PostNoteBody Edited ByDateOptions
04064Blaziken: !! Wait,'re not [i]that[/i] Hypno are you!?TheGoodShank2014-12-11 17:59:17Revert
04065Hypno: Hmm? What are you talking about?TheGoodShank2014-12-11 18:00:23Revert
04066The rumored rapist! I heard a about a Hypno going around using a strange move on females. That was you, wasn't it!?TheGoodShank2014-12-11 18:00:51Revert
04067Huh~ I wonder how long I've held such fame. I didn't know about it. Well, young or old, I impregnate any female I come across. I guess it's only natural that a rumor would spread.TheGoodShank2014-12-11 18:01:29Revert
04068W-why did it have to be you!?TheGoodShank2014-12-11 18:02:04Revert