PostNoteBody Edited ByDateOptions
05436Yes, i understand.Ogodei-Khan2015-05-31 21:23:28Revert
05437Hypno-slaves must leekspin.

Ogodei-Khan2015-05-31 21:23:42Revert
05468Say, Master. I, came up with an idea. Why not make others like me?plainoldconnor2015-06-02 23:09:01Revert
05469Rewrite Rin and Ruka, too. This feels so absolutely good, so much better than before. After all, Master- more dolls would be more fun, right?plainoldconnor2015-06-02 23:13:42Revert
05470Personality Rewrite Programplainoldconnor2015-06-02 23:14:06Revert
05476Say, Master. I... have an idea. Can you make others like me?plainoldconnor2015-06-03 01:50:31Revert
05519Progressextreyextrey2015-06-03 15:26:21Revert
05572Rewrite Rin and Luka, too. This feels so absolutely good, so much better than before. After all, Master- more dolls would be more fun, right?♥2015-06-03 22:20:06Revert