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06456And how are we progressing?Ogodei-Khan2015-10-20 01:18:16Revert
Everything's on track so far, let's move to the next sample.
Ogodei-Khan2015-10-20 01:23:00Revert
06458The host's body is brainwashed and drugged every hour.
Ogodei-Khan2015-10-20 01:24:57Revert
06459The host's body is brainwashed and drugged every hour.
From now on she'll only be good as a nursery or an intermediary.
Ogodei-Khan2015-10-20 01:28:46Revert
06460Occasionally she mutters something that sounds like a name.Ogodei-Khan2015-10-20 02:59:30Revert
06461Ahh, that young man.
Her younger brother by ten years, she's very attached, it's laughable really.
Ogodei-Khan2015-10-20 03:02:43Revert
06462Soon all of that silliness will be overwritten.Ogodei-Khan2015-10-20 03:03:16Revert