04/15/23 09:06PM
Wild Hypno Town Remake (Version alpha 0.2, episode 2 finished)

Download link:
New version with some reported bugs fixed

normal version

Version without opening for people crashed on the intro.

A soft lock was reported, in order to fix it replace this file on the "data" folder inside the game folder

If the videos crashes, download this version instead

previous version¡n

Patch Notes:
-First release, April 2023:
--episode 1 playable, side stories added.

NOTES: If someone want to help me about how to port it to android send me a message.

An elusive woman known as "The Wild" and her minions are controlling Lucid Town. People around the town slowly fall into a deep trance and start believing to be animals. Detective Lara will try to find her and stop this madness at the same time she tries to resist the hypnotic suggestions, although that will not always be a bad thing, since she can use new skills to progress the story.

Patch Notes: April 2024
Episode 2 available:
Level up 3-4 and Catskillbook now work as intended.
Minor collission fixes
Fixed a bug where when you get a bad ending because you where defeated by the maze of the mind's final boss, the dog iddle animation doesn't appear.
Fixed a bug where if you end the dungeon on episode 1 while you're still on dog mode, the game still recognize you as a dog

Added a green "INN" orb on the lobby of the Mind Dungeon.
If a character's HP reach 0 during a battle, but you have still alive party member, once the battle ends, the character will revive with 1 HP.
Lara being the animal isn't a requeriment anymore for the mind dungeon interactions, for example if you have a cat girl she can climb walls too. So you don't need to change Lara's form everytime. That will make the interaction redundant on the first episode, but once you get more forms you will need to change forms anyways. This change is in order to avoid re-equip Lara everytime.
Added still unfinished opening video.
Chicken Lara appears on the title screen now.

Added new tabs on Lara's room.
-Mini scenes: You can watch some scenes you saw during the episode and dungeons unrelated to bad endings.
-Animations: You can watch the unlocked animated scenes.

Game Progress:
Episode 2 / 7

BAD ENDINGS GUIDE (this time the game don't throw a game over when you get a bad ending, instead you can collect them and rewatch them later):
- HP reach 0 or you're defeated on the boss fight (the first method will reset the whole dungeon, but the second method just reset the boss fight)
-On the switch room let the time run out and accept the hypnotist's proposal.
-On the switch room you must to fail the puzzle.
-Be obedient on the fetch room (usually you need to choose the opposite)
-Always choose "Do nothing" on the fetch room.
-Open the door on the Memory Room

Bad endings episode 2:
While Lara is a chicken try to exit the farm
While Lara is a chicken step on the cat switch
While Lara is a chicken interact with the shinny area
While Lara is normal step on the button near to the chests.
While Lara is a cow run out of time
Lose against the boss

SECRET SIDE STORIES GUIDE (you need to find the chests):
-Sara gives you one by following the story
-Lucid Town center area: Talk with the cat reporter when you're a dog.
-Lucid Town center area: climb the roof of a house when you're a cat.
-On the special dungeon you'll find 2 stories just beating the chest bosses.

Chests: EP 2:
dungeon chest:
the hypno farm
Mating Season in Remel
A girl's fowl day

EP 2 map:
Alpha bitch: cow mode in the cages of the police station, destroy the rock.
Chicken Routine:
Final 1: Talk with the shopkeeper that sell the "cheap fruit" in chicken mode
Final 2: Museum, you need chicken mode
FINAL 3: Farm once you finish the dungeon, you can destroy the ruined doors in cow mode

Fifi: Floor 18 of the Extra dungeon: You need Lara as a cow and the cow party member in order to enter.


04/16/23 05:33AM
Curious, I thought this was released already. Is this a remake of your original game?
04/16/23 06:24AM
A_Stranger said:
Curious, I thought this was released already. Is this a remake of your original game?

It's a remake, not the original game. For now just the first episode is playable, but there're enough content to enjoy the ride. Right now I'm working on the second episode.
04/16/23 06:58AM
IDPet said:
A_Stranger said:
Curious, I thought this was released already. Is this a remake of your original game?

It's a remake, not the original game. For now just the first episode is playable, but there're enough content to enjoy the ride. Right now I'm working on the second episode.

If you wish, I can volunteer as proofreader for your scripts so your english will be top notch. I would also like to contribute in any other way I can. I'm unsure of Android deployment at the moment, I'm not very familiar of the engine you're using to create this game.
04/16/23 07:02AM
A_Stranger said:
IDPet said:
A_Stranger said:
Curious, I thought this was released already. Is this a remake of your original game?

It's a remake, not the original game. For now just the first episode is playable, but there're enough content to enjoy the ride. Right now I'm working on the second episode.

If you wish, I can volunteer as proofreader for your scripts so your english will be top notch. I would also like to contribute in any other way I can. I'm unsure of Android deployment at the moment, I'm not very familiar of the engine you're using to create this game.
A_Stranger said:
IDPet said:
A_Stranger said:
Curious, I thought this was released already. Is this a remake of your original game?

It's a remake, not the original game. For now just the first episode is playable, but there're enough content to enjoy the ride. Right now I'm working on the second episode.

If you wish, I can volunteer as proofreader for your scripts so your english will be top notch. I would also like to contribute in any other way I can. I'm unsure of Android deployment at the moment, I'm not very familiar of the engine you're using to create this game.

Sure, any help is appreciated. Just send me a message.
04/16/23 07:40AM
one of the best hypno game
04/16/23 05:47PM
Note: There're a small bug where the "level up 4-5" item does nothing, that will be fixed the next version, but you can finish the episode 1 wih level 3 or less, so for now just don't use that item.
04/17/23 12:57PM
Really good update to the original. Shows just how much love and care you have for it.
04/17/23 05:02PM
stagrider said:
Really good update to the original. Shows just how much love and care you have for it.

Thank you very much, I appreciate it.
04/17/23 05:13PM
Bug Report #1
Upon first entering the Lara's Mind Dungeon and then being forced into the copy of her room, trying to approach the teddy bear from the side that's closest to the locked door in this room will prompt Lara to talk about something being off near the door.

If after that, you try to interact with the teddy bear or the door, Lara will repeat the same line of dialogue about something being off with the door regardless of what you chose to interact with, this will happen after Lara says her piece about each object she interacts with, meaning you can see the same "something is off" line up to 3 times in 3 different scenarios.
04/17/23 11:21PM
How can u unlock the cat form? I got stuck.
04/18/23 12:34AM
questionsss said:
How can u unlock the cat form? I got stuck.

The cat form is on the optional dungeon, if you are on the end of the episode you can talk with Sara and she will gave you access to that dungeon.
04/25/23 02:51AM
Game Suggestions
You probably get a lot of these, but I had some ideas you could incorporate into your game.

1. Have Lara be turned into a cow at some point. This would best fit into episode 2. Some one is selling human-milk and hypnotizes women into cows to milk. A drug may be used to help women lactate.

2. Have an NPC play with Lara as a cat in the over world. Specifically, I thought it would be nice if they pulled out a laser pointer to have her chase it. The idea of being distracted as a cat with a laser pointer is pretty good in general.

3. Have Lara be turned into a horse at some point. I know this is has been done very briefly in the original game, but the idea of using hypnosis as a mode of transportation is pretty neat. I think this fits in best as a side mission.

Someone could be going around town hypnotizing people into horses to get free rides around town. Eventually, they start selling this service to other townsfolk. People with type 2 conditions will think they are literally riding a horse. Eventually Lara gets caught up in the scheme. She has to use her with and willpower to dismantle the operation.

Over all you game is great and I can't wait for you next update.
04/25/23 03:39AM
Faraday said:

About the first point, that's already a feature I'm working for the second episode, just like the cat mode in this one. Although you're free to tell me some events I could make with the cow.

About the second point, i8s there some npc you would like to do that? An another kind of interaction with other npc or event?

About the third point, for now I didn't think about a Horse since I'm not sure how to apply an in game gimmick with it, I accept suggestions.

About the idea about someone hypnotizing people into horses sounds interesting, if you can send me a private message to elaborate the concept, I still think is too early for that, but that could be a feature around episode 4 or 5.
05/01/23 07:17AM
There's a glitch that causes a softlock when you go fight lei while on the "falling under" trance state. When you win the fight and go back to the real world the game thinks that you are either in dog mode or a intermediate state, where you have the human model but the town interactions are in the animal form, issue is to progress you need to send lei to prison, place you can't enter in dog mode.
This glitch happens with other cutscenes later but in those ones you can just switch back to human manually.

/* Criticism, opinions, suggestions thing */

A cutscene skip button would be nice

The mind maze is REALLY unbalanced.
The first floors require preempt knowledge of the amount of hits to survive and escape luck related to the random encounters (your party will get chipped to death if you do every single fight because healing is an unnecessarily scarce resourse) and for some reason the mp-ap system is worse than the main game, unless you grind at the first area for 5 hypno chips you have to do the first floors without a single ap move on any party member (and the way the scroll is worded makes it sound like you need 30) and the mp move needs to go all the way to 100 to be used, which for the dog is a little late but not awful however it completely changes your game plan as your only source of aoe healing without paying in a checkpoint (i'm not even sure if the basic healing does anything). Also food is overpriced too (cheap fruits my ass -that one npc).
As a final maze thing some kind of tank class or taunt (or reverse taunt) move to deal with the enemy targeting rng could help.

For bad endings/library stories the game already plays with hypnotist Sara so her as an hypnotized hypnotist (maybe working with Lara) could be fun for both options, it's sortaa implied in one ending for chap 7 already but other place could be chapter 4 and 5, 6 or 7 for Lara.

Also Lara saying in one of the stories she's not into girls when the majority of content in the game is with other women.
By the way the game is full of typos.
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