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062503Eh~ what's this outfit~... It's not cute at all... I transformed into this because of the sweets Doku-chan gave me as a gift... This is the worst... Hey, little peach-looking pokémon-chan~... Hattori2024-01-17 13:19:48Revert
062504I can't move from this spot, so I want your help... Eh? If I eat another mochi, I'll go back to normal? ...Welp, I'm already in trouble so mochi mochi as well tryHattori2024-01-17 13:23:23Revert
062512Ehh, what's this outfit~... It's not cute at all... I transformed into this because of the sweets Doku-chan gave me as a gift... This is the worst... Hey there, peach-looking pokémon-chaaan...Hattori2024-01-17 15:09:07Revert