06/21/16 12:25AM
Penken had a birthday, Erikaa's is today, and I'm pretty sure some of the other regulars on here have either mentioned their birthday in passing, or have gotten birthday greetings in the past.

Should we set up a thread for the regulars who are comfortable with it on here, since we're starting to get a precedent going? Alternatively, we could just have an option for a profile to display a birthday, if that user is comfortable with doing so. Just voicing a thought and some ideas.
06/21/16 12:28AM
9 days bitches!
06/21/16 12:37AM
Mine's tomorrow.
06/21/16 12:42AM
Mezzberry said:
Mine's tomorrow.

What the fuck is up with June?!
06/21/16 12:49AM

Can't wait til October 25th. Then again, no one will care.
06/21/16 12:51AM
You guys are silleh~

Guess I'll give mine then. August 13th. If anyone is so inclined when it comes around (or if they're feeling very generous), I'll take art of my OC Bianca as a gift. Otherwise, birthday wishes are fine.

Happy birthday to those who are having birthdays in June, just in case I forget them. I am rather flaky when it comes to remembering dates. :P
06/21/16 12:52AM
August 16, but it doesnt really matter.
06/21/16 12:54AM
Myuk said:
August 16, but it doesnt really matter.

I'll do what I can to wish you happy birthday, since you're a few days after me. August babies have to stick together. ^^
06/21/16 12:54AM
DrgnmastrAlex said:
You guys are silleh~

Guess I'll give mine then. August 13th. If anyone is so inclined when it comes around (or if they're feeling very generous), I'll take art of my OC Bianca as a gift. Otherwise, birthday wishes are fine.

Happy birthday to those who are having birthdays in June, just in case I forget them. I am rather flaky when it comes to remembering dates. :P

And thus the super transparent purpose of the thread comes out.

Pinkanator said:
9 days bitches!

That's when you either get your fictional pony wife or exit the gene pool, as I recall, right?
06/21/16 12:58AM
Pastel-Daemon said:
And thus the super transparent purpose of the thread comes out.

Actually, no, that part was an afterthought. Birthdays were being celebrated, so I legitimately wanted to know if this was going to be a thing from now on.

Don't know how you thought it was "super transparent", unless you're just naturally cynical.
06/21/16 01:01AM
Pastel-Daemon said:
That's when you either get your fictional pony wife or exit the gene pool, as I recall, right?

06/21/16 01:04AM
DrgnmastrAlex said:
Actually, no, that part was an afterthought. Birthdays were being celebrated, so I legitimately wanted to know if this was going to be a thing from now on.

Don't know how you thought it was "super transparent", unless you're just naturally cynical.

I dunno, maybe the part where you push your OC frequently but don't have the cash to commission them, and just observed Erika get a slew of gifts has something to do with it.
06/21/16 01:16AM
Pinkanator said:
What the fuck is up with June?!

The last generation was collectively really horny in September...?
06/21/16 01:19AM
Mezzberry said:
The last generation was collectively really horny in September...?

Maybe not waking up till September ended was a bad idea.
06/21/16 01:22AM
Pinkanator said:
What the fuck is up with June?!

Not done yet! Mine's June 28th. Also known as the day WW1 started.
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