PostNoteBody Edited ByDateOptions
032422Alright thats plenty, open wide and show me your treat!Disastermaster552020-10-30 18:01:27Revert
032423An enormous amount of smegma covered her exposed tongue. A disgusting loaf of curded cockcheese held together with pubes she stirred in, all nicely stashed away on her tongueDisastermaster552020-10-30 18:02:14Revert
032424Hihi! Eat up! Hahaha! Y'know you're really skilled at cleaning dicks! I almost mistook you for a urinal! Hahahaah!Disastermaster552020-10-30 18:02:57Revert
032425I couldn't help but laugh at Akagi's ridiculous appearance.Disastermaster552020-10-30 18:03:11Revert