PostNoteBody Edited ByDateOptions
032633Don't be afraid
Just surrender to the crest
It feels good...
Maisteroftheden2020-11-21 08:53:11Revert
032634S, Sto...Maisteroftheden2020-11-21 08:53:25Revert
032635The things flowing into your brain are more and more comfortable, right?Maisteroftheden2020-11-21 08:55:31Revert
032636It feels so good to be able to rewrite your head with my crest...
Let's dye your pure white head with my crimson crest.
Maisteroftheden2020-11-21 08:59:23Revert
032640It feels so good to be able to rewrite your head...

Let's go dye your pure white head with my crimson crest.
Maisteroftheden2020-11-21 09:21:16Revert