2016-10-29 16:32:13
>> #134931
DaisyHypnoCharm said:
I wonder what substance it is ... either slime, or magic fume ... It must be very comfortable ...

It is indeed magic dust not slime. She can make it solid if she wants.
2016-10-29 15:11:37
>> #134926
DaisyHypnoCharm said:
I wonder what substance it is ... either slime, or magic fume ... It must be very comfortable ...

Well, clearly we can't be certain. Don't worry, I shall be brave enough to test this.
2016-10-29 07:33:41
>> #134887
Here we have page 1 of a four page comic commission from Eagle featuring Chloe, Zoey, and Kaa'lin, reenacting the second encounter. More pages to come! Get hyped everybody!

Yess there will be hypno in it, there's none right now but its just a set up page.
2016-10-29 08:36:34
>> #134889
anonymind said:
Nope! Just uploading last to first so that they will appear in the reading order on the site.

Remember, when uploading a sequence, our bulk posting guidelines ask that you hide all but at most 3 images from the index.
2016-10-29 05:59:06
>> #134879
Nope! Just uploading last to first so that they will appear in the reading order on the site.
2016-10-29 05:45:58
>> #134878
Is this missing a page?
2016-10-29 05:19:46
>> #134875
I love all of these.
Date Oct 29, 2016User drmaddoc47Rating QuestionableScore 7(vote up)
2016-10-30 16:46:06
>> #135126
hmmm can i try thos glassess on?.....;-)
2016-10-29 05:05:20
>> #134871
EoD said:
I never asked for this.

But there comes a time...when you have to embrace what you've become...
2016-10-29 04:52:34
>> #134868
I never asked for this.
2018-11-28 18:25:24
>> #291982
Fic said:
Love all of these before and afters.

I know right? It's lovely to see one resisting only to love Haigure to death~
2016-10-29 01:10:00
>> #134835
Love all of these before and afters.
2016-10-29 01:07:18
>> #134833
As for being totally mindless goes, she's pretty good at it.
2016-10-29 00:05:57
>> #134825
and here I thought that he was going to make her pay for the meal. Oh well, I think this is better
2017-08-12 05:37:37
>> #192825
Love succubus transformation.

I'd enjoy seeing this image made into something more fleshed out, story, dialogue, ect.
2017-04-18 21:35:47
>> #169214
solddate said:
Idk about the mist patterns, the outline of Chun-Li's anatomy (& clothes) seem pretty well defined to me, and while I totally agree that the stretching on the leotard wouldn't require a package underneath, what I see is the crotch line coming away and down from the thighs to an almost point. So there's basically a gap between the bottom point of the leotard and the thigh, which I just don't think would be there if she was all woman under there.

Anyway, I'm not trying to ruin this pic for anyone, just saying I agree with that tag, but I don't care. An originally female character in hypnotic rapture, I can dig that.

Ah, I see what you're talking about. Yeah, that kind of does look like a bulge that a woman wouldn't have. But that kind of bulge isn't like that in doujins with futa, or even with the standard anatomy of a guy. I think Haryudanto might've messed up on the anatomy for Chun's thighs and crotch. Now I can't unsee that mistake. O.O
2017-04-18 21:21:45
>> #169208
DrgnmastrAlex said:
That pattern between the thighs can be easily attributed to the pattern of the mist coming up from the bottom. As for the lines above the hips, that's just the way the fabric is stretching.

I'm not saying that you were wrong in your argument, because I can kind of see what you're talking about, but I think it's a trick your eyes are playing on you due to that mist pattern. >.>

Idk about the mist patterns, the outline of Chun-Li's anatomy (& clothes) seem pretty well defined to me, and while I totally agree that the stretching on the leotard wouldn't require a package underneath, what I see is the crotch line coming away and down from the thighs to an almost point. So there's basically a gap between the bottom point of the leotard and the thigh, which I just don't think would be there if she was all woman under there.

Anyway, I'm not trying to ruin this pic for anyone, just saying I agree with that tag, but I don't care. An originally female character in hypnotic rapture, I can dig that.
2017-04-18 05:17:23
>> #169078
DrgnmastrAlex said:
That pattern between the thighs can be easily attributed to the pattern of the mist coming up from the bottom. As for the lines above the hips, that's just the way the fabric is stretching.

I'm not saying that you were wrong in your argument, because I can kind of see what you're talking about, but I think it's a trick your eyes are playing on you due to that mist pattern. >.>

That's what I think.
2017-04-18 05:15:52
>> #169077
solddate said:
Chun-Li's packing under the leotard.

Look at the crotch shape between the thighs.

That pattern between the thighs can be easily attributed to the pattern of the mist coming up from the bottom. As for the lines above the hips, that's just the way the fabric is stretching.

I'm not saying that you were wrong in your argument, because I can kind of see what you're talking about, but I think it's a trick your eyes are playing on you due to that mist pattern. >.>
2016-10-30 16:34:34
>> #135124
Please post suggestions for new tags in the Official Tags Thread before creating them. Also, do not create more than one tag for the same thing.
2016-10-30 11:44:09
>> #135094
hypnofan100 said:
Nah, they are covers and technically not advertisements. I considered it, but couldn't combine it with my conscience. But by all means add them.

Yeah, I added them, and while I was added it I added a new tag to them:team_hypno_(psi).
2016-10-30 02:29:14
>> #134992
Hypnosis-guy said:
Thanks, I did not know of the Hypno-soda and forgot of the Team Hypno Movie Poster, and don't the Team Hypno Comics count too?

Nah, they are covers and technically not advertisements. I considered it, but couldn't combine it with my conscience. But by all means add them.
2016-10-29 23:15:38
>> #134964
hypnofan100 said:
There are more. Like that Hypno-Soda and that Team Hypno Movie Poster. I'll add those as well.

Thanks, I did not know of the Hypno-soda and forgot of the Team Hypno Movie Poster, and don't the Team Hypno Comics count too?

2016-10-29 10:28:59
>> #134901
Hypnosis-guy said:
It is now. I put it on and it said '1' so it only has 1 post with that tag, so I added advertisement and advertising. And they're tags now.

There are more. Like that Hypno-Soda and that Team Hypno Movie Poster. I'll add those as well.
2016-11-16 13:55:18
>> #138305
tags fixed
2016-10-29 06:27:42
>> #134886
SomeCallMeSalty said:
oh hey look its salandit's evolution, one of the like 3 or 4 pokemon designed specifically for our fetishes

Let's see... there's Palossand (and Sandygast for those on this site who don't have the loli tag on their blacklist), Salandit and its evolution, Morelull's light seems to be somewhat hypnotic according to its description, and UB-02 (Beauty). From previous generations, we have Hypno and Drowzee, Inkay and Malamar, Aegislash, Ninetales gets a mention for hypnotizing Brock in the show, and we can basically add every psychic type (especially Gardevoir for her popularity here) and a lot of ghost types onto the list as well (honestly, any Pokémon that can learn hypnosis or attract, and almost every Pokémon can at least learn the latter...). Pokémon has definitely been good to us. :3
2016-10-29 02:27:16
>> #134853
Sleepyhead97 said:
Give the person at Gamefreak who designed the Salandit line a raise!

Yuss now my charizard can have a partner :D
SomeCallMeSalty said:
oh hey look its salandit's evolution, one of the like 3 or 4 pokemon designed specifically for our fetishes

Yeah,and other ones that could be used too like mimikyu.
2016-10-29 01:17:02
>> #134837
oh hey look its salandit's evolution, one of the like 3 or 4 pokemon designed specifically for our fetishes
2016-10-28 21:33:59
>> #134805
Give the person at Gamefreak who designed the Salandit line a raise!

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