05/29/24 07:25PM
need to flesh out a caption concept
so i just had the idea to a caption based around a hypnotized family, it would be like that simpson's episode where mr burns hires the simpson family into acting as his family but with hypnosis instead of virtual reality, i made this post because i wanted to know if anyone on the hub liked this concept and if they you people have any ideas on how to flesh it out because i am pretty sure this concept doesn't fill a whole caption
05/31/24 04:07AM
I've seen that scenario done one or two times, and it can be pretty hot. My first thought is for the victims to have big smiles staring blankly, and in dialogue, they agree cheerfully and mindlessly with the controller. Also with some eye effect indicating the hypnosis. Obviously it depends on the image, though, and my thoughts on what exactly should be happening in the caption would also depend on the image.

Some questions that might get the ideas flowing-
Do you want to create a mind-controlled facsimile of a normal household scene, or an abnormal scene where the victims are controlled to think it's normal?
Are you showing the onset of control, or after the situation has been established?
Did the controller insert themself into an existing household, or take the victims to the controller's household?
Is there overt sexuality in the scenario? If so, does it involve the controller or only the victims?

Hope this helps
05/31/24 03:06PM
origamiswami said:
Some questions that might get the ideas flowing-
Do you want to create a mind-controlled facsimile of a normal household scene, or an abnormal scene where the victims are controlled to think it's normal?

somewhere in between these two, if find or receive an image where the subs are smiling i go for the former route if not then i go for the latter

Are you showing the onset of control, or after the situation has been established?

after the situation is established because i wrote the entire induction of every victim this caption would tedious and drawn out

Did the controller insert themself into an existing household, or take the victims to the controller's household?

when wrote that post i was going for the latter

Is there overt sexuality in the scenario? If so, does it involve the controller or only the victims?

at first only the victims but later the dom gets into action too

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