PostNoteBody Edited ByDateOptions
031900Well? Did the hypnosis work?Kaito_Kid2020-09-06 20:34:12Revert
031901Feel anything unusual?Kaito_Kid2020-09-06 20:34:26Revert
031902No...Kaito_Kid2020-09-06 20:34:35Revert
031903There's no way that'd work.Kaito_Kid2020-09-06 20:34:54Revert
031904Ugh, so it is fake.Kaito_Kid2020-09-06 20:35:12Revert
031905How boring...Kaito_Kid2020-09-06 20:35:17Revert
031906But it's nostalgic, when I was a kid, hypnosis was popular as well.Kaito_Kid2020-09-06 20:35:41Revert
031907Back then, we didn't use apps or anything like that. It was a 5 yen coin tied to a string...Kaito_Kid2020-09-06 20:36:18Revert
031908A 5 yen coin?Kaito_Kid2020-09-06 20:36:29Revert
031909What's with that reaction, just try it out for yourself.Kaito_Kid2020-09-06 20:37:06Revert