06/18/23 05:17PM
Did blacklists break?

I am rather confused, I've saw a tag I didn't like, added it to blacklists... and it still shows.

I thought it's matter of me hitting the hidden tag limit... but no, newer blacklist works while the one image I tried to hide still shows up.

Is there maybe limit on *length* of blacklisted tag? It does seem to be the longest member of my blacklist so far.
06/18/23 05:51PM
how many tags do you have, did you put a minus sign before it
06/18/23 06:02PM
Is it possible you just spelled it wrong? Maybe used a space instead of an underscore?
06/19/23 03:49PM
nisantis said:
Is it possible you just spelled it wrong? Maybe used a space instead of an underscore?

I literally copied the character name from the search field after clicking on that character tag :(
06/19/23 03:59PM
jigiyak said:
how many tags do you have, did you put a minus sign before it

No minus sign.

93 tags as of now. Blacklist no 93 - pacifica_northwest - works. The broken blacklist is 92.

The longest previous blacklisted tag had 28 symbols (and works), the problematic tag is 34 symbols long

Man, I miss ability to have composite blacklist tags. Could just make a composite that targets specific character without the super-long tag. In fact, the character, while visually distinct, has basically no relatively unique tags that I could just block via accepted collateral damage.
06/20/23 07:30AM
Nazwa said:
Man, I miss ability to have composite blacklist tags. Could just make a composite that targets specific character without the super-long tag. In fact, the character, while visually distinct, has basically no relatively unique tags that I could just block via accepted collateral damage.

While that's no longer an intrinsic site feature, a fellow user has created a userscript that does restore that functionality. If you're interested, the forum is here:
06/20/23 10:05AM
Hypnorgasm said:
Nazwa said:
Man, I miss ability to have composite blacklist tags. Could just make a composite that targets specific character without the super-long tag. In fact, the character, while visually distinct, has basically no relatively unique tags that I could just block via accepted collateral damage.

While that's no longer an intrinsic site feature, a fellow user has created a userscript that does restore that functionality. If you're interested, the forum is here:

Whoa, that seems great!

It's just a shame that the hub had to be broken randomly and still not fixed without external scripts tho.
05/29/24 09:23AM
Blacklist broke?
So it wasn't just me that blacklist broke? I have tags that aren't on my blacklist being flagged while the ones I do put on the list are still being shown? I don't think I know the proper use of it(i.e needing to put a - after a certain tag) any help would be great
05/29/24 09:16PM
Yeah looks like they broke for me too
05/29/24 10:55PM
I was watching for it, and now I noticed it too. Post 207625 is blocked for me for no reason.

Edit: And suddenly it's not blacklisted anymore.

Edit 2: It looks like anything recently uploaded goes to the blacklist bin for me. It's very confusing.

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