05/14/22 06:28PM
Penlight [Visual Novel][Free/Donate][Latest Release: February 8th 2025]
With the end of his high-school career approaching, Kyou Koyama is a friendless and troubled young man. However, having recently taken an interest in hypnosis, he supposes he can salvage his relationships with his classmates using the power of suggestion. With the help of a modified penlight of his own design, he sets out to change his world, one class rep at a time...

Penlight is a visual novel set in a high-school with a heavy hypnosis/brainwashing kink theme. While still in development, the current release is fully playable from start to finish. It should be noted that all characters featured in the game are in their senior year of high school and are over 18 years of age.

Free releases available via my SubscribeStar, Patreon and

Details of the current public release, including flowchart game guide to all the available story paths, can be found here:

The Penlight discord server, if you fancy talking to more fans of the game (and me, maybe):

Current public release: February 8th 2025
Next public release due on March 8th 2025

Currently Features:
Over 400,000 words
More than 180 CGs
Five main routes, playable from start to end, with at least one consequential choice for each
Over thirty possible endings
Hypnosis & Mind Control (Consenting and non-consenting)
Mild D/s
Doll play
Robot play
Hypno bondage
Personality alteration
Male protagonist
Six female characters
2D Animé-style art
Languages: English and Spanish

Support The Project
Penlight is very much a work in progress. Over time I intend to improve the game's writing, art and audio into a more complete game with multiple story branches and additional choices that yield interesting consequences for the player. Check in every second Saturday of each month for a new public release with updated content!

While I'm confident I can make a functioning and enjoyable visual novel on a super limited budget, any funding I do get will be invested into making a higher quality product. If you would like to make a contribution, please visit my SubscribeStar/Patreon and consider pledging. $5 subscribers get access to new content up to 4 weeks ahead of the free releases.

Comments and feedback are welcome, too. I appreciate any support!
05/14/22 06:29PM
Public Release 0.1570.3: Tennis Bot Script Conclusions
New thread since I can't seem to update the forum title as I did on the old website. Anyway...

PLEASE NOTE: Due to a recent change, older saved games of the Tennis Bot sub-path may produce an error concerning an undefined variable. If you get this error during play, please start the path again from the beginning. You can make use of the "Skip" option on the bottom menu to quickly get back to where you were.

This month sees the completion of the Villainous Robot sub-path that I dubbed "Tennis Bot" due to its focus on Hiroko. It's slightly more humane than the main Robot path, and features three different endings with two of them contingent on choices that were made earlier in the path (check the updated flowchart guide if you're having trouble). We also have several new illustrations to accompany this new content~

As ever, you can find this month's release in PC, Linux, Mac and Android versions, on my Patreon, SubscribeStar or pages:

Next month I hope to make some progress on one of the other unresolved, non-Hiroko-heavy story choices. I have a couple in mind, so we'll see where I end up.

In the meantime, please enjoy the latest release!

What's New
* WRITING: Robot-Tennis Bot story sub path scripted to completion
* ART: New art for Hiroko's sprite, which appears in one of the Tennis Bot endings
* ART: Three new CG for the Tennis Bot sub path
* ART: New CG assets added to a scene in the Villainous Devotion storyline, on the fifth day
* FIX: Fixed an issue with the CG Gallery which prevented an image from the Villainous Robot ending from unlocking
* LOCALIZATION: Various edits and corrections to the existing Spanish script
* LOCALIZATION: Added a localised Spanish version of the texting phone close-up panel in the Hiroko Gullible sub-path
* Word count is now around 342,500
* Minor typo corrections
06/11/22 09:03PM
Public Release 0.1572.2: New Doll Storyline Additions
Hiya, folks!

We have a few additions for this latest Penlight release. First, there's a new CG added to cover the rooftop conversation in the Villainous Robot story, along with a slight amendment to that scene.

The main content this month concerns the alternate path of Sayori's Doll storyline, which now has a couple new scenes written along with two new CGs to accompany them. We're still missing a conclusion, but you can view the new scenes by choosing the option "Prove to her that she wants this (Under Construction)" on the Doll storyline when prompted.

As usual, you can find this month's release in PC, Linux, Mac and Android versions, on my Patreon, SubscribeStar or pages:

Please enjoy the new release and look forward to next month where we should see a conclusion to this alternate storyline. Until then~

What's New
* WRITING: Two new scenes completed for Sayori's Doll storyline alternate path ("Prove to her that she wants this"), plus an outline for the following scenes
* ART: Two new CGs for Sayori's Doll storyline, on the alternate path
* ART: New CG art for the Robot storyline, on the original path
* Word count is now around 347,000
* LOCALIZATION: Various edits and corrections to the existing Spanish script
* FIX: Corrected a couple of instances where an in-game variable was incorrectly referenced during the Spanish translation of the Robot-Tennis Bot path
* FIX: Many older CGs are no longer unlocking correctly in the CG Gallery. Some have been resolved, but a number of them are still broken
* Minor typo corrections
07/09/22 12:37PM
Public Release 0.1574.2: New Doll Storyline Ending
Please note: Because of all the changes I made to how CGs are unlocked, returning players will find that many of their previously unlocked CGs will now be locked again. The new cheat function described below can be used to get everything back.

Hello again!

This month's release sees Sayori's alternate Doll storyline written to a conclusion, and includes all the planned CGs! As a counterpart to the original story path, I think it does the job quite well but I'm looking forward to getting stuck in to something else now.

But Doll wasn't the only content I've been working on this month. Nozomi's Zombie storyline gets a new CG, plus the Reversal storyline sees a few little tweaks to the presentation. No new written content there to excited about though, sorry!

And there's one more thing I've been working on: The addition of a gallery cheat! People have been wanting something like this for a good while, as long time players have occasionally lost their save data or had problems unlocking certain CGs thanks to various little bugs in the gallery code. I've since spent a lot of time completely reworking how CGs are unlocked, which should not only eliminate the bugs but also allowed the creation of this cheat~ To activate it, simply tap/click the lens of Kyou's penlight on the title screen four times to get a prompt to unlock all the CGs.

As usual, you can find this month's release in PC, Linux, Mac and Android versions, on my Patreon, SubscribeStar or pages:

Anyway, that's all for another month! Enjoy the new release, and for next time I'm hoping to finally make some progress on that Reversal storyline that's been hanging for... um, close to two years? ^^; We'll see...

What's New
* WRITING: Sayori's Doll storyline alternate path ("Prove to her that she wants this") now written to a conclusion
* WRITING: Minor tweaks made to the existing Reversal storyline script
* ART: Four new CGs for Sayori's Doll storyline, on the new path
* ART: New CG for Nozomi's Zombie storyline
* Word count is now around 348,000
* OTHER: Cheat function to unlock all CGs in the gallery has been added
* LOCALIZATION: Various edits and corrections to the existing Spanish script
* Minor typo corrections
07/15/22 12:55AM
Awesome work on Penlight! Do you have an idea of when we'll see Risa get hypnotized?
08/13/22 09:55PM
Public Release 0.1576.1: Reversal Storyline Additions
This month sees the long-awaited continuation of Nozomi's Reversal storyline, with its most significant update in about two years! I'm still still a fair ways from finishing it, but we have a new scene scripted plus a little outlining for what comes next. I hope those who've been patiently wanting to see this storyline continued will enjoy what I have laid out, and rest assured you won't be waiting so long for the next meaningful update to this storyline~

With Reversal not being ready for new artwork I had two new CGs commissioned for Hiroko's original storyline instead, plus one for Nozomi's original story (Trance) as well. Hiroko's new CGs turned out lovely, but the star is the new Nozomi art. The attention to detail really is something ^.^

Finally, this release includes an update to the text presentation throughout the game. I gave the letters a thicker outline to make them pop a bit more and made the plain background a bit lighter to show off the visuals a bit more. There's also an option to remove the background entirely, which you can access via the preferences menu in-game.

As usual, you can find this month's release in PC, Linux, Mac and Android versions, on my Patreon, SubscribeStar or pages:

And that wraps up another month! Next time, expect to see more progress on the Reversal storyline as I work towards a conclusion at last. See you then~

What's New
* WRITING: Scripted one new scene for Nozomi's Reversal storyline, and added some new outline for the following scenes
* ART: Two new CGs for Hiroko's original storyline
* ART: One new CG for Nozomi's Trance storyline
* GUI: Added a thicker outline to all in-game screen text and lightened the background for the dialogue window, and added an option to remove it entirely via the preferences menu
* Word count is now around 351,000
* LOCALIZATION: Various edits and corrections to the existing Spanish script
* Minor typo corrections
09/10/22 02:19PM
Public Release 0.1578.2: Reversal Storyline Ending

Hiiii, everyone!

Well, I finally did it. I crafted an ending for the Reversal story path! The version presented here is a little unpolished but still, there IS an ending! I hope it brings people some measure of satisfaction and that's it's been somewhat worth the wait ^^;

As usual, you can find this month's release in PC, Linux, Mac and Android versions, on my Patreon, SubscribeStar or pages:

Next month, we'll have some finishing touches added to Reversal and then I'll be getting started on another, probably Hiroko-focused story path, so I hope to see you again with news of that real soon. In the meantime, please enjoy the new release!

What's New
* WRITING: Fully scripted Nozomi's Reversal storyline up to a tentative conclusion
* ART: One new CG for Sayori's Doll storyline
* ART: Three new CGs for Nozomi's Reversal storyline
* GUI: Slightly reduced the black outline on the in-game text
* Word count is now around 356,000
* LOCALIZATION: Various edits and corrections to the existing Spanish script
* Minor typo corrections
10/08/22 05:12PM
Public Release 0.1580.2: Gullible Storyline Update
Our next monthly update brings with it an extended and slightly edited script for the Reversal ending that was released last time, complete with a beautiful CG to close it out. And with that I'm finally happy to call it done with Reversal for now. There's another path to come, which I think folks will be excited for, but I'm eager to shift my focus elsewhere as there's still so much else to do.

Soooo, so much else ^^; Things like Hiroko's Gullible (formerly Trickster) storyline, which is another script I abandoned halfway due to a lack of inspiration. I've picked it up again and made some good progress with it here, with some more script written and a solid outline made up for a good chunk of the remaining scenes. If you want check out the new writing and you've forgotten how to get on this path (understandable), start Hiroko's route then select "convince her she's ticklish", followed by "Don't help her" and then "Take advantage of the situation".

As usual, you can find this month's release in PC, Linux, Mac and Android versions, on my Patreon, SubscribeStar or pages:

Hope you enjoy the new release! Next month I hope to make much more progress on Gullible with a view to finishing a significant chunk of it. Expect the next CGs to have a Hiroko focus as well as I concentrate on illustrating the new content as it comes.

What's New
* WRITING: Some minor script updates to Nozomi's Reversal storyline, including a slightly extended ending
* WRITING: Added additional script for Hiroko's Gullible storyline, up to the eighth day, and outline up to the tenth day
* ART: New CG for the Reversal storyline ending
* ART: One new CG for Sayori's storylines, near the start of her routes
* Word count is now around 362,000
* LOCALIZATION: Various edits and corrections to the existing Spanish script
* Minor typo corrections
11/12/22 06:45PM
Public Release 0.1582.2: Hiroko Gullible Storyline Conclusion
This November's release sees the completion of one full path for Hiroko's Gullible storyline! It mostly came together pretty well and I'm happy with what I got done over the past month so I hope you all enjoy it! As before, to access this latest story path, start Hiroko's route then select "convince her she's ticklish", followed by "Don't help her", "Find out how gullible she really is" and then "Keep going" when prompted.

As usual, you can find this month's release in PC, Linux, Mac and Android versions, on my Patreon, SubscribeStar or pages:

For next month I'll be working on one of Sayori's storylines, and there'll be more artwork to come for the Gullible storyline we've just had. Considering it's pretty packed with art already this one's turning out to be one of the most illustrated stories yet!

What's New
* WRITING: Completed one path for Hiroko's Gullible storyline
* ART: Three new CGs for Hiroko's Gullible storyline
* FIX: One of the CGs in the Delusion storyline was not unlocking in the gallery after viewing it
* Word count is now around 371,000
* LOCALIZATION: Various edits and corrections to the existing Spanish script
* Minor typo corrections
11/22/22 04:44AM
Will Risa become one of the main girls at any point? I love her design.
12/10/22 04:29PM
TheGrandOleRuski said:
Will Risa become one of the main girls at any point? I love her design.
There'll probably be more scenes involving her but there's no intention to elevate her to the same level as the main three girls.
12/10/22 04:31PM
Public Release 0.1584.1: Sayori Alter Storyline Expansion
Hi, everyone!

Since the last update I've been feeling out how one of the unwritten decision points on Sayori's Alter storyline is supposed to go. It's been tough but necessary, I think, to plot out how this choice will play out given what happens when you don't pick this choice (which until this point you had to, because there was no other choice available short of quitting the game ^^;). 

The result is a little new script for a few scenes and some tentative outlining that leads us to an intriguing cliffhanger that I'll have to puzzle out the ending to later. To see the new writing, start Sayori's storylines, choose the alternate personality route and keep Sayori in her altered state until an option to change her back appears while she's in class.

There's also been a little sprite work done, which for now mostly only shows up in the latter parts of Hiroko's Gullible storyline and some of Sayori's Alter route. The new art, which includes some new facial expressions for Kyou, Hiroko and Nozomi, will begin to show up in other routes going forward.

And finally there is, of course, some brand new art to show off~ We have a couple new CGs for the later parts of Hiroko's Gullible storyline, and as a bonus I added a neat little CG to the Redemption story which serves as a good introduction to its star character. Do check it out~

As usual, you can find this month's release in PC, Linux, Mac and Android versions, on my Patreon, SubscribeStar or pages:

So yes, that brings us to the end of another month's development. Going into the new year I'll be working some more on this new Sayori story, and hopefully the first CGs for the thing. See you then!
What's New

* WRITING: Additional script and outline for the third Sayori Alter storyline path
* ART: Added a new CG set for the day 7 Hiroko Gullible storyline scene
* ART: Added a new CG for the ending of Hiroko's Gullible storyline
* ART: Added a CG to an early scene in the Redemption storyline
* ART: Several additions to Kyou's, Nozomi's and Hiroko's sprites
* Word count is now around 375,000
* LOCALIZATION: Various edits and corrections to the existing Spanish script
* Minor typo corrections
12/11/22 10:50AM
Angela_DeMille said:
TheGrandOleRuski said:
Will Risa become one of the main girls at any point? I love her design.
There'll probably be more scenes involving her but there's no intention to elevate her to the same level as the main three girls.

Ah that's a bummer, understandable though I suppose as you'd have to come up with a whole route and all the things the main three have for her. I'll keep my fingers crossed she gets some good hypno scenes at least.
01/14/23 07:29PM
Public Release 0.1586.1: Sayori Alter Additions & CG Fixes
Hello, everyone! Hope we're having a good year so far~

This month's public release brings a little more written content for the new path in Sayori's Alter storyline. It's not much, but it moves the story forward a bit.

Elsewhere we have a new CG of Nozomi that can be seen in her Trance storyline (her first one) and depicts an infamous scene that should've been illustrated ages ago! There's also a new CG for Sayori albeit not in her new route. It can be found during her Doll storyline on the eighth day.

In addition, I got my artist to fix a number of inconsistencies with several old pieces of art where the shading was wrong because I was using them in scenes they weren't originally intended. We also fixed one of the newer CGs in Hiroko's Gullible storyline where the characters were showing in the opposite places from where they were intended. And finally, I've also added some new sprite expressions for Kyou, Nozomi and Hiroko in some routes, and tidied up some dialogue here and there. So, plenty of little improvements to the game's overall quality that would've needed doing sooner or later.

As usual, you can find this month's release in PC, Linux, Mac and Android versions, on my Patreon, SubscribeStar or pages:

That's all for now! Next month I hope to have a little more written for Sayori's new storyline, although the way things are going I may take a break from it to work on one of the other open story paths in the game. We'll see~

What's New

* WRITING: A little additional script for the third Sayori Alter storyline path
* ART: Added a new CG for Nozomi's Trance storyline
* ART: Added a new CG for Sayori's Doll storyline, during day 8
* ART: Fixed an inconsistency in one of the CGs in the Hiroko Gullible storyline where the characters were oriented the wrong way
* ART: Fixed the lighting for a few CGs in the Nozomi Reversal, Nozomi Zombie and Hiroko Ticklish story paths
* Word count is now around 378,000
* LOCALIZATION: Various edits and corrections to the existing Spanish script
* Minor typo corrections
02/11/23 06:26PM
Public Release 0.1588.1: Sayori Alter Story Path Update
Hi, everyone!

The February release of Penlight sees some significant progress made with Sayori's ongoing story path, which if you haven't been following along is a branch of her "Alter" storyline. Its most recently-written scene has had a bit of a rewrite since last time, in addition to one all-new scene and some more outlining has been done for the following scenes which brings us pretty close to a resolution!

Besides that we have three new CGs for the game's bulging art gallery. They include one to complete a very long sequence of images for the most memorable scene of Hiroko's Gullible story path, and there's one for Penlight's first ever storyline, Delusion, which also comes with a significant rewrite of the scene it appears in.

As usual, you can find this month's release in PC, Linux, Mac and Android versions, on my Patreon, SubscribeStar or pages:

Next month I'm looking to be close to done with this Alter storyline branch, and we should start to see a CG or two to accompany the scenes written for this part of the game. See you then!

What's New
* WRITING: Some additional script for the new Sayori Alter story path, plus some outline for the next scenes
* WRITING: Made some changes to a scene on day 2 of the Delusion storyline
* ART: Added a new CG for the Delusion storyline
* ART: Added a new CG for the Sayori Alter storyline
* ART: Added a new CG for Hiroko's Gullible storyline
* Word count is now around 383,000
* LOCALIZATION: Various edits and corrections to the existing Spanish script
* Minor typo corrections
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