PostNoteBody Edited ByDateOptions
056384It's been a long time since I've seen such a high-class woman... Well enchanted and with just the right amount of obedience. She is going to be a good deal.JustChilling2023-01-19 01:22:12Revert
056385As a failed wizard, I guess that's my calling now... a whoremonger... Once the magic is applied, all that's left to do is to corrupt it...JustChilling2023-01-19 01:25:00Revert
056386Strong women are always in demand, and all I have to do is sample them and sell them.JustChilling2023-01-19 01:26:46Revert
056387Haha, I guess the times are not so bad. Okay, let's get it all out at once...Uuggh~JustChilling2023-01-19 01:32:18Revert