2017-01-07 13:51:36
>> #148891
Can't wait for more snake and the girl comic
2017-01-07 11:45:08
>> #148879
Great pic, but poor Kaa looks like he got run over.
2017-01-07 08:48:51
>> #148860
God I love how this guy (or gal) draws their characters. Expressions, curves, positions. The only put offs for me are the feet and the eating shit. What's it called, vore? Whatever. Solid work
2017-01-07 17:02:44
>> #148909
ItSwingsBothWays said:
gfycat for a source since I got this from 4chan, if anyone knows the true original source that'd be great.

Sorry for lack of tags, I always come up blank when posting.

My understanding is it was made by an anon in response to me asking why there aren't any hypnosis SFM gifs out there. 4chan IS the source. I also put some resources in that thread for anyone wanting to start out.
2017-01-07 16:06:17
>> #148904
Cowsinner said:
Man....holding a phone like that would give me foot cramp....>_<

My fear would be that my toe hits something and takes the app off the screen.

Also that my toes don't bend that far back.
2017-01-07 13:50:18
>> #148889
Man....holding a phone like that would give me foot cramp....>_<
2017-01-07 09:39:14
>> #148865
ItSwingsBothWays said:
Could be, but surely it's somewhere more permanent. Like a tumblr.

That post was from the original creator, and no, it wasn't posted anywhere more permanent.

2017-01-07 08:16:28
>> #148859
StepfordCrimson said:
You sure that's Cammy? Cause I'm pretty sure that's Karin

Fixed. Sorry, not a SF player.

somefag said:
It seems like that post could be from the original creator.

Could be, but surely it's somewhere more permanent. Like a tumblr.
2017-01-08 04:19:44
>> #148988
pokemongirl said:
This is great~

Cyl4s is always great
2017-01-07 07:00:46
>> #148845
This is great~
2017-01-07 06:26:31
>> #148832
why is she foaming from the mouth?? also i hope we get gardedom soon because i really like this artist's version of it
2017-01-07 06:20:36
>> #148830
Y O!
Big fan of uncontrolled laughter.
cyl4s, if you read these, keep on improving home dawg. You got some real solid stuff IMO.
2017-08-04 11:20:53
>> #191426
I need round two, too!
2017-04-14 07:41:23
>> #168186
I wish this was mor courrption the hypnosis!
2017-01-15 19:54:24
>> #150650
Great work Thornboi
2017-01-08 21:18:07
>> #149094
fuuuuck this is hot
2017-01-07 13:51:12
>> #148890
Which is infinitely better!!
2017-01-07 05:51:34
>> #148826
Re-worked this tf comic to include hypnosis. not instant hypnosis, more gradual
2017-01-14 04:02:50
>> #150306
HypelHub said:
It didn't need reworking... It already had lots of body control and hypnosis near the end.

So if you read the original, all that happens is TF and dom/sub stuff. The witch never hypnotized the prince/princess in the original. I modified and removed some text and added a panel or two to support a hypnosis theme.
2017-01-08 09:08:50
>> #149047
Thornboi said:
Re-worked this tf comic to include hypnosis. not instant hypnosis, more gradual

It didn't need reworking... It already had lots of body control and hypnosis near the end.
2017-01-07 07:53:25
>> #148857
DrgnmastrAlex said:

Wish this would happen to me.

And I wish I could do this to someone.
2017-01-07 07:36:51
>> #148852

Wish this would happen to me.
2017-01-07 05:55:39
>> #148828
Sleepyhead97 said:
So much yes!

My thoughts exactly
2017-01-07 03:42:55
>> #148736
crazyman said:
i expect a hypno twitter icon, somebody get on that

Nah not in the avatar but I will for the banner!
2017-01-07 03:41:25
>> #148735
PenKen said:
thanks! Also quick announcement, I just made a twitter account~!

i expect a hypno twitter icon, somebody get on that
2017-01-07 03:40:27
>> #148734
Whisper said:
Looks awesome Penken!
Great work!

thanks! Also quick announcement, I just made a twitter account~!
2017-01-07 02:56:13
>> #148724
Looks awesome Penken!
Great work!
2021-06-06 19:47:11
>> #423288
reader8363 said:
any idea on who's in the background

The trainer what he is looking for his gardevoir
2017-01-08 04:38:20
>> #148993
Christina said:
Robbie Rotten

Master of disguise
2017-01-08 04:24:25
>> #148990
reader8363 said:
any idea on who's in the background

Robbie Rotten
2017-01-07 06:56:27
>> #148840
All that drool... @.@
2017-01-07 04:46:28
>> #148784
JksAccount said:
A duck disguised as a human.
2017-01-07 09:39:02
>> #148864
Sleepyhead97 said:
I know it's not halloween but this is way too cute not to post.

Got one more for ya!
2017-01-07 09:36:35
>> #148863
About time somebody put this pic on the hub.

Talk about overdue! Thanks Sleepyhead!
2017-01-07 02:39:54
>> #148720
Sleepyhead97 said:
I know it's not halloween but this is way too cute not to post.

Holiday themed pics on the wrong holiday are amazing.
2017-01-07 02:17:58
>> #148717
I know it's not halloween but this is way too cute not to post.
2017-01-07 02:39:57
>> #148721
Mindwipe said:
I'd say the combination of empty eyes + the artist's confirmation that Reimu has been brainwashed in this pic is more than enough to qualify this pic as acceptable. If all we had was the artist's note without empty eyes, THEN we could make an argument for it not belonging.

Also, that second link you posted is a terrible example of how the artist normally draws eyes and makes it look like you're searching for evidence to back you up rather than giving an objective look at the artist's style.

Admittedly I was kinda rushing to find more examples like that with the second one.
2017-01-07 01:46:30
>> #148715
I'd say the combination of empty eyes + the artist's confirmation that Reimu has been brainwashed in this pic is more than enough to qualify this pic as acceptable. If all we had was the artist's note without empty eyes, THEN we could make an argument for it not belonging.

Also, that second link you posted is a terrible example of how the artist normally draws eyes and makes it look like you're searching for evidence to back you up rather than giving an objective look at the artist's style.
2017-01-07 01:28:27
>> #148714
This is not MC unless you had the author's note.

As the text bubble alone hints that she's just being lewd hence the blush and comment.

And since we really run "what you see is what you got" I'm thinking we can't keep it.

But Zelinko her "eyes are empty" problem is that how he draws eyes (more a fade style pupil) and with how her eyes are hidden by her hair it means you're gonna have a problem seeing if they're actually empty or not.


And I don't think the later is MC even with the most broad definition. It's more a look of utterly murderous intent.

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