PostNoteBody Edited ByDateOptions
064373A boy who's so busy he can't leave, and a kind girl classmate who'll store the urine in her womb and go to the toilet for him insteadmelusinia2024-04-22 05:41:17Revert
064374Y'know... you've been looking crazy busy for a while.melusinia2024-04-22 05:42:44Revert
064375No, seriously... Want me to help with anything?melusinia2024-04-22 05:43:27Revert
064376Y'know... you've been looking crazy busy there for a while.melusinia2024-04-22 05:43:42Revert
064377No, seriously... Need me for anything?melusinia2024-04-22 05:44:33Revert
064378A toilet? Sure, sure. I'm telling you, don't try and hold it in, really.melusinia2024-04-22 05:48:19Revert
064379My womb? You can borrow that thing, no sweat.melusinia2024-04-22 05:50:48Revert
064380kindmelusinia2024-04-22 05:51:12Revert
064381The toilet? Sure, sure. I'm telling you, don't try and hold it in, really.melusinia2024-04-22 05:52:08Revert