PostNoteBody Edited ByDateOptions
060202You know who I am and yet you dare challenge me to a fight?
JustChilling2023-08-29 03:22:34Revert
060203...Very well,JustChilling2023-08-29 03:23:52Revert
060204Please don't bore me.JustChilling2023-08-29 03:27:36Revert
060205It appears you have some sort of hypnotic ability, but alas, what a disappointment.JustChilling2023-08-29 04:36:30Revert
060206I can suppress this level of power with my spiritual pressure alone.JustChilling2023-08-29 04:42:50Revert
060207Oh? Have you already reached your limit?♥ Just when things were starting to get interesting~♥JustChilling2023-08-29 04:52:26Revert