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03136So, Nino, from now on, you mustn't disobey me. You are a criminal, and this is penance.darsh2014-09-27 05:14:08Revert
03137C-criminal?darsh2014-09-27 05:14:18Revert
03138Precisely! I am an upstanding person. I will not simply condemn your crime, I shall guide you so that you may return to the straight and narrow.darsh2014-09-27 05:15:47Revert
03139I... understand. T-thank you.darsh2014-09-27 05:16:07Revert
03140Yes! Hypnosis successful! To think it would go this well. And with such a cute brat!darsh2014-09-27 05:16:42Revert
03141No point in standing around here. Let us go to my house. There, I shall show offer guidance... at length. Hahaha.darsh2014-09-27 05:17:48Revert