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046157(Lady Lilina, you're looking beautiful again today... There's no way I'm giving this body to Roy...)

(It's been out of reach for a common soldier like me, but if I use this staff...!)

Pardon me, Lilina-sama?
lifmcs2021-11-05 18:48:00Revert
046158Eh? Yes... and you are?lifmcs2021-11-05 18:48:34Revert
046159I'm Roy-sama's subordinate, Mr. XXX.

Roy-sama left something for me to give to Lady Lilina.
lifmcs2021-11-05 18:50:05Revert
046160From Roy? I wonder what it could be~lifmcs2021-11-05 18:50:28Revert
046161Yes... this way...lifmcs2021-11-05 18:50:49Revert