting her long awaited "meal".
2016-10-29 17:57:15
>> #134939
Bodysuit control?
2017-01-03 06:52:37
>> #148025
pokemongirl said:
*love beams everyone*

*walks over like when u get charmed by ahri in league* uhhh <3 <3 <3 Pokemongirl @_@ I love u .... pls ... and it's over ;)
2016-11-11 08:31:19
>> #137350
Aw, so cute! Of course I will serve you mistress.
2016-11-11 07:46:36
>> #137345
pokemongirl said:
*love beams everyone*

Sorry but its high noon
2016-10-30 23:11:57
>> #135217
G-ray-T said:
*makes an account just so he can be hit with it*

Yay another lurker out of the shadows thank to me *giggles*

Pinkanator said:
Pokeegirlll yayy

*giggles and winks*

wolfkiller99 said:
*Off in the distance* You missed!

Oh darn : P

2016-10-30 16:53:38
>> #135129
pokemongirl said:
*love beams everyone*

Pokeegirlll yayy
2017-04-16 14:57:09
>> #168613
Yes Mistress Ivy... I will do whatever you say... *Gazes at her lovingly and lustily*
2016-10-30 20:23:12
>> #135176
Have to say, pheromones and Ivy... great combo *drools*
2016-10-30 03:33:45
>> #135040
pretty good for a first timer i give 5/7
2016-10-30 03:02:07
>> #135027
Kalyrian said:
They look fine to me. Everyone just wants them to be even more thicc :P

They're greedy
2016-10-30 02:00:26
>> #134983
nekoboi said:
I guess you're right, even though they aren't exactly thin, is it really that grave?

They look fine to me. Everyone just wants them to be even more thicc :P
2021-02-08 23:39:22
>> #405694
Anon_3.141 said:
What's up with Chrysalis in Panel 5?

Might be her last shred of resistance, and/or reflecting Starlight's true feelings about Twilight's friendship. Or giddy excitement expressed in an extremely poor way XD
2017-02-15 00:40:04
>> #156291
psychowarrior said:
Good picture, I just want to know who ate the damn pizza rolls.

It was me, Dio!
2016-11-02 07:30:11
>> #135736
anonymind said:
Where's the challenge in subjugating someone who is already submissive? ;D

Well, it's possible to be neither Dom or sub, or on a spectrum I guess. There's a hierarchy here, and of course the more dominant hypnotist should win out over their lessers. Chrysalis is just too high on the natural Dom scale for me to enjoy her subbing to Starlight Glimmer (who I don't consider quite as dominant), is all.

I don't fault anyone for liking it, mind. Just not my thing.
2016-11-02 06:34:01
>> #135725
Obscenario said:
Cute comic, but I personally dislike natural doms getting subbed. Chrysalis has mind control spells, too! And also a more suitable personality for femdom.

Where's the challenge in subjugating someone who is already submissive? ;D
2016-11-02 03:06:52
>> #135696
What's up with Chrysalis in Panel 5?
2016-10-29 16:35:10
>> #134932
EoD said:
On the other image with this character I posted "I never asked for this". It's a quote from Adam Jensen, from Deus Ex. He's a cyborg who wears glasses near identical to the ones in this image.

Damn, I need to play that game again, totally went over my head.
2016-10-29 13:20:11
>> #134917
Oh my, he looks so deiliciously mindless~
2016-10-29 13:04:29
>> #134915
drmaddoc47 said:

On the other image with this character I posted "I never asked for this". It's a quote from Adam Jensen, from Deus Ex. He's a cyborg who wears glasses near identical to the ones in this image.
2016-10-29 12:52:02
>> #134912
EoD said:
I (still) didn't ask for this.

2016-10-29 12:27:54
>> #134910
I (still) didn't ask for this.

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