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What is it?
There's a TM you
want to give me?
Thank you, but...
Why me? What?
Use it on myself...?
melusinia2024-04-29 21:41:09Revert

What is it?
There's a TM you want to give me?
Thank you, but... Why me? What?
I use this on myself...?
melusinia2024-04-29 21:42:15Revert
0649221... 2... and poof!melusinia2024-04-29 21:52:42Revert
0649231... 2, and... Poof!melusinia2024-04-29 21:54:02Revert
0649241, 2, and... Poof!melusinia2024-04-29 21:54:37Revert
064925Thank you for breeding me a ton, it felt great!
What? Me?
What's a "gym leader" supposed to be...?
I give up, dicks are all I can think of now.
So I think I'll dedicate the rest of my life to serving Cock♡ Yep♡
melusinia2024-04-29 22:03:09Revert
064926dicks♡melusinia2024-04-29 22:04:15Revert
064927meathole♡melusinia2024-04-29 22:04:40Revert