PostNoteBody Edited ByDateOptions
057683Now that the re-brainwashing is complete, let me ask you, "OO, who are you?"JustChilling2023-03-28 05:00:02Revert
057684Yes... I am a Hypno Bunny... I am my master's hypnotized slave...JustChilling2023-03-28 05:00:46Revert
057685Continue to recite that suggestion while listening to the following sound that is about to be played.JustChilling2023-03-28 05:03:25Revert
057686Yes...JustChilling2023-03-28 05:03:45Revert
057687Continue to recite that suggestion while listening to the following sounds that are about to be played.JustChilling2023-03-28 07:04:17Revert