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038657(*haah...❤️* It's so big compared to a human cock...❤️ How does a dog have such a beastly cock?!❤️
W-Well I guess it isn't bad...❤️ I can admit that...❤️
Having such a magnificent cock as a Master probably isn't so bad...❤️
N-No way! I'm the queen of the moon! I can't become a dog's wife...❤️

N-no way❤️ *ooh❤️ nnhh❤️*)
Disastermaster552021-05-21 21:24:51Revert
038658*ah❤️* His cock is swelling?! Is he going to cum?! *N-Nhoooooo!!*❤️❤️ *ooouuhh❤️❤️❤️❤️*Disastermaster552021-05-21 21:25:47Revert