PostNoteBody Edited ByDateOptions
030921stupid human...Kekko2020-07-25 18:19:16Revert
030922Do you want to break the treaty of non aggression between the elven and the human king Kekko2020-07-25 18:20:42Revert
030923Do you want to break the treaty of non aggression between the elven and the human king?Kekko2020-07-25 18:20:58Revert
030924I haven't heard of it now that the world is in the age of iron and sword, under the control of the empire.Kekko2020-07-25 18:22:22Revert
030925it is the hobby of the imperial nobles like me to raise and treat the elven clan that was once formidable due to its powerful magic power.Kekko2020-07-25 18:24:12Revert
030926Inferior being...! i'm the elven king's daughter, SilvaKekko2020-07-25 18:26:06Revert
030927It's impossible for human beings to make me succumbKekko2020-07-25 18:26:56Revert
030928the elvens will not give up their proud self-esteem, but how long will it be maintained?Kekko2020-07-25 18:28:54Revert
031018Do you want to break the non aggression treaty between the elven and the human king from 300 years ago?LurkUser2020-07-31 08:00:25Revert
031019Mhm, never heard of it. But now that the world is in the age of iron and sword, under the reign of the empire.LurkUser2020-07-31 08:02:05Revert
031020It is the hobby of the imperial nobles like me to have the once formidable elven clan, with its powerful magic power, to serve us as slaves.LurkUser2020-07-31 08:04:06Revert
031021Even as slaves, the elves won't give up their proud self-esteem, but I wonder how long will that last?LurkUser2020-07-31 08:05:29Revert