PostNoteBody Edited ByDateOptions
053543There's only one thing left to try! Hypnosis!krump2022-09-02 22:47:11Revert
053545What are you...?krump2022-09-02 22:48:17Revert
053551Under my suggestion, your time has stopped.krump2022-09-02 22:53:32Revert
053552Until I give you a sign, your mind will remain frozen, unable to think.krump2022-09-02 22:54:38Revert
053553After I'm done with your body, I'll leave you here with your thoughts frozen, naked.krump2022-09-02 22:55:42Revert
053554Anyone who passes by or comes to save you will be shown this sad state of you!krump2022-09-02 23:00:00Revert